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Russia has requested Bangladesh to train up Russian Troops

You cant get everything from China as they are not ready to export. For instance to get a 4th gen fighter you may have to wait another 6/7 years from China. So you need to keep all your option open.

Russia is going to be another of our partners in military as well as civilian trade. Note that Russia has already sold us 1200+ BTR-80 Armoured Personnel Carrier. Many of these APCs are being used by the BA in its UN missions. Note also that this BTR-80 is an amphibious APC, therefore, it can cross a river like a ferry. Another point, the number of APCs BA possesses is only surpassed by the Russian Army itself.

It seems SH's nuclear power station treaty with Russia has brought sweet smiles from them. The two reactors may cost more than US$3 billion, a big money. We will receive loan from Russia for these two, but it will be a good all smile business for the Russians. They have also signed treaty to explore gas in BD.

Only yesterday, the Russian Federation President has sent a condolence letter for the untimely death of a number of children in BD in traffic accident. I expect Su-35 planes to be sold to BAF in the near future.
@ What we will get from Russia ? It is already a failed state ???

Probably a mafia state. But certainly not a failed state.

@ See the condition of countries which were being helped by the Russians/USSR. Iraq, Sudan and Libya. At best we can acquire some APC. We donnot need any more tank ? We have already aligned what types of weapons we need for the last 40 yeards. For military hardware we just cannot frequently shift from one country to another country.

We already operate many BTR-80 APCs. Our MBTs come from China. Many Chinese weapon designs are derived from Russian. Many of their aircraft are powered by Russian engines. And if we are ever going for JF-17s and J-10s, they'd most certainly be powered by Russian engines.

Me really want this:

Russia is going to be another of our partners in military as well as civilian trade. Note that Russia has already sold us 1200+ BTR-80 Armoured Personnel Carrier. Many of these APCs are being used by the BA in its UN missions. Note also that this BTR-80 is an amphibious APC, therefore, it can cross a river like a ferry. Another point, the number of APCs BA possesses is only surpassed by the Russian Army itself.

It seems SH's nuclear power station treaty with Russia has brought sweet smiles from them. The two reactors may cost more than US$3 billion, a big money. We will receive loan from Russia for these two, but it will be a good all smile business for the Russians. They have also signed treaty to explore gas in BD.

Only yesterday, the Russian Federation President has sent a condolence letter for the untimely death of a number of children in BD in traffic accident. I expect Su-35 planes to be sold to BAF in the near future.

I fully agree with you. Russians certainly knows the prospect of Bangladesh and a growing market for its military and nuclear hardwares. We also had a long tradition of working with them. While Russians are loosing its traditional market in India and in middle east it is in look out for new potential partners.
Ahh...finally i see a glimpse of hope for SU-35!!!

I fully agree with you. Russians certainly knows the prospect of Bangladesh and a growing market for its military and nuclear hardwares. We also had a long tradition of working with them. While Russians are loosing its traditional market in India and in middle east it is in look out for new potential partners.

How about subs from them? They have a very matured navy.

While Russians are loosing its traditional market in India and in middle east it is in look out for new potential partners.

Indo-Russ defense relations can go for as long as 2040 according to estimates. Their programs like FGFA and some transport aircraft, Brahmos, and others are worth billions. They even an influential lobby at the Kremlin, but they can't sanction every single weapon.

I'd say, the Indians managed their relations well. But one can't keep two heads happy in the long term.

The Russians are trying to penetrate the Middle Eastern markets, including the GCC countries (which typically operated Western hardware). Countries like Libya, and Iraq don't make too much difference. Iraq is now a lap-dog of the US. Syria could be a loss for Russia though.

How about subs from them? They have a very matured navy.


We might try for Kilo Class subs. But I think it'd be better to develop destroyers.
We might try for Kilo Class subs. But I think it'd be better to develop destroyers.

Well development would require lot of money and time. I would love to see destroyers, even one or two in our navy by 2015. Hope am not expecting too much. Lets just buy it from them if we need.

We can plan corvette or say frigate development process with them.

Well development would require lot of money and time. I would love to see destroyer even one or two destroyers in our navy by 2015. Hope am not expecting too much. Lets just buy it from them if we need.

We can plan corvette or say frigate development process with them.


We need intellegent hardwares not big hardwares as you cant match them with your adversory. Submarines are the first choice along with Fast Attack craft, cruise missiles and Frigates. We are not a blue water navy rather we need to defend our coast.
We also need advanced fighters as well as SAM.
well i think the difference between destroyer and frigate is- destroyer is larger than frigates so it allows more SAM and missile launchers in the ship...... Nothing else.
well i think the difference between destroyer and frigate is- destroyer is larger than frigates so it allows more SAM and missile launchers in the ship...... Nothing else.

Umm not really i think.

AFAIK, frigates have a specialized ability assigned to it...say either Anti-aircraft, or Anti-Ship or ASW capability, which is their primary strength. In conjunction with that, they have few other capability but it is not their major focus.

Destroyers can provide better missile umbrella and have all the three above mentioned ability in equal strength and thus are able to negotiate threats better.

Correct me please if i am wrong.

@ What we will get from Russia ? It is already a failed state ???

@ See the condition of countries which were being helped by the Russians/USSR. Iraq, Sudan and Libya. At best we can acquire some APC. We donnot need any more tank ? We have already aligned what types of weapons we need for the last 40 yeards. For military hardware we just cannot frequently shift from one country to another country.

Thats very funny,:rolleyes: considering that

Bangladesh ranks 25# on the failed states index.

Russia ranks 82# on the failed state index.

List of countries by Failed States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He meant russia failed as a global power, while others are rising like china india....

How so? when Russia has the fasted growing economy among European Nations, not to mention they fast closing the Military technology gap with US.
Hmmm....Indians train BDs - BDs train Russians - Russians train Vietnamese - Vietnamese screw Chinese!!! WTF is going on?

When did Indians train Bangladeshis? We go to your Staff College, etc and you come to ours. But Indians are professionally too poor and incompetent to train us. We can train ourselves fine.
How so? when Russia has the fasted growing economy among European Nations, not to mention they fast closing the Military technology gap with US.

Compared to the US, Russia is still slightly behind. Been so ever since the collapse of the USSR. Although, it's the only country that can effectively run a war with the US.
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