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Russia has made a new offer on the delivery of Sukhoi PAK FA

I am a little confused about PAK FA vs FGFA. How much difference is there? Or FGFA is just rebadged PAK FA?
After the Rafale debacle ( still a great war plane imo)

The embaressing Tejas programme

I hope india signs the dotted line and comitts to 154 pak fa fighters now
I am a little confused about PAK FA vs FGFA. How much difference is there? Or FGFA is just rebadged PAK FA?
FGFA is like a "MKIsed" version of the PAK-FA- the FGFA will feature Indian/Israeli/French sub-systems and weapons whilst the PAK-FA will be Russian entirely. Adttionally the FGFA is to be a twin seat fighter whilst the PAK-FA is to be single seat only.
Modi extremist terrorest went into extreme every where he is going in the world just buying and doing agrement of weapons nothing else in his visit list...
FGFA is like a "MKIsed" version of the PAK-FA- the FGFA will feature Indian/Israeli/French sub-systems and weapons whilst the PAK-FA will be Russian entirely. Adttionally the FGFA is to be a twin seat fighter whilst the PAK-FA is to be single seat only.
Thanks! :) Then why would India buy PAK-FA at all? Wouldn't that confuse the integration process of making FGFA?
Actually sir, I think it would have been 126 Mirage 2000-5s, that was what the IAF orginally wanted. MMRCA was never about inducintg another air superiorty aircraft.
Again, yes Air HQ would have loved that, but again if you ask the pilots, the answer would be a unanimous Mig35OVT, i was with a CTP in 07 Bangalore unveiling, that is what I heard.
After the Rafale debacle ( still a great war plane imo)

The embaressing Tejas programme

I hope india signs the dotted line and comitts to 154 pak fa fighters now

1 Rafale will be signed up soon

2 Tejas is coming close to FOC

3 We want PAK FA ; just negotiating for good terms and a good deal
Haste will lead to waste of money
Thanks! :) Then why would India buy PAK-FA at all? Wouldn't that confuse the integration process of making FGFA?
No one has said the IAF is interested in the PAK-FA at all. But remember that under the MKI purchase India had orginally inducted 1 SQN of Su-30Ks whilst the MKI was beng devloped, once the MKI was entering service these Ks were returned to Russia. There may be a similar arrangment for PAK-FAs in the IAF.

Again, yes Air HQ would have loved that, but again if you ask the pilots, the answer would be a unanimous Mig35OVT, i was with a CTP in 07 Bangalore unveiling, that is what I heard.
Ah, I understand now, the MiG-36OVT surely would be a pilot's dream to fly- doctrine aside.
Again, yes Air HQ would have loved that, but again if you ask the pilots, the answer would be a unanimous Mig35OVT, i was with a CTP in 07 Bangalore unveiling, that is what I heard.
But then the opinion of the pilots and the presentation experts needs to be weighed in together. The 35 OVT would have been a fine introduction but the servicing issues would remain until the logistics side gets a serious sorting out.

Essentially, the Indian military forces need a fast paced procurement system with tough checks and balances but nothing like the current setup which leaves aircraft as hanger queens.
Essentially, the Indian military forces need a fast paced procurement system with tough checks and balances but nothing like the current setup which leaves aircraft as hanger queens.
I don't see how the procuremnt system leaves aircraft as hanger queens unless you meant it is so slow the current fleet gets gradually more and more unservicable sir.
No one has said the IAF is interested in the PAK-FA at all. But remember that under the MKI purchase India had orginally inducted 1 SQN of Su-30Ks whilst the MKI was beng devloped, once the MKI was entering service these Ks were returned to Russia. There may be a similar arrangment for PAK-FAs in the IAF.

Ah, I understand now, the MiG-36OVT surely would be a pilot's dream to fly- doctrine aside.

The Mig 29 K would have been a better option rather than Mig 35 since it was already integrated
with The navy and has commonality with The MIg 29 UPG / SMT
FGFA is like a "MKIsed" version of the PAK-FA- the FGFA will feature Indian/Israeli/French sub-systems and weapons whilst the PAK-FA will be Russian entirely. Adttionally the FGFA is to be a twin seat fighter whilst the PAK-FA is to be single seat only.

FGFA will not happen ; Just PAK FA will happen
because it will cause a lot of delay and then there will be costs
and what if stealth gets affected due to our tweaking the PAK FA

The whole purpose will be defeated
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