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Russia has made a new offer on the delivery of Sukhoi PAK FA

That sounds like the Antony we all know, doesn't it? And that scumbag was India's longest serving defence minister :hitwall:

@Spectre @Aminroop @Bang Galore @PARIKRAMA @Star Wars @hinduguy @ranjeet

Regarding first the unspiralling part which you described before.. On that I can say that the list of existing backlog files is very very huge.. Imagine how much more is still under discussion finalisation and at times getting scrapped as there is no solution to that..

It's meaningless to issue new RFQ.. RFPs etc etc...or even going for RFIs

It's a travesty that our systems so far are so fragile and top man dependent that a single person sitting as DM can very well change the course of things and results are felt not over years but decades

A small example.. VShorad.. Will talk less on that .. Perhaps retender was the only solution

Apaches chinooks S70 two signed one to go.. And God knows what happens to dealings

Oh yes javeline spike decision making

MMRCA classic case.. Mirages to 6 jets to finalisation of two and end result cancellation.. Time lost .. Almost 8-9 years

Aka for being swanky clean resisted all deals equally..

Now what is that a single person destroys a whole system.. The answer lies with the fact that system is weak..

If the procurement to end cost negotiation committee is empowered enough to recommend what's in the best interest of the country, and is transparent and auditable under CAG like body may be life will change

Let CAG like body point that a whole tender is flawed or gov sat over what was the best solution described in the file etc etc

The culpability and lack of reaponsibilities have kind of made the MOD rotten.. We need to make system stronger for the future of the country.. Not one man should have enough to make the nation suffer for his views alone or his whims n fancies
I don't see how the procuremnt system leaves aircraft as hanger queens unless you meant it is so slow the current fleet gets gradually more and more unservicable sir.
That is correct. See, the current woes told publicly by the CAG and known privately to some are due to a pipeline issue for spares and certain gaps in maintenance training. This issue is resolvable two fold by first removing the timeline the bureucratic hurdles that cause the hold ups create and/or looking at the previous management record for the fleet.

You can train the best pilots but if they dont have aircraft to fly(especially when you are aiming for 220+ yearly) then you will eventually end up with not being able to give them the required hours. A similar issue dogged the Chinese a while back but their issue came from a lack of quality spares and standards. But in ten years they have bounced back and are in fairly good shape when it comes to fleet health.
That is correct. See, the current woes told publicly by the CAG and known privately to some are due to a pipeline issue for spares and certain gaps in maintenance training. This issue is resolvable two fold by first removing the timeline the bureucratic hurdles that cause the hold ups create and/or looking at the previous management record for the fleet.

You can train the best pilots but if they dont have aircraft to fly(especially when you are aiming for 220+ yearly) then you will eventually end up with not being able to give them the required hours. A similar issue dogged the Chinese a while back but their issue came from a lack of quality spares and standards. But in ten years they have bounced back and are in fairly good shape when it comes to fleet health.

MKI serviceability is at the TOP priority ; GOI is upset over these figures

Maybe a Pre condition for signing on the PAK FA

First sort out SU 30 MKI spares issue then we sign on the PAK FA
FGFA will not happen ; Just PAK FA will happen
because it will cause a lot of delay and then there will be costs
and what if stealth gets affected due to our tweaking the PAK FA

The whole purpose will be defeated
Twin seat FGFA may not happen but FGFA WILL happen. The FGFA is the Indian-specific variant with all relevent customer nominated (Indian/Israeli/French) systems and weapons. The FGFA is the IAF's "MKIsed" version of the PAK-FA.

That is correct. See, the current woes told publicly by the CAG and known privately to some are due to a pipeline issue for spares and certain gaps in maintenance training. This issue is resolvable two fold by first removing the timeline the bureucratic hurdles that cause the hold ups create and/or looking at the previous management record for the fleet.

You can train the best pilots but if they dont have aircraft to fly(especially when you are aiming for 220+ yearly) then you will eventually end up with not being able to give them the required hours. A similar issue dogged the Chinese a while back but their issue came from a lack of quality spares and standards. But in ten years they have bounced back and are in fairly good shape when it comes to fleet health.
-MKI fleet will get 60-65% availabilty rates by the end of 2015 (so now) and 75% guarenteed from next year.

-Rafales and Mirages will have high availabilty (80%+) rates

-LCA is the unknown factor now.
“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.” - John Stuart Mill

Action is Better than Inaction
Inaction is SIN : Bhagvad Gita

-MKI fleet will get 60-65% availabilty rates by the end of 2015 (so now) and 75% guarenteed from next year.

-Rafales and Mirages will have high availabilty (80%+) rates

-LCA is the unknown factor now.


So this means that MIG corporation is better than KNAAPO

Flanker fleet down, but not out | Russia & India Report
No one has said the IAF is interested in the PAK-FA at all. But remember that under the MKI purchase India had orginally inducted 1 SQN of Su-30Ks whilst the MKI was beng devloped, once the MKI was entering service these Ks were returned to Russia. There may be a similar arrangment for PAK-FAs in the IAF.

Ah, I understand now, the MiG-36OVT surely would be a pilot's dream to fly- doctrine aside.

I am getting mixed signals here. Nevermind. I probably just need to wait patiently until the first *FA fighter jet cruising in Indian sky.
Well Saturn's duration is 7 years only While Saint's is ...

Sometimes the Saturn cycle gets repeated immediately
That depends upon the overall planetary positions

Say for example the Maximum of Saturn is 7 and half years

But it can be TWO Seven and Half years ie 15 years
OR One seven and half PLUS Two and half ie Ten years
-MKI fleet will get 60-65% availabilty rates by the end of 2015 (so now) and 75% guarenteed from next year.

-Rafales and Mirages will have high availabilty (80%+) rates

-LCA is the unknown factor now.

Will have is the question. Until the next CAG report, these are targets to be set that are not just for the IAF to meet but for the whole MoD pipeline. So far, its history has me doubtful.
Will have is the question. Until the next CAG report, these are targets to be set that are not just for the IAF to meet but for the whole MoD pipeline. So far, its history has me doubtful.
CAG reports are usually 18-24 months out of date.
CAG reports are usually 18-24 months out of date.
Out of date is irrelevant in this matter. What matters is what they say. Until they come out, any claims of high serviceability today are just that: claims.
Out of date is irrelevant in this matter. What matters is what they say. Until they come out, any claims of high serviceability today are just that: claims.
Wel if the Defence Minister of India states in Parliament the MKI fleet will have a 60-65% availabilty rate by the end of 2015 I am inclined to beleive him.
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