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Russia does not support Anti Pakistan statements during Heart of Asia Conference

30% area is only ???

For you kind information the rest of 66% area is also not under full influence of govt and they can't get out of big cities ...

Furthermore, this 30% area is on increasing trend whereas general public of Afghanistan is more inclined to Taliban rule . . . . .
Actually out of 30% only 10-15% is under firm Taliban control; rest is heavily contested.
As for population vast majority are under Afghan control and only 10% under Taliban with 20% being contested:
ateam,call me whatever you want but it seems like you hate sharia,correct?
well,that quite obvious considering how corrupt northern alliancers are
also to the other pakistanis,if you noticed,its mostly the secular norther alliance supporters who always spew hate against pakistan
LTTE is not alone, i only mention it bcoz of your mention of sri lanka, your trained armed and funded mukti terrorist against Pakistan, you armed and funded northern alliance terrorists against afghans, Taliban also become popular bcoz of their opposition to brutal northern warlords who were trading womens of enemy tribes..

Now you are funding terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan otherwise why Modi would hug likes of Ghani..

Ah forget to mention MQM target killers, who themselves confess they were trained by bhartis. Farooq sattar the current leader who replaced altaf hussain himself confessed many of their workers went to india for training during 90's military operation... Your own Generals, writters confess they supported Pashtunistan in past, BLA, i mean what right your terrorist PM [who was banned in civilized world before his election] have to present himself victim and talk against terrorism? Dont he feel ashamed that he belong to a terrorist state who spend almost 50 years in isolation with their soviet BF.
Its tit-for-tat measure...pakis trained various terrorist groups in Kashmir like LET JUD HM Al Badr etc and also trained khalistani terrorists Trained ULFA and provided sanctuary to mizo terrorists before 1971 even link between naxals and Pakistan was found who supplied them weapons...
So if you try to bleed us we will make twice the effort...
LTTE is not alone, i only mention it bcoz of your mention of sri lanka, your trained armed and funded mukti terrorist against Pakistan, you armed and funded northern alliance terrorists against afghans, Taliban also become popular bcoz of their opposition to brutal northern warlords who were trading womens of enemy tribes..

Now you are funding terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan otherwise why Modi would hug likes of Ghani..

Ah forget to mention MQM target killers, who themselves confess they were trained by bhartis. Farooq sattar the current leader who replaced altaf hussain himself confessed many of their workers went to india for training during 90's military operation... Your own Generals, writters confess they supported Pashtunistan in past, BLA, i mean what right your terrorist PM [who was banned in civilized world before his election] have to present himself victim and talk against terrorism? Dont he feel ashamed that he belong to a terrorist state who spend almost 50 years in isolation with their soviet BF.
Sri Lanka President himself thanked India for helping defeat LTTE:

ateam,call me whatever you want but it seems like you hate sharia,correct?
well,that quite obvious considering how corrupt northern alliancers are
also to the other pakistanis,if you noticed,its mostly the secular norther alliance supporters who always spew hate against pakistan

Nothern Alliance goons are obsessed with children. They rape them, groom them to suicide bombers and murder them like in APS massacre. The most disgusting communities in the world who should be wiped out.

If they did statistics on the amount of children northern alliance have killed and molested, it would horrify the world. This is what we are fighting against, like Indians, they attack children. This is the pure evil that surrounds Pakistan.
Its tit-for-tat measure...pakis trained various terrorist groups in Kashmir like LET JUD HM Al Badr etc and also trained khalistani terrorists Trained ULFA and provided sanctuary to mizo terrorists before 1971 even link between naxals and Pakistan was found who supplied them weapons...
So if you try to bleed us we will make twice the effort...

lol, so you are saying you sponsor terrorism but just in response?

Pakistan never sponsored anyone before Zia.
Lol just like Russia joining CPEC??

exactly and like Russian condemn Pakistan on Uri LOL.

We both can ashame each other till even cows refuse to come home, because we both are no better than other
A nice shut up call to both puny Modi and kabul regime. As Russian minister said, HOA is NOT the forum to score bilateral issues. it's like insignificant bitches moaning and big boys ignoring them gracefully .
exactly and like Russian condemn Pakistan on Uri LOL.

We both can ashame each other till even cows refuse to come home, because we both are no better than other
They actually did
Not like this

This russia actually said..

It doesn't mean Russia's support fir Pakistan... Lol delusional Pakistanis

lol, so you are saying you sponsor terrorism but just in response?

Pakistan never sponsored anyone before Zia.
Indian support also came decades after Pakistan continued support for terrorism
does this mean you didnt trained, armed, funded them until they blow terrorist rajiv themselves? Didnt your Indhra funded sikhs extrimists untill sikh killed her.. :rofl:
LTTE unwittingly helped India by eliminating a Gandhi family member.
Also remember Mast Gul who you trained is now a part of TTP Dara Adamkhel chapter.
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