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Russia does not support Anti Pakistan statements during Heart of Asia Conference

Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.

NDS caught with TTP leaders....TTP thriving in nuristan and other afghan provinces and yet you blame Pak.
NDS caught with TTP leaders....TTP thriving in nuristan and other afghan provinces and yet you blame Pak.

NDS is probably just returning the favor when you are running an industrial scale insurgency in Afghanistan.
BTW you may wanna look at the list below. Hypocrisy anyone?

BinLadin: Abbottabad
Mullah Omar: Karachi
Mullah Mansour: Balochistan
Mullah Hebatullah: Quetta
Come to think of it. If it wasn't for Pakistan, Afghanistan would be speaking Russian by now. Time has changed. Trade is new politics. :D
1 question. What has Pakistan got to offer Russia. Don't say CPEC.

New Global Alliance my foot.

Russia is probably teasing India, will shoot Pakistan in the back the moment she gets a chance. Pakistanis will be fools to forget the thousands of soviets solider killed through Pakistani backing.
They dont have to take over Pakistan, its asymmetric conflict where Afghan Talis + TTP and all their brethren will make you bleed. Thousands of civilians that have been killed in Pakistan is a precise side effect of Pakistan giving sanctuary to Afghan Talis and thus radicalizing your society.

Cost Afghans, what are you doing right now ? Sending Afghanistan pancakes?
Afghanistan being a warrior nation would always remain in a state of war. Yesterday it was the red army, today its Taliban tomorrow XYZ.

Till the war lords of Afghanistan do not change their mindset Afghanistan would never become stable. This is what the worlds superpowers have exploited. Now things have become more difficult because wannabe superpower like India want to ride the same wagon wheel.

The issue is the Talibans asymmetrical war has now evolved into a war of desperation where they no longer target the main installation rather target soft areas.
This is what the USA failed to understand after supporting them to fight the red army by not investing to rebuild what was destroyed and ultimately paid a heavy price in the form of 9/11.

Pakistan understood this a long time back but due to sanctions could not invest much towards rebuilding Afghanistan and securing her borders. Today things are very different Pakistan is willing to secure her borders unfortunately creating major issues for the fragile Afghan Government which can not convince the local warlords to accept, because, they think that would destroy them as most of them can travel across to Pakistan for their daily requirements.

When the International forces would leave how stable would Afghanistan be is a bigger concern, unfortunately this is causing the neighbours to being vary of both the Afghan Government and the Talibans.
Come to think of it. If it wasn't for Pakistan, Afghanistan would be speaking Russian by now. Time has changed. Trade is new politics. :D

You will be as well ;) here is Zia telling how you guys will be speaking Russian unless the Afghans top the soviets in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan being a warrior nation would always remain in a state of war. Yesterday it was the red army, today its Taliban tomorrow XYZ.


No offense meant, but this is one load of BS.

Afghanistan has been mostly normal, unless for the external invasions.
Russia is probably teasing India, will shoot Pakistan in the back the moment she gets a chance. Pakistanis will be fools to forget the thousands of soviets solider killed through Pakistani backing.
So you are acknowledging the fact Pakistan help in liberating Afghanistan from Soviet:smokin:..So we fought together (Afghans with Pak) against common enemy .Oh my bad..:cheers:
Add to that India was USSR ally at that time... Time changes so quickly
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Russia is probably teasing India, will shoot Pakistan in the back the moment she gets a chance. Pakistanis will be fools to forget the thousands of soviets solider killed through Pakistani backing.

We are not forgetting anything just utilising the current warmer relations to our benefit

Still dosent explain why you expect us to help our enemies like india or Afghanistan?
Come to think of it. If it wasn't for Pakistan, Afghanistan would be speaking Russian by now. Time has changed. Trade is new politics. :D

Actually it was the USA that stopped the march of the bear in that region. Pakistan indeed was a necessary part of it because it is located right next to Afghanistan and was supplying the man power. But without US strategy, money, technology and tactical lead Pakistan stood no chance against the USSR and frankly, by now could easily be learning Russian itself for a state language. The Pakistan tribals deserve credit ofcourse for their knowledge of the terrain and what I have heard as their tenacious grit.
I said that russia just said it us not time to play blame games here on conference.. So it doesnt mean it was said on favour of Pakistan
no they said that all are friends and allies here. blame game should not be done.
Actually it was the USA that stopped the march of the bear in that region. Pakistan indeed was a necessary part of it because it is located right next to Afghanistan and was supplying the man power. But without US strategy, money, technology and tactical lead Pakistan stood no chance against the USSR and frankly, by now could easily be learning Russian itself for a state language. The Pakistan tribals deserve credit ofcourse for their knowledge of the terrain and what I have heard as their tenacious grit.

Without the ISI and Pakistan Russians would have won and the U.S defeated easily
Russia is probably teasing India, will shoot Pakistan in the back the moment she gets a chance. Pakistanis will be fools to forget the thousands of soviets solider killed through Pakistani backing.

Trade and mutual benefit erases everything . We are expecting a Putin visit to Pakistan soon:) . I will tag you then and remind you about Isolation:D
Russia was also joining CPEC..

After each span all verbal rhetoric goes into gutter..
At least you people manage up time for a early & healthy celebration every time..Lol
this time the statement is made publicly. you can't compare it with secret nrgotiations.
and russia never denied secret visit. and no one would accept the contents of such meetings.
You do realize when Talis take over Afghanistan their next stop will be Pakistan, and guess what pant wearing folks like you will be the first to get flogged. Have you forgotten Swat or do you want to me past those videos of them flogging Pakistani women?

Hope this get through your thick head.

Damn I am wasting my time with a 23 year old premadonna here :P ok blocked.

This point has been dubunked quite a bit;) .

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