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Russia does not support Anti Pakistan statements during Heart of Asia Conference

true, ISI was the very agency USA used to handle the mujahiddeen.

Russia was an indian ally and we didn't want them in Afghanistan!

Pakistan used the yanks for money and supplies so we could finish the Russians on the ground, With Mujahadeen help of course
will shoot Pakistan in the back the moment she gets a chance. Pakistanis will be fools to forget the thousands of soviets solider killed through Pakistani backing.
The Russians have realised that Pakistan is here to remain. It would be an intelligent move by Afghanistan to understand this at the earliest. Do not make the same mistake the Russians made and lost thousands of solders because of Pakistan.
Actually it was the USA that stopped the march of the bear in that region. Pakistan indeed was a necessary part of it because it is located right next to Afghanistan and was supplying the man power. But without US strategy, money, technology and tactical lead Pakistan stood no chance against the USSR and frankly, by now could easily be learning Russian itself for a state language. The Pakistan tribals deserve credit ofcourse for their knowledge of the terrain and what I have heard as their tenacious grit.

USA with all the powers and resources is still struggling in Afghanistan. Pakistan with limited resource has always been effective. It was Pakistan training that broke USSR into two. :D

Technology is useless if you don't know how to use it. America didn't use drone system wisely, hence the collateral damage was high, to the extent most of the target cannot be confirmed whether they were terrorists or civilians.

Whereas Pakistan drone system was effective, to the extent minimized collateral damage to none while eradicated terrorism effectively. That's why Zarb-e-Azb mission has been successful so far whereas USA is thinking about its exit plan in Afghanistan while its exit plan is riding on Pakistan now. :D
Russia was an indian ally and we didn't want them in Afghanistan!

Pakistan used the yanks for money and supplies so we could finish the Russians on the ground, With Mujahadeen help of course

Russia being an Indian ally kept India out of the events of Soviet invasion and its immediate aftermath. By that time Pakistan and Afghanistan had been fighting for almost a decade due to Pashtunistan/Daoud issues; What really changed things was Reagan deciding to switch the 'mere harassment' strategy to outright throw the Soviets out of Afghanistan.

In that whole affair Pakistan was locked in partial existential battle (Pashtunistan) with Afghanistan and it had very little to do with India. The Russians and Americans were playing the Afghanistan and Pakistan as pawns, subject to whims and fantasies of generals sitting in Pentagon and Kremlin.

You will get a good full account at : http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/who-is-responsible-for-the-taliban
You will be as well ;) here is Zia telling how you guys will be speaking Russian unless the Afghans top the soviets in Afghanistan.

No offense meant, but this is one load of BS.

Afghanistan has been mostly normal, unless for the external invasions.

You cannot compare Pakistan to Afghanistan. Pakistan is the military nation whereas Afghanistan is barren land with no military power.

Let's forget about that for a moment. if Pakistan was attacked, Turkey along with Arab nations would have came to the rescue. They would never let Pakistan collapse. It is due to them that is what brought Pakistan into the existence, not to mention gave financial head up to Pakistan in the new beginning despite of the fact that Afghanistan was the only nation opposed the creation of Pakistan. Whereas when Afghanistan was attacked, nobody gave damn about Afghanistan except Pakistan. It was the same Pakistan that broke USSR into two.

It is debatable whether Pakistan would have been next or not, but there is chance that Pakistan would have got involved due to revenge. You should be grateful that 1971 happened which is the reason why USSR was torn apart. USSR played vital role behind India that separated East Pakistan from West Pakistan. Pakistan sworn to get revenge back. At the slightest opportunity, Pakistan got involved and USSR paid the heavy price. USA just happened to be at right time and used the opportunity wisely. :D
USA with all the powers and resources is still struggling in Afghanistan. Pakistan with limited resource has always been effective. It was Pakistan training that broke USSR into two. :D

Technology is useless if you don't know how to use it. America didn't use drone system wisely, hence the collateral damage was high, to the extent most of the target cannot be confirmed whether they were terrorists or civilians.

Whereas Pakistan drone system was effective, to the extent minimized collateral damage to none while eradicated terrorism effectively. That's why Zarb-e-Azb mission has been successful so far whereas USA is thinking about its exit plan in Afghanistan while its exit plan is riding on Pakistan now. :D

You are partly correct - the Americans relied on Pakistan for local intelligence and it took a while to realize the factions in Pakistani agencies were manipulating this relationship. Numerous cases of coordinates supplied by Pakistan turned out to be these factions settling scores with each other - usually ISI handlers of jihadi groups 'fixing' each other.
You are partly correct - the Americans relied on Pakistan for local intelligence and it took a while to realize the factions in Pakistani agencies were manipulating this relationship. Numerous cases of coordinates supplied by Pakistan turned out to be these factions settling scores with each other - usually ISI handlers of jihadi groups 'fixing' each other.

Both were manipulating each other. The only difference is that USA couldn't tolerate that Pakistan out-manipulated USA in the strategy game at the end.

USA tried to dump the mess on Pakistan in 1994 but failed miserably. Pakistan immediately sorted that mess by relegating to Indian Occupied Kashmir.

After war on terror, USA tried its every resource but failed miserably. Once again leaving the mess [Afghanistan] behind for Pakistan to take care of. Pakistan will take care of the mess as usual.

India is also making stupidest mistake by funding terrorism through Afghan-based terrorist-outfit aka TTP as per the official confession from Ajit Doval aka in-charge of Indian NSA. It is stupid to lock horns with the Nuclear military nation that trained the groups breaking USSR apart. It was not USA and India that did that. It was Pakistan intels that broke USSR apart. Then again, stupidity [India] knows no bound. :D
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1 question. What has Pakistan got to offer Russia. Don't say CPEC.

New Global Alliance my foot.
You tell me mate.

why has Russia been so openly cosying up to Pakistan within the last year right infront of Indian noises. 3bn LNG gas pipe line payed off all by the Russians is just one of these examples, helicopters, enegery sector, jet engines etc etc

So my question to you is, why is Russia deciding to make pakistan such a close ally?

if CPEC isn't the answer (according to you) which is clearly one of the reasons russia is moving closer towards pakistan then the answer could be only that the change of old ally India + USA and Pakistan + Russia is seen as the new order.

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