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Russia does not support Anti Pakistan statements during Heart of Asia Conference

I am stating facts. Whatever you did to them is beside the point, the mere cheerleading of Pakistanis for Talis in Afghanistan is self defeating because they will do worse to you.

Some self retrospection needed in Pakistan.
Please don't deviate from your previous point...You said the next stop will be Pakistan and I merely corrected you that keep in mind what we did with your and your master's proxies...So don't worry, we will WORSE to them!
The mere cheerleading for India and spewing venom against Pakistan at each and every forum shows where you stand...so stop worrying for us please...!
Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.
How do you blame Russia for that. Russia bashing and justification for a useless fight against Russia under much worse US patronage is the basis of claims made by our mullah-cized societies. Infact Pakistan and Afghanistan uniting under US pressure to fight the communist Russian invasion was the start of the terrorism problem and the talibanization of society. The mujahideen were merely the pre cursors of the Taliban. If you don't believe it then notice how chiefs of the struggle against the Soviets joined the Taliban. This includes Haqqani, Hekmatyar and Bin Laden. They all fought the Soviets and ended up Taliban/Al Qaeda.

We need to take a more pragmatic approach to the Russian invasion. Afghan government itself called the Russians. You should blame America, which to settle a score against USSR used Afghanistan and Pakistan as a tool. They created the same terrorists we see today and justified it at that time. Now the same mujahideen are terrorists. Typical behavior by the American tyrants. When they fight you they are terrorists and when they fight your enemy with your own funding they are allies-"founding fathers of modern afghanistan" according to an American president.

They further poisoned Afghan-Pakistani ties forever. Russia did much for women's equality in Afghanistan. I don't think we Pakistanis should have had any role in the anti Soviet conflict. It was the biggest mistake in my countries history.
Sorry buddy. Taliban cant take over Pakistan. But Afghanistan intransigence on Taliban issue and its inclination to blmae Pakistan for all of its problems is going to costs Afghans a lot.

Afghan govt controls only Kabul.

They dont have to take over Pakistan, its asymmetric conflict where Afghan Talis + TTP and all their brethren will make you bleed. Thousands of civilians that have been killed in Pakistan is a precise side effect of Pakistan giving sanctuary to Afghan Talis and thus radicalizing your society.

Cost Afghans, what are you doing right now ? Sending Afghanistan pancakes?
In all this, Indians are looking increasingly stupid. They are stuck in past thinking they can still use Afghanistan against us.

Times are changing. Russia and China, for their interests are converging with Pakistan. Its these regional powers that matter not India run by a rabid Hindu nationalist mad dog.
Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.
One of the reasons that NATO invaded Afghanistan was to have a base to keep a check on Russian influences in Central Asia.
If I was a Russian policymaker I would rather deal with Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan rather than NATO and her created and backed government. NATO is a greater threat to Russia and her interests than the Afghan Taliban ever could be.

Perhaps this needs to get across some thick skulls?
Modi talked about isolating terrorism. how could it have every thing with Pakistan? and russian rejecting indirect and direct blames by india and afghanistan ,how it had nothing to do with Pakistan?
Pakistan was blamed and it had nothing to do with Pakistan. how come you draw that conclusion? can you plz share your wisdom with us too?
I said that russia just said it us not time to play blame games here on conference.. So it doesnt mean it was said on favour of Pakistan
There is protest in favour of Khalistan.. Indian media black out this protest.
Pakistan in West China in North Sri Lanka in South and it's a matter of time that Bangladesh will join our group.
Hate doesn't last long india sud learn somthing good at least.
What protest???? I was in Amritsar a week back and there was no protest in Amritsar or any part of Punjab...
Don't spread propaganda here....
If it's true post proof
In all this, Indians are looking increasingly stupid. They are stuck in past thinking they can still use Afghanistan against us.

Times are changing. Russia and China, for their interests are converging with Pakistan. Its these regional powers that matter not India run by a rabid Hindu nationalist mad dog.

And you think that China or Russia is helping you because they are your blood brothers? :)
What has a communist Chinese have in common with a Pakistani religion, language, looks, nothing!.

They are helping to be in a perpetual conflict with India, with whom you share at least language, food and some cultural aspects.

So some out of the box thinking needed on both sides.
The Talis wont last a month if they were not provided a sanctuary, Ghani was quoted referring to a major Talis commander statement.

I guess you have read The today American General statement regarding Iran and Russia actively supporting Taliban. On the other side, Major taliban commanders and recently those released in exchange of kidnapped american soldier are in Qatar. When your President going to crticize all those countries ? Or the hypocrisy only restricts to single out Pakistan because of the Recent border clashes ?
In all this, Indians are looking increasingly stupid. They are stuck in past thinking they can still use Afghanistan against us.

Times are changing. Russia and China, for their interests are converging with Pakistan. Its these regional powers that matter not India run by a rabid Hindu nationalist mad dog.
Russia converging with Pakistan?????
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Another round of russia joining cpec drama???
Look at India Russia trade both economic and military and then talk about what Pakistan can provide which India don't:bounce::bounce:
And you think that China or Russia is helping you because they are your blood brothers? :)
What has a communist Chinese have in common with a Pakistani religion, language, looks, nothing!.

They are helping to be in a perpetual conflict with India, with whom you share at least language, food and some cultural aspects.

So some out of the box thinking needed on both sides.

Isnt India Using You guys for the same reason to be in prepetual state of conflict with Pakistan ? Actually You are being used since 1970's by either USSR or India (Read Vajpaye Dawood offer thread) to be in conflict with Pakistan

You do realize when Talis take over Afghanistan their next stop will be Pakistan, and guess what pant wearing folks like you will be the first to get flogged. Have you forgotten Swat or do you want to me past those videos of them flogging Pakistani women?

Hope this get through your thick head.

Damn I am wasting my time with a 23 year old premadonna here :P ok blocked.

FYI. Did Tali tried to take over Pakistan when they were in government or tried to finger Pakistan over durand line or clashed with Pakistan army over border issues ?
well Sri Lanks joined India in boycott by itself..
If India a terrorist nation for LTTE Let's say how many terrorist groups are originated & harvested by Pakistan itself since it's creation & how they are affecting peace in this region.

LTTE is not alone, i only mention it bcoz of your mention of sri lanka, your trained armed and funded mukti terrorist against Pakistan, you armed and funded northern alliance terrorists against afghans, Taliban also become popular bcoz of their opposition to brutal northern warlords who were trading womens of enemy tribes..

Now you are funding terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan otherwise why Modi would hug likes of Ghani..

Ah forget to mention MQM target killers, who themselves confess they were trained by bhartis. Farooq sattar the current leader who replaced altaf hussain himself confessed many of their workers went to india for training during 90's military operation... Your own Generals, writters confess they supported Pashtunistan in past, BLA, i mean what right your terrorist PM [who was banned in civilized world before his election] have to present himself victim and talk against terrorism? Dont he feel ashamed that he belong to a terrorist state.
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They dont have to take over Pakistan, its asymmetric conflict where Afghan Talis + TTP and all their brethren will make you bleed. Thousands of civilians that have been killed in Pakistan is a precise side effect of Pakistan giving sanctuary to Afghan Talis and thus radicalizing your society.

Cost Afghans, what are you doing right now ? Sending Afghanistan pancakes?

Give me one Sane alternate scenario where If Pakistan had not given sanctuary to Afghan Taliban, Pakistan would still had been remain in Peace. ? Qatar is in state of War even giving sanctuary to Afghan talib ? Iran is in state of war due to talib sancutary ?

I mean the Northern Alliance government would have picked war with Pakistan by giving support to Baloch elements in either case with the help of RAW. No matter if we gave sanctuary or not !
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