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Russia does not support Anti Pakistan statements during Heart of Asia Conference

Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.

yeah,no,the afghan taliban already have contacts with the russians
so if they do come back in power,they would not mess with them
you northern alliance puppets already lost control of 40 percent of afghanistan and Insha Allah will soon lose the rest of afghanistan too
yeah,no,the afghan taliban already have contacts with the russians
so if they do come back in power,they would not mess with them
you northern alliance puppets already lost control of 40 percent of afghanistan and Insha Allah will soon lose the rest of afghanistan too
Taliban control only 30% of territory.
In population Afghan gov't controls 66% whereas Taliban controls only 10%, remaining live in contested areas.
yeah,no,the afghan taliban already have contacts with the russians
so if they do come back in power,they would not mess with them
you northern alliance puppets already lost control of 40 percent of afghanistan and Insha Allah will soon lose the rest of afghanistan too

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Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.

Typical Afghani thinking, its not the war lords, or the opuim trade or the hash producing that has turned their country into a failed state. its all russia and pakistans fault

someone ask Ghani the president of the worlds biggest namak haram people, why when he was talking about terrorist sanctuaries he failed to mention the sanctuary pakistan has provided to millions of refugee from Afghanistan for the last 30 years. free food, free health care, free schools jobs etc.

Namak haram people, sort your own problems out before you start blaming another country especially a country you owe so much to. How many of the Afghan presidents and prime minsters were studying in Pakistan before
Obviously it has nothing to do with Pakistan.

It was Peru that was being blamed for dismal state of Afghanistan. :lol:
Every time a single statement & the verbal diarrhoea starts..
It was just for neutral public consumption, nothing else..
Typical Afghani thinking, its not the war lords, or the opuim trade or the hash producing that has turned their country into a failed state. its all russia and pakistans fault

someone ask Ghani the president of the worlds biggest namak haram people, why when he was talking about terrorist sanctuaries he failed to mention the sanctuary pakistan has provided to millions of refugee from Afghanistan for the last 30 years. free food, free health care, free schools jobs etc.

Namak haram people, sort your own problems out before you start blaming another country especially a country you owe so much to. How many of the Afghan presidents and prime minsters were studying in Pakistan before

Reported, punk.
There is protest in favour of Khalistan.. Indian media black out this protest.
Pakistan in West China in North Sri Lanka in South and it's a matter of time that Bangladesh will join our group.
Hate doesn't last long india sud learn somthing good at least.
Taliban control only 30% of territory.
In population Afghan gov't controls 66% whereas Taliban controls only 10%, remaining live in contested areas.

i think its common knowledge and has been reported by nearly all western media, the Afghan government has no control outside the walls of Kabul. Outside Kabul its a free for all war lords fighting the same battles with their own people that they have been fighting for decades.

Reported, punk.

reported for?

Namak Haram? well I'm speaking the truth for 200 million paksitanis who 99% of us feel all the same. we gave you afghanis everything we had in the end you went and sat on the table of your masters the hindus.
Beginning towards the shift in new geographical allies.

I love your optimism, it's a good way to ensure that your confident about yourself. Russians are being very nuetral, to not upset a good friend and also ensuring any possible bi-lateral trade with Pakistan is not jeopardised. From the sentiments of the Pakistani's it's like oh "Russia is a friend we love Russia, Americans are questioning us oh crap Americans are dogs! Screw them" you guys change your stance faster than the winds change directions.
all world know efficiency of corrupt Ghani and his bastards warlords left and right.. blaming Pakistan wont save you pigs, i wad expecting Turks and US to open their mouth and give him a shut up call but its Russian..

One thing is now clear, we have to stop this biradar Islami mulk BS and treat Afghans as enemy, Pakistan is tolerating his shitty statement for too long with nice statement which is directly presenting us as culprits, its time to notify their master US who pay for their bread and butter and start total hostality toward them.
Taliban control only 30% of territory.
In population Afghan gov't controls 66% whereas Taliban controls only 10%, remaining live in contested areas.

you seem to be in the past,look it up,its more than 30 percent

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im not trolling

no matter what you say,the point is,you lot are losing territory to the taliban and Insha Allah you will lose all the remaining territory aswell
and then like all the other kabulis,you'l also leave for a western country when they Insha Allah take over,just like last time

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