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Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Russia has agreed to supply Iran with advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and build an additional nuclear reactor at the Bushehr nuclear site. The Russian Kommersant daily reported on Wednesday, amid increased international pressure against the two countries' mutual ally Syria.

A "source close to the Kremlin" told the Kommersant that the agreements would be discussed during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran on Friday. Putin is set to meet with high-ranking Iranian officials, including President Hassan Rohani.

During a debate Wednesday in the Russian parliament of a draft resolution on Syria, Alexei Pushkov, the Kremlin-connected chief of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of parliament, told lawmakers that Russia could expand arms sales to Iran and revise the terms of U.S.* military transit to Afghanistan if Washington launches a strike on Syria.

Pushkov said such action now would be premature as Russia and the U.S. are working to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis, but he warned that if the "party of war" prevails in Washington, Russia should consider those moves.

"If the U.S. takes the path of exacerbating the situation and forgoing diplomacy for the sake of a military scenario, such measures would seem absolutely justified to me," Pushkov said.

He also said that Moscow hopes that the U.S. will back Russia's proposal for Syria to put its chemical weapons under international control for their subsequent dismantling.

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Wednesday he hoped that a U.S. promise to pursue diplomacy to remove the threat of chemical weapons in Syria was "serious," the Iranian state news agency IRNA reported.

"I am hopeful that the United States new attitude to Syria is serious and not a game with the media. For weeks they have threatened war against the people of this region for the benefit of the Zionists ]Israel]," Khameini said during a public address.

According to the report in Kommersant, Putin reached a decision last weekend to end the ongoing controversy over the sale of S-300 missiles to Iran by finalizing the deal, on condition that Teheran drop a $4 billion lawsuit against Rosoboronexport, the state intermediary that oversees Russian defense imports and exports.

The lawsuit was filed by Iran after Russia canceled a contract for the missiles originally signed in 2007. The report indicated that the contract was canceled in 2010 due to pressure from Israel.

Earlier this year, the possible sale of Russian S-300 missiles to beleaguered Syrian President Bashar Assad caused controversy in the international community as well, and Israel staunchly opposed such a move, fearing that the advanced missiles could fall into the hands of Hezbollah, in Lebanon.

The S-300 system is considered one of the world's most advanced aerial defense systems. Apart for the system's advanced radar, which can identify and track long-range targets, the missile themselves have a range of 200 kilometers.

Because of the system's advanced technology, the time required to make it operational can range between three to six months.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the issue with European foreign ministers in May. "If the missiles are provided and become operational Israel's entire airspace will become a no-fly zone," Netanyahu told the European foreign ministers. "The missile transfer is a significant security challenge to Israel and we will not be able to stand idly by."

In June, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that his nation would honor its controversial contract to deliver the S-300 systems to Syria, but that the order has yet to be filled.

"We respect all our contracts and are honoring all our contractual obligations," said Lavrov said in an interview with Russian state TV.

"As yet, the contracts are not finished, they have not been delivered in full," he added.

According to foreign media reports, Israel was responsible for three airstrikes on Syrian territory, each one targeting advanced weapons systems believed to be en route to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

In early May, two alleged strikes targeted shipments of Iranian Fateh-100 missile en route to Hezbollah. These missiles are said to be extremely accurate, with a range of up to 300 kilometers.

Reports indicated that Israel also attacked a convoy carrying anti-aircraft missiles in January as well.

Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz
Which would indicate that Iran's B373 program is a smokescreen?

It has nothing to do with B373, it's an Antey-2500 (S-300VM) which can specifically defend us against ballistic missiles and it's a different variant of S-300 that Russia wanted to sell to Iran in 2007. B373 is still in progress and it'll undergo tactical tests in current Iranian year.


That's the probable deal: Iran backs off from the $4b lawsuit against Russia and they give these systems to us in addition to building another nuclear reactor in Bushehr. Building the reactor will probably have a discount too.
Russia 'to renew offer to supply S-300s to Iran'​


A Russian S-300 PMU2 Favorit surface-to-air missile system in Alabino, outside Moscow, last year. Russian President Vladimir Putin will offer to supply Iran S-300 air defence missile systems as well as build a second reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, the Kommersant business daily reported Wednesday.

Inside the reactor building at the Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran. Kommersant newspaper says Vladimir Putin is ready to sign a deal with Iran on building a second reactor for the Bushehr nuclear plant.

AFP - Russian President Vladimir Putin will offer to supply Iran S-300 air defence missile systems as well as build a second reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, the Kommersant business daily reported Wednesday.

Putin will renew an old offer to supply Iran with five of the sophisticated ground-to-air missile systems at a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rowhani on Friday, Kommersant said, quoting a souce close to the Kremlin.

Putin is set to meet Rowhani at a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation held in Kyrgyzstan on Friday.

Russia in 2007 signed a contract to deliver five of the advanced ground-to-air weapons -- which can take out aircraft or guided missiles -- to Iran at a cost of $800 million.

In 2010, then-president Dmitry Medvedev cancelled the contract after coming under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of the weapons system, drawing vehement protests from Tehran.

The source told Kommersant that Russia's offer would depend on Iran's withdrawing a $4 billion lawsuit that it has lodged at an international court in Geneva against Russia's arms export agency.

Kommersant wrote that Putin would offer to supply Tehran with a modified export version of the S-300 systems called S-300VM Antey-2500.

Russia has urged the West to soften sanctions against Iran after the election of Rowhani, a centrist cleric, in June.

The source also said that Putin was ready to sign a deal with Iran on building a second reactor for the Bushehr nuclear plant.

The source said the deal was not "particularly profitable from an economic point of view, but was rather political."

Russia completed the construction of Bushehr, which is Iran's only functioning nuclear power station, despite protests from Israel and the United States.

Iran is at loggerheads with world powers over its controversial nuclear programme, which the Western powers and Israel suspect is aimed at making a bomb despite repeated denials by Tehran.

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to Kommersant that Putin and Rowhani were expected to discuss "working together in the nuclear energy sphere" and "questions of military technical cooperation" in talks at the summit in Bishkek.


Russia 'to renew offer to supply S-300s to Iran' - FRANCE 24
They should take the deal, although you can never really trust the Russians. I don't even care about S-300. The reactor is impt. By the time it finishes, IR-40 in Arak would be finished too.
I think Iran already has been supplied with a missile shield by the Russians ...
Go Iran Go

Iran should buy some SU-35 and turn the game upside down

That will only serve to rake up tensions, with not enough benefit to turn the tide. Israel has a huge fleet of F15s and AEWACs, and the gulf countries also have some very advanced stuff. Unless Iran gets a very large fleet of Su-35s, they can't really make a difference.

S-300 is quite a game changer in the region, since all those countries (Israel and most gulf nations) are tiny, and as the article states, their entire airspace can be covered by these SAMs.
It has nothing to do with B373, it's an Antey-2500 (S-300VM) which can specifically defend us against ballistic missiles and it's is a different variant of S-300 that Russia wanted to sell to Iran in 2007. B373 is still in progress and it'll undergo tactical tests in current Iranian year.

S-300VM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the probable deal: Iran backs off from the $4b lawsuit against Russia and they give these systems to us in addition to building another nuclear reactor in Bushehr. Building the reactor will probably have a discount too.

Yes, its a different variant, but still provide the same strategical military value to Iran as the original variant, which was intended to be exported to Iran. On the other hand, I don't believe anything about this supposed better variant of S-300 called Bavar-373. Its a smokescreen. Its like those other big projects which have proven to be false, exaggerated or delayed. Like the Meskhat CM with a range of 2000km, Q-313, etc.

Do you mean Iraq? US doesn't even have diplomatic relations with Iran.

Can't you buy from Russia? Is Russia bound by US sanctions?

That particular sanction is a UN sanction so all countries are bound to it (rediculous considering that it was the white man dominated 5 member security council that ratified the sanction).
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