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Russia Close to Sign Su-35 Fighter Deal With China

I see the arm race is spicing up, lol, after spending 20 billion on French jet, I guess they gonna spend more on Russian weapons, considering their shrinking currency, more poor Indians will be 'sentenced' to the starving camp..lol

China needs to buy at least 200 to 400 Su-35BM, like how India aims for 270 SU30MKIs. and as many S400 India would be delivered with, China would also buy. there is no meaning of fighting on regional level if you aim to become a Super Power, and whatever help you need, would be given to you, India and Russia both understand this fact. there is no meaning of pulling leg of a country like China who may lead the world in future, we understand and ready for every possible support from our side. and we also hope J20 will be a real success for China making it among the top defense tech nations. techs of SU35 and S400 would certainly be helpful in their J20 and other defense programs also, we hope. all the best :tup:

Any chance, Russia would sell few squadrons of Su 35 to Pakistan ?
I see the arm race is spicing up, lol, after spending 20 billion on French jet, I guess they gonna spend more on Russian weapons, considering their shrinking currency, more poor Indians will be 'sentenced' to the starving camp..lol

how it is linked with su-35??:rolleyes:
yes, but those 100 or 500 copies will as useless pieces of junk, as the j-10 is.

anyway, russia will have moved to su-88 by then.

so.... don't worry.
Funny thing the so called 'junks' don't falling off the sky like the jets IA operating, those good quality jets made by Russians and French when pass to less educated Indian maintanence guys hands they just start raining down like monsoon season.

So that's true even when Su-88 came out India will be still buying it from Russia and your crashing record will be something close to 8967 ? and the ever lasting LCA mark xxx 'will' be 'ready' by then

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------

how it is linked with su-35??:rolleyes:
As you have to buy more advanced than Su-35 (even its still speculated)
Even if they do make 100 copy,they will a piece of junk...original is original...

You wish you could copy but you can't even if you wanted too

Great you know your brothers well..I think this is called stealing, nothing to be proud off..;)
Ab kissi imaandaar bande ke saath bhi doosti kar loo.

Stealing ? The Chinses did start many joint ventures with western companies which later abandoned because of sanctions. China had no option but to reverse engineer. Serves the west right

Ab kissi imaandaar bande ke saath bhi doosti kar loo.

You mean like India. Don't make me laugh :angel:
You do have very seriouse comprehension problem, I guess it's the national thing

no its your denial.......hahhaaaa

see the title and then comment ..where is india??

i want u to comment on text mentioned;)
You do have very seriouse comprehension problem, I guess it's the national thing


Seems you have some Disorder!

How is India Relevant in a Thread of Su-25, Russia and the Buyer China?
what is your opinion about daily crashes of iaf jets?
i never hear about Chinese lose of su-30mkk
be realistic they are hardworking nation
they build their own j-10 and j-20 with in 10 years and your tejas is still in trials

Miya Nomi...That article talks about China , Russia and Su-35...India is nowhere in that.
I see the arm race is spicing up, lol, after spending 20 billion on French jet, I guess they gonna spend more on Russian weapons, considering their shrinking currency, more poor Indians will be 'sentenced' to the starving camp..lol

IQ Malfunctioning :lol:
Any chance, Russia would sell few squadrons of Su 35 to Pakistan ?

Look, even if SU35bm is a top end side of air superiority role, it can also deliver very ‘competent’ a2g roles, making it in the category of multi role aircrafts and it is worth paying $4bn for 48 SU35bm and I would strongly advice Pakistan also to sign a deal with Russia for this aircraft. Su35bm is of the category of Rafael, F15SE, EFT Typhoon, 4++ gen aircrafts, and now days countries are paying in the range of $130mil to $150mil for Rafale, EFT Typhoon, F15SE etc, if you check the price negotiations of Saudi Arabia for F15SE, EFT and Switzerland for Rafale. And if Pakistan may buy 48 Su-35bm, it may form back boon of their air defense for at least next 20 years as no one knows about the 'effectiveness' of 5th gen aircrafts, if we see how US is struggling with development of F35 in its final stage.:meeting:

There is no need to face more humiliation from US for F16 block 52, a hardly 4+ aircraft, whose production line is also going to close soon. Even if Pakistan has done mistakes in past, there is no need to keep doing it in future also :no:. Less Pakistan will be dependent on US for military needs, better they may be able to bargain for their national interests on the international platform :agree:. ‘48’ SU35bm, a top end 4++ air superiority aircraft, together with around expected ‘50’ J10b from China for multi role operations, will make PAF look quite sexy. I hope to see Pakistan’s front line air defense with these 2 aircrafts soon. rest around 200 JF17s would be enough for credible back up/ credible interceptor roles in future, making PAF among the very powerful airforce. even France/ Germany/ UK/ Brazil/ Japan type countries also keep hardly 200 to 300 4th gen combat aircrafts. All the best :tup:
I have other sources claiming The Mig-35 might come to Pak, but not the Su-35.. Even so Pak most likely will not go for these planes.
So what is the purpose of an Indian starting this thread :(

Looks like feeling bad as Russians and Chinese get closer and Idiotian are going towards the west and USA.

I have other sources claiming The Mig-35 might come to Pak, but not the Su-35.. Even so Pak most likely will not go for these planes.

I said about Su-35bm as it will be in the front line air defense of Russia for next 15 to 20 years and hopefully of China also and also it is categorized as multi role aircrafts, a good alternative of Mig35 which is less likely to be bought by Russia, as far as I know. Just look on your conflict on 26/11 2011, F16s you can’t use against US and JF17 block 1 wasn’t that capable to face NATO, but if you could have 48 Su35bm, for example, then you might have scored at least 24 of NATO side with sinking their aircraft carrier also, if they make noise, isn’t it? Rest,………. its up to Pakistan ……………….. :meeting:
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