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Russia, China and Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis?

If everybody needed Pakistan so much and it is so important, it would not be in the position it is now. Threatened, bombed and savaged by suicide bombers.

Atleast unlike a major non Nato ally we don't get bombed by allies. Come to think of it, anybody Pakistan allies with bombs it. US allied with Pakistan, later bombed it. Pakistan allied with Taliban later Afghanistan is creating trouble. Pakistan allied with LeJ, then LeJ bombed Pakistanis. Now, you are allied with China :whistle:
Pakistan successfully defeated Nato along with RAW,MOSSAD,CIA,MI5 in Afganistan.It was a sinister plan of these entities to denuclearise Pakistan and breakup Balochistan.But what did they achieve.They have been disgraced by ISI.Yes,suicide missions were rampant in Pakistan but things are under control now.Pakistan is in the drivers seat.The policies of this region is being decided by Pakistan now.
Pakistan successfully defeated Nato along with RAW,MOSSAD,CIA,MI5 in Afganistan.It was a sinister plan of these entities to denuclearise Pakistan and breakup Balochistan.But what did they achieve.They have been disgraced by ISI.Yes,suicide missions were rampant in Pakistan but things are under control now.Pakistan is in the drivers seat.The policies of this region is being decided by Pakistan now.
Russia will make relations count with every country now outside US led NATO but it would be naive to think that it would be at the expense pf there relations with other nation because Russia wants to increase its area of influence otherwise its economy would be in mess in few years

Since Pakistan did not count in there relations till now they will try to make amends and take advantage of the cold vibes between Pak and US at the moment
To all indian members: @surya kiran @FORCE INDIA and others

Vostok is a resident of the republic of Donetsk and Lugansk (LPR) which is facing a life and death situation due to the considerable shelling of cities and towns in a manner such that the NATO forces,Azov and affliated neo-nazi Brigade,islamic battalions and Grom mercenaries are able to ethnic cleanse the civilians population of Donbass .

Such a situation is a life and death situation and in such situations ,the behavior of a person can be one of survival and possibly irrational. Please Don't attack this fellow.

And God help you in this difficult situation. @vostok
A Sino Russia Germany axis to be exact, all the game played by the U.S. Is intend to stop this from happening. Pakistan, Iran and turkey are key factors.
To all indian members: @surya kiran @FORCE INDIA and others

Vostok is a resident of the republic of Donetsk and Lugansk (LPR) which is facing a life and death situation due to the considerable shelling of cities and towns in a manner such that the NATO forces,Azov and affliated neo-nazi Brigade,islamic battalions and Grom mercenaries are able to ethnic cleanse the civilians population of Donbass .

Such a situation is a life and death situation and in such situations ,the behavior of a person can be one of survival and possibly irrational. Please Don't attack this fellow.

And God help you in this difficult situation. @vostok
Thanks for trying to help me, my friend, but I'm not a resident of the DNR or LNR, I never said that. My region is still a part of Ukraine. I said many times that I live in Nikolaev region.
A Sino Russia Germany axis to be exact, all the game played by the U.S. Is intend to stop this from happening. Pakistan, Iran and turkey are key factors.

Forget Germany ,its under NSA rule. India may have to play on its own to survive. I saw how quickly within a week West did mass sabotage in Tianjin after China devalued yuan .Russia is having a hard time and having to face several fronts of war. Syria,Ukraine, Caucusus ,Sanctions,sabotage,attack via derivatives. Though de-dollarization is the best strategy of Russia till now.
To all indian members: @surya kiran @FORCE INDIA and others

Vostok is a resident of the republic of Donetsk and Lugansk (LPR) which is facing a life and death situation due to the considerable shelling of cities and towns in a manner such that the NATO forces,Azov and affliated neo-nazi Brigade,islamic battalions and Grom mercenaries are able to ethnic cleanse the civilians population of Donbass .

Such a situation is a life and death situation and in such situations ,the behavior of a person can be one of survival and possibly irrational. Please Don't attack this fellow.

And God help you in this difficult situation. @vostok

There is no attacking. Differing points of view can be discussed in a civil manner.....most times.
Good Luck Day Dreamers!

Pakistan is a liability for any other country other than China as it uses Pakistan as proxy against India...Russia is no more in condition to add more liability to its balance sheet....

Pakistan has no money or economy that can support massive Russian defense industry....and China has already started projecting they are competitor to Russian defense

India is too big and too close for Russian to lose in this century for anything like Pakistan or even China....Russia is cozying with China just because during sactions China is buying its Gas and Oil in big numbers...But given the fact that, Chinese economy too is slowing down and with evolving technology in the area of shale gas, China will gradually reduce its dependency on import thus impacting its influence on Russia economy.

I don't know from where these shits come from....but if I have to say it more bluntly....We need Russia and Russia needs India..this is not cold war era...India is too powerful and strong than ever before and can manage, grow and prosper even if Russia decides to part away!
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I think that at this stage, India is moving in the right direction. Despite all the words about neutrality, India actually actively participates in anti-Western projects.
Looking through such a narrow prism of "West" and "non-West" or "with us" or "against us" is utterly childish and not conducive to a serious discussion about international relations. India will never conform to such a nonsensical basis of relations, it will pursue its own foreign policy based on achieving its own objectives and maintaining its strategic autonomy.

+ your inflated sense of Russia as a bastion against Western hegemony is utterly bizarre and not at all in line with how the world sees Russia nor the reality of Russia's declining significance on the world stage.
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