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Russia, China and Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis?

Neutrality is not defined only by pure military terms. It is defined in terms of foreign policy, trade and partnerships. Like we were the first country to recognise Crimea, like only the Russians have been able to speedily setup nuclear power plants and like we are the only country Russia is working with for the fifth generation fighter and Russia was the only country ready to share nuclear submarines.
I do not put into question the relationship between India and Russia. India, too, should be in anti-Western coalition. The stronger the coalition, the smaller shocks will wait humanity while transition from Western hegemony to a multipolar and prosperous world.
Russia, China and Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis?
Regional realities are shifting fast, with some significant ramifications for India.

ByJoy Mitra
August 18, 2015

In geopolitics, strategic realities can change with surprising speed, and even before countries realize it, decisive shifts occur that shape the future for the years to come. That seems to be the case with traditional Cold War rivals Russia and Pakistan, which have of late seen a gradual warming of ties. Traditionally an ally of India and hitherto supportive of India’s stance on Kashmir, Russia has shown clear signs of cozying up to Pakistan.

Having earlier lifted its self-imposed arms embargo on Pakistan, in November 2014 Russia signed a landmark “military cooperation” agreement with Pakistan, which spoke about “exchanging information on politico-military issues, strengthening collaboration in the defense and counter-terrorism sectors, sharing similar views on developments in Afghanistan and doing business with each other.” There have been reports that Pakistan may purchase Mi-35 combat helicopters apart from directly importing the Klimov RD-93 engines from Russia rather than via China for its JF-17 multi-role fighters. This could also mean a significant role for Russian equipment and spares in future development of the fighter. In addition, Russian state-owned firm Rostekh Corporation is planning to build a 680 mile gas pipeline in Pakistan in 2017 at an estimated cost of $2.5 billion.

The mutual overtures between Russia and Pakistan are part of a greater shift in international relations. In Europe, Russia is embroiled in a showdown with the West over Ukraine, with Moscow’s military adventure in Crimea being followed by Western sanctions. In the Asia-Pacific, China’s encroachments in the South China Sea have inflamed tensions with other Asia-Pacific countries allied with the U.S. These developments have forced Russia and China to look for allies, which explains the bonhomie between the two powers of late. Some analysts question whether a partnership motivated by external factors could lead to an alliance of countries that formerly distrusted each other. But the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” fits perfectly well here; the single most important factor that overrides all others is their concurrent perception of the U.S.and its “policy of containment” towards them. China needs allies to change the world order and it begins with Asia.

The China-Pakistan link is well known and is the most formidable leg of the Russia-China-Pakistan triangle. China has been a traditional ally of Pakistan and has historically supported it against its arch rival India both in terms of military equipment and diplomacy. Chinese have been involved in building nuclear reactors for Pakistan; Pakistan is the largest importer of Chinese manufactured defense equipment, is involved in co-production and co-development of JF-17 fighter jets and now is slated to buy almost eight Chinese’s S20 or Yuan-class diesel-electric submarines (SSK). China has also significantly invested in Pakistan’s Gwadar Port and in the Karakoram corridor. The imperative here is not just for China but for Pakistan as well. The burgeoning relationship between the U.S. and India, with their extensive trade ties and cooperation on strategic issues of mutual concern in the sphere of defense technology and equipment, does unnerve Pakistan from time to time. Since Pakistan’s failed misadventure in the Kargil heights, it has lost the support of successive U.S. administrations on the Kashmir issue and its own relationship with the U.S. has been rocky.

It is from here that the congruence of interests between the three states of Pakistan, China and Russia stems. For China and Russia, the U.S. is an anathema, which must be dethroned from its hegemonic position for their own security. Pakistan has enough of an incentive to be a willing partner in an Asian security architecture that is shaped by China. With India having diversified its military suppliers to include countries like the U.S. and Israel, Russia no longer sees any impediment to establishing a strategic relationship with Pakistan. In the future one could see signs of integration between the three states, as their abilities complement each other: Russia is an alternate source for Western military technology and energy supplier, China is economically more potent than the other two, with considerable foreign exchange reserves looking to invest and in need of energy supplies,Pakistan despite its structural problems is a growing economy with young population in need of both of both energy supplies and defense equipment. Already importing equipment from China, Pakistan will have access to Russian technology, which was in fact the source for many Chinese products as well. Sanctions-hit Russia will have a new market for its defense equipment, although this may well in the future see some competition between Russia and China. It is possible that Russia will continue to arm India along with China and now Pakistan. Both EU and US have followed the strategy of supplying defense equipment to both India and Pakistan. But Russia arming Pakistan is still significant because that implies that Russia will no longer give preferential treatment to its historical friend India.

It is true India is still economically too big to be overlooked and Russia has an interest in preserving its relationship with India. But India has estranged security ties with China and Pakistan, and with Russia drawing ever closer to China, its divergence of interest with India in the world order it perceives is growing more apparent. The Russia-Pakistan-China triumvirate is a reality in the offing and has a far greater convergence of security objectives in Asia than a similar Russia-China-India grouping (also subsumed within BRICS). It is important to note here that the Chinese economy is visibly slowing and this could lead to some internal turmoil, the Russian economy may very well see further contraction, while that of Pakistan, albeit showing signs of improvement, is external aid dependent and beset by internal security concerns. Aggression on the part of this triumvirate to deflect attention from internal problems cannot be ruled out. The strategic ramifications will be for India as much as they will be the U.S. and other countries in the region. As the contours of the alliances in Asia harden, India will have to shed its reluctance to take a firmer stand in Asia and work more closely with the U.S. and Japan.

Joy Mitra is post-graduate scholar of international relations from Jindal School of International Affairs and a researcher with Wikistrat.

The chain is only as strong as its weakest link

Time has changed you are already in Anti-sino camp...

That's called protecting your interest
I do not put into question the relationship between India and Russia. India, too, should be in anti-Western coalition. The stronger the coalition, the smaller shocks will wait humanity while transition from and halo take ??
stern hegemony to a multipolar and prosperous world.

What do you mean by being seen with anti-western bloc ??We are alread part of BRICS and Shanghai Co-operation.

We deliberately do something to attract sanctions and halt our economic growth while 1/3 of our population is yet to be pulled out of poverty ?? What steps do you purpose for us to take ??
I do not put into question the relationship between India and Russia. India, too, should be in anti-Western coalition. The stronger the coalition, the smaller shocks will wait humanity while transition from Western hegemony to a multipolar and prosperous world.

World is changing at lightning speed.

New Alliances are being formed for a better tomorrow.
I am expecting a big war in this region ... in upcoming decade ...
that was is going to change the Geopolitics of this region completely ...
What do you mean by being seen with anti-western bloc ??We are alread part of BRICS and Shanghai Co-operation.

We deliberately do something to attract sanctions and halt our economic growth while 1/3 of our population is yet to be pulled out of poverty ?? What steps do you purpose for us to take ??
I think that at this stage, India is moving in the right direction. Despite all the words about neutrality, India actually actively participates in anti-Western projects.
Why is it that, the minute there is a discussion about relations, Pakistanis always jump to what they can offer, instead of what they can gain. Seriously, how are you going to negotiate?

Now, in a multi polar world why would one take sides? Especially , since your early arguments were bi polar in nature?
Dont worry time will answer it in 2009 i said russia will be pak friend no one agreed and u see what we are now so let time decide the fate
Nothing wrong in wetdreaming, but of what use Pakistan is to Russia ?? Russia needs money , hard cash, they can't soft loan or dole out Pakistan . Anyway Russia doesn't have very much confidence either in China. Who wants emerging superpower power with fledging economy and with big defence budget to be endowed even with military techs as neighbour ??

And pakistani hallucinating can wake me up when they get nuclear subs on lease, or Russian backing for permanent UN seat or any significant joint venture on arms development or space explorations going on . Any country ditching India for Pakistan can happen only in pakistanies' imagination. Who except arabs would like to ally with nation which is nothing but sanctuary of terrorists and adds nothing more than nuisance value.Even arabs have started to ditch them in favour of India.

Its always surprising to see how nut head Indians always start talking about few billions always in double digits only whenever they hear news about strengthening ties between Pak and Russia.
Let me put it in simple words at the stage where Russia plays those billions doesn't count otherwise they wouldn't have poked their nose in Crimea and suffers hundreds of billions in losses.
India and US are designed to be future partners leaving Russia with no other option but to make a block with Pak, China , Afghanistan and Iran to offset US influence which always helps only US interests. Time is reaching fast when all anti US elements will be united and Pakistan with its key strategic location can always command its terms for any alliance like it did earlier against USSR .
So stop this excuse of few billions and come with some real logic.
Sanctions will cost Russia more than $100 billion - Apr. 21, 2015

Beside these losses they spent from their pockets another 40 billion dollars to keep the flame going.
Nemtsov's report: Russia spent over $40 billion on war with Ukraine - Charter'97 :: News from Belarus - Belarusian News - Republic of Belarus - Minsk
If they can loose over hundred billion happily just doing what they feel is in their interest I don't see how indian 30 -40 billions will make them side with a US ally.
Big changes are coming I don't say Russia will stop milking easy money from India whenever possible but Russian relations with Pakistan are bound to grow steeply owing to strategic interests and numerous opportunities for facilitating trade in whole of Central Asia a market capable of generating hundred of billions.
Those who likes to believe Russian indulgence towards Pakistan is merely to keep india on track are sadly mistaken .
Guys learn to read between lines times have changed and Russia will offer Pakistan military and any other assistance at a much lower price like we always got from China, KSA and US because everybody knows we can turn tables in their favor when required.
To remove US influence from Af-Pak region both China and Russia needs Pakistan and its a trillions of dollars game and in all that you guys jumping over your 30 billions is nothing more than a joke.
India is not what she wants to believe she is . Accept it and make your life easy its the time of Pakistan rising and no tea seller/muslim hater can stop that .
Dont worry time will answer it in 2009 i said russia will be pak friend no one agreed and u see what we are now so let time decide the fate

It is surprising it took Pakistan so long to talk to Russia. Next in line is Israel, which I am predicting today, you will talk in the next 20 years.

Now, if you think, just because you are friends with Russia we are going to stop working with Russia you are mistaken. Taking your logic further, I see trade with China increasing steadily. Does that scare you? No, right? Same logic applies.
The best thing the writer develop that India is still a 2nd fiddle country.

However, If this is the plan then include Iran in it due to her hostality towards US and then it will be wonderfull nexus.
I don't really think that Russia will give up on India. Yes relations between Pakistan and Russia have gradually improved but it does not mean Russia and India are cutting off relations.

All this news is trying to do is make us Pakistanis feel good about our screwed up foreign policy and aligning with America.
Nothing wrong in wetdreaming, but of what use Pakistan is to Russia ?? Russia needs money , hard cash, they can't soft loan or dole out Pakistan . Anyway Russia doesn't have very much confidence either in China. Who wants emerging superpower power with fledging economy and with big defence budget to be endowed even with military techs as neighbour ??

And pakistani hallucinating can wake me up when they get nuclear subs on lease, or Russian backing for permanent UN seat or any significant joint venture on arms development or space explorations going on . Any country ditching India for Pakistan can happen only in pakistanies' imagination. Who except arabs would like to ally with nation which is nothing but sanctuary of terrorists and adds nothing more than nuisance value.Even arabs have started to ditch them in favour of India.
You need a lesson in history.Pakistan despite being small has always tilted balance of power in Asia and history is repeating here again with Both Russia and China firmly believing that they can trounce West and its New world order if Pakistan sides with them.China is being encircled in South China sea and Pakistan is insurance for their survival against sea blockade.Iran has just recently said that they wont allow America to get foot hold in Iran,meaning they will rather build an econmic alliance with China and India.But china being a bigger market for their gas,etc.Iran needs Pakistan for access to China.Russia needs Pakistan and China also needs Pakistan.Middle east and GCC is obsolete concept.It hardly matters if UAE does bussiness with India.The matter of the fact is that Pakistan has emerged as the one factor which will decide who wins in the new century,West or East.
You need a lesson in history.Pakistan despite being small has always tilted balance of power in Asia and history is repeating here again with Both Russia and China firmly believing that they can trounce West and its New world order if Pakistan sides with them.China is being encircled in South China sea and Pakistan is insurance for their survival against sea blockade.Iran has just recently said that they wont allow America to get foot hold in Iran,meaning they will rather build an econmic alliance with China and India.But china being a bigger market for their gas,etc.Iran needs Pakistan for access to China.Russia needs Pakistan and China also needs Pakistan.Middle east and GCC is obsolete concept.It hardly matters if UAE does bussiness with India.The matter of the fact is that Pakistan has emerged as the one factor which will decide who wins in the new century,West or East.

If everybody needed Pakistan so much and it is so important, it would not be in the position it is now. Threatened, bombed and savaged by suicide bombers.

India is still a 2nd fiddle country

Atleast unlike a major non Nato ally we don't get bombed by allies. Come to think of it, anybody Pakistan allies with bombs it. US allied with Pakistan, later bombed it. Pakistan allied with Taliban later Afghanistan is creating trouble. Pakistan allied with LeJ, then LeJ bombed Pakistanis. Now, you are allied with China :whistle:
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