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Russia, China and Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis?

Time will tell soon, just wait and see.....

I don't see a Pakistani economic recovery happening anytime soon

I don't really think that Russia will give up on India. Yes relations between Pakistan and Russia have gradually improved but it does not mean Russia and India are cutting off relations.

All this news is trying to do is make us Pakistanis feel good about our screwed up foreign policy and aligning with America.

Ouch get ready to renounce your TT title
With Indo-US cosying up so closely what gaurantees are there India are not divulging Russian secrets (whatever they may be) to Uncle Sam?

India thinks it can sit on the fence and play everyone like the pied piper but reality is very much different I am sure on geopolitical level.
just like you jihadis have been peddling US tech to China to be made cheap copies off all this while ?
I don't see a Pakistani economic recovery happening anytime soon

Pakistan economy has already recovered and is all set to breach 5%+ growth this year.

Even Rating agencies has upgraded Pakistan status
That ship has already sailed and left the Port.

India will always be important to Russia as a Market but the Strategic Alliance between Russia and India ended when India choose to get closer to the USA.

India has to learn the fact that " you can't eat your cake and have it too ".
Unfortunately what you do not realize is Indian ties with russia both civil and military outweighs both the diplomatic and economic clout of pakistan by humongous margin.

Indo–Russia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Significance of Indo-Russian Relations in 21st Century - V.D. Chopra - Google Books
1. All the Countries are here for their Interest ( For eg Pakistan sided with USA and NATO and just like decade ago called itself proudly as a NATO member outside Europe why? because they hoped they will get them Kashmir and now with russia and china hoping they might be able to do what West wasn't able to do it for them)

2. Actually its Pakistan who ignored Russia this long ( Siding with America to keep Russia away from Afghanistan In fact Russia was one of the major reason why 1971 war was success for India )

3. Its good to see Russia Coming out more aggressively these days and trying to do Business with all the countries .As per Russia Pakistan is one Potential buyer so be it and nothing else as Russia is in sanctions and needs money desperately. China now producing their arms is also not helping russia and India also buying western stuffs aint helping either. As far as i see it It nothing but pure business

4. Russia cant afford to Loose India as India is not in any body's camp which suites right and India got $$ (BRICS Bank, Lots of JV, Developing Market, Defence Deals, space, Russia looking to Invest in India, Supports Russia on International stage etc).

5. Pakistan is a Islamic Country ( Russia has suffered a lot at the hands of Religion based Terrorism.

6. India would love side with Russia and may be even with China but not with Pakistan.

7. China has never gone into any war for its Friends be it all weathered friend Pakistan, Russia or be it North Korea.

8. I am not afraid Indian might get left out by staying neutral, frankly NAM just suites us fine but i am concerned in event of war lets say west on one side and Russia, Pak and China ,etc one side fight Paksitan just dont Drag us into Fight thinking they have russia and China and hence they are powerfull.
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Looking through such a narrow prism of "West" and "non-West" or "with us" or "against us" is utterly childish and not conducive to a serious discussion about international relations. India will never conform to such a nonsensical basis of relations, it will pursue its own foreign policy based on achieving its own objectives and maintaining its strategic autonomy.

+ your inflated sense of Russia as a bastion against Western hegemony is utterly bizarre and not at all in line with how the world sees Russia nor the reality of Russia's declining significance on the world stage.
USa said in 60's ,"either you are with us or against us "

We showed them fingers so hypothetically if Russia ask same thing then what will happen? (any guess?)
Once its built the smaller states are going to fall in one by one. It remains to be seen if Iran wants to join in.
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