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Russia Attacked Turkish Boat

Turkey respond by buying more oil from ISIS, their brothers in arms. Erdogan's favourite people!

eat my shorts and search for brown oil my friend..


erdogans wife is a kurd you dumbass :D

to topic:

no one wins if they continiue to throw mud to each other..but here you have two big egos colliding..
Despite all the shit Putin is doing, he's not willing to jeapardize 20 billion USD deal.

I wouldn't be so sure about that, "the master chess player" Putin cancelled the Turkstream project, wasting 14 billion USD of Russian taxpayer money.
Firstly Russian air defenses would blow those RC toys out of the sky well before they would come into range. The same goes for your F-16's, which would have to get passed S-400s, S-300, Pantsirs, SU-30SMs, SU-35s, SU-27's, and Mig-29s.

But i am being too generous, i doubt that there would be many F-16s, JDAMs or Harpys left after Turkish airfield would be pounded with cruise missiles.

If Russia threatens nukes then also turkish has friends who also have nukes with shaheen III it can reach very very far

Soviet war machine came to a dead stop when they reached Pak border in 1980s today's Russia is very weak and old ships rusted hulls and no new equipment

An attack on Turkey would activate many Muslims country's against Russia so stop being silly
I wouldn't be so sure about that, "the master chess player" Putin cancelled the Turkstream project, wasting 14 billion USD of Russian taxpayer money.

No, he didn't do that and we are buying 25 billion dollar gas from russia still. Look after we stop buying that, ther economy is then raelly bankrupt:-)
SSSH.. i will be around..


These photo's are taken after the warning shot event:



No warning shots heard.
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Whoever talks against turks is a false flagger for them.
They have lost their respect in the modern world.

If Russia threatens nukes then also turkish has friends who also have nukes with shaheen III it can reach very very far

Soviet war machine came to a dead stop when they reached Pak border in 1980s today's Russia is very weak and old ships rusted hulls and no new equipment

An attack on Turkey would activate many Muslims country's against Russia so stop being silly

The difference is pakistan or even nato, Will not challenge their existence for the sake of turkey.
Whoever talks against turks is a false flagger for them.
They have lost their respect in the modern world.

The difference is pakistan or even nato, Will not challenge their existence for the sake of turkey.

I keep hearing these lines all over the web from right-wing nutjobs and it funny because you guys dont realise or appreciate what your sensible leaders realise.

See Turkey needs Nato as much as Nato needs Turkey.

Turkey not only brings the 2nd largest army in Nato into the room as a hedge against Russia, but Nato having a strong buffer in Anatolia means whatever happens in the Middle East STAYS in the Middle East (like what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - except 10x crazier things happen in Middle East), without this buffer that crazy stuff would easily filter its way into the Balkans and mix with more Crazy stuff to create much bigger migranes than a few million immigrants.

What does Turkey benefit from Nato ? Thats a question Turks should be asking. Some training, weapons, support but mainly the Nuclear Umbrella.

Turkey also does not need Pakistan to fight its wars, they are a nation of warriors like us from Central Asia who for last 1000 years have ruled Anatolia and have a large pool of well trained manpower they can call on, rather Turkey just needs a couple of Shaheen Missiles with some nice juicy Red Nuke Warheads so the Russian Bear can crawl back into its cave and leave them (and rest of Muslim world) alone.

As for losing respect, thats a matter of perspective. Sure if your Putin or Trump or a neo-fascist they are all fuming against Turkey. In the real world, EU wants Turkey on their side of the fence, they are happy to give away visa-free travel to 70 million Turks which was unthinkable just a few years ago. So far the only thing Turkey has 'lost' is a few vegetables it used to export for Russia's peasants to eat.

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