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Russia Attacked Turkish Boat

Nothing we have already. Except f-22 Raptors
I think a swarm of missiles is the only way?

what about terrain? is it hilly? provides cover from radar on low level flights?any AWACs in the area?
Your nightmares.
You know that you will get crazy if minimum 40 Harpy's are coming ? And the second wave Harm's , JDAMs or SOM's

Firstly Russian air defenses would blow those RC toys out of the sky well before they would come into range. The same goes for your F-16's, which would have to get passed S-400s, S-300, Pantsirs, SU-30SMs, SU-35s, SU-27's, and Mig-29s.

But i am being too generous, i doubt that there would be many F-16s, JDAMs or Harpys left after Turkish airfield would be pounded with cruise missiles.
You are the masters of mass killing , Stalin killed 20 Million Soviet citizens.

Slaughter fest in whole Russian Black Sea region.

We will bomb you in stone age.

Now f..vk off, civilized ju....ies

Stalin was Georgian moron :lol:
Stalin was Georgian moron :lol:

Vladimir Putin: Vera Putina’s Lost Son | ZEIT ONLINE
There are secrets that nobody knows, real secrets. There are secrets that only a few people know.

That Putin is capable of lying to the public has been widely apparent at least since the annexation of Crimea. But does the Russian president also use the political tool of deception when it comes to his own mother? Or is this old woman, who still lives in Georgia today, merely spreading a conspiracy theory?
Firstly Russian air defenses would blow those RC toys out of the sky well before they would come into range. The same goes for your F-16's, which would have to get passed S-400s, S-300, Pantsirs, SU-30SMs, SU-35s, SU-27's, and Mig-29s.

But i am being too generous, i doubt that there would be many F-16s, JDAMs or Harpys left after Turkish airfield would be pounded with cruise missiles.

which Russian military assets are committed against Turkey as of now?
which Russian military assets are committed against Turkey as of now?

In Latakia, the number of SU-34 and SU-30SM have increased. Additional air defenses have been brought, so now there are S-400's, S-300's and Pantsirs, at the base. Electronics warfare equipment has also been flown in and Russia also has the capabilities to hit Turkey with cruise missiles from submarines, bombers or ships, most of which are out of Turkish range.
Tartus Naval base , Al Khimeim AB and Homs AB.
S-300 s, S-400s and SU-30 interceptors. Also some scrap cruise missiles.

Those "crap" cruise missiles have hit targets in Syria from over 900 miles away. No Turkish cruise missiles even comes close to that range.
from submarines

You are military poor scrap. Ignored my Putin post.

You know sub sea launched Harpoons or MK48 torpedoes ? Your Rostov on Dona sub is living dangerous :pop:

The Harpy is a "fire-and-forget" autonomous drone system mounted on a vehicle that can detect, attack and destroy radar emitters. The Harpy can "loiter" in the air for a long period of time as it searches for enemy radar emitters before it fires "with a very high hit accuracy," It's just finding a signal to detonate.".

No Turkish cruise missiles even comes close to that range.

You are poor Syrian or some comparable . What about moron Putins roots ?
Against whom we should have shot up to now ?
Try and you will see them

What a moron . He threatens the world with Nuclear Armageddon !
Stupid guy with nut brain and 165 heighth

Those "crap" cruise missiles have hit targets in Syria from over 900 miles away. No Turkish cruise missiles even comes close to that range.

Turkey doesn't need to bomb Russia - Russia is already a wasteland, bombing it won't make it any worse. Turkey would only need to remove Russian ships and other military presence in Syria and surrounds, and could easily do it. S-400 won't save you. And unless Russia wants to be nuked back to the stone age, it can't do anything about it either. All you drunks can do is fire on fishing boats.

And you call an Su-24 doing bombing runs "unarmed". :cheesy: The education system in Russia obviously needs a lot of improvement - it's producing too many delusional people.
You must be a little slow, who said anything about Turkey as in the Turkish navy? ISIS or some other terror group can use a Turkish vessel to launch an attack by simply stealing, hi-jacking or using false flags/registration. I guess that was too difficult for you to process.

You are a little slow. This has nothing to do with "flexing muscle" the turkish ship was approaching the Russian warship while it was anchored, it kept ignoring radio warning and continued coming closer. The Russian ship fired warning shots as a last resort. This is standard procedure.

ISIS using a Turkish ship to hijack a Russian war ship ? You are so retarded and dare to call me slow? Stop watching so much Hollywood movies whilst smoking shitty quality weed.
Now RU is just looking for any opportunity to punish Turkiye as they got a big Ottoman slap :-)

If Ru try to punish without any justification or any rights to do, then everything will be started by Turkiye. Beside all army related stuff, most beautiful response will be Bosporus Straits blockage. After oil price deeps and TR is going to get gas from other suppliers soon, + No Black sea pass for any RU ships ......I don’t need to explain the future of RU economy.

Latest news from fisherman.....Fisherman last comment rocks.:-)

He said that " we saw the warship and it was about 2 km far away from us and it was not moving.We were just informed by Turkish Coastguard that RU warship made a warning shot to us .Now we are continuing our fishing "

He hee ~Now we are continuing our fishing:omghaha:

Türk balıkçı Rusya'yı yalanladı - Milliyet.com.tr
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Well firstly Russia has air defenses that Turkey can only dream of. S-400s can shoot down Turkish aircraft well before they can get any wear near firing range. Likewise lets say Turkey does manage to hit some targets around the black sea. What next? Turkey simply does not have the weapons to conduct deep strikes into Russia, while Russia can hit Turkey all day long from a safe distance.

Your big country cant even handle some Chechens with ak's.

Funny guy.

Turkey is monitored from 4 - Turkish Peace Eagle and 4 Sentry's.
Our coasts are monitored with LPI radars, underwater sono buoys and MPA's.

Koral Systems are deployed to Syrian boarder and some other points.

Full alert. Why should we bomb Novosibirsk or Wladivostok ? We can strike up to 2500 km with all MEANS.
That's enough.

We are not aggressive and offensive like Russia but peaceful secure and defensive.
Russia should not over span the bow.

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