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Russia Attacked Turkish Boat


Oct 31, 2013
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Just came across following new.


Mods if there is already a thread on the news please merge this one with it.
Turkish Captain of the Fish Trawler speaking :

" Nothing happened, no gun fire ! We gave Turkish Coast GUARD our cam records and are going on fishing "!

F vk the paranoid and drunken Russkies

RUSYA’nın, Yunanistan’ın Limni Adası açıklarında ’Smetlivy’ adlı destroyerin bu sabah ‘çarpışmayı önlemek için uyarı ateşi açtığını’ açıkladığı balıkçı teknesi ’Geçiciler 1’in kaptanı Muzaffer Geçici, DHA’ya konuştu. Geçici, "Bize ateş açıldığından haberimiz yok. Elimizde görüntü kayıtları var. Sahil Güvenliğe teslim edip ifade verdik. Avlanmaya devam ediyoruz" dedi.

Rus gemisinden ateş açılan teknenin kaptanı konuştu

That's fake
Russian are paranoiac and fear Turks more than EBOLA,
they warned a Turkish Fish Trawler with gun fire in International Waters:

That's the boat


I have experience working on ships and know protocols. The Turkish ship did not respond to radio calls and continued approaching the Russian ship which was anchored. The Turkish ship by maritime rules has to give way. The Turkish ship kept approaching the Russian ship without responding. The Russian ship did everything right and as a last resort fire warning shots which is actually more common then you think.

Try coming up to a military ship without responding to radio and see what happens. After the USS Cole was bombed no sane navy will allow suspicious ships to approach. In any case, unlike Turkey Russia wasn't stupid enough to actually target the ship.
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I have experience working on ships and know protocols. The Turkish ship did not respond to radio calls and continued approaching the Russian ship which was anchored. The Turkish ship by maritime rules has to give way. The Turkish ship kept approaching the Russian ship without responding. The Russian ship did everything right and as a last resort fire warning shots.

Try coming up to a military ship without responding to radio and see what happens. After the USS Cole was bombed no sane navy will allow suspicious ships to approach. In any case, unlike Turkey Russia wasn't stupid enough to actually target the ship.
The captain of the vessel said no warning shots were fired and they filmed everything, we might see a caption of the incident in a couple days.
I have experience working on ships and know protocols. The Turkish ship did not respond to radio calls and continued approaching the Russian ship which was anchored. The Turkish ship by maritime rules has to give way. The Turkish ship kept approaching the Russian ship without responding. The Russian ship did everything right and as a last resort fire warning shots which is actually more common then you think.

Try coming up to a military ship without responding to radio and see what happens. After the USS Cole was bombed no sane navy will allow suspicious ships to approach. In any case, unlike Turkey Russia wasn't stupid enough to actually target the ship.

Save your argument for when all the facts are on the table and the Turkish Foreign ministry had made an official statement, you know it all cretin.
Save your argument for when all the facts are on the table and the Turkish Foreign ministry had made an official statement, you know it all cretin.

What a stupid logic, this is a forum, people debate. Turks here are jumping up and down coming to conclusions and i'm the one that needs to "save" my "argument".

The bottom line is that if the news is true the Russians took appropriate measure, especially considering that the ship was acting suspicious by not responding and coming closer. Again i don't think i need to remind people that a small boat killed 17 sailors on the USS Cole.
Ruslar Türk teknesine ateş açtı! videosunu izle | Sabah TV

Here is the Trawler, it has Radio, multiple radar,GPS -Nav and even Sat-Com. BUT they of course don't speak Russkie language. International air and sea language is ENGLISH.
Anchored ship ?
Stupid argument. In movement there are traffic rules .
That is a civil ship. WTF Russian is anchoring there ? Engine default ? Scrap ?

Ship approaching to long side of a crossing ship has to pass back side of the crossing ship. If they approaching head to head (bow) passing him from left. I am also private captain.

To write more Technic is waste of time for you.
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I have experience working on ships and know protocols. The Turkish ship did not respond to radio calls and continued approaching the Russian ship which was anchored. The Turkish ship by maritime rules has to give way. The Turkish ship kept approaching the Russian ship without responding. The Russian ship did everything right and as a last resort fire warning shots which is actually more common then you think.

Try coming up to a military ship without responding to radio and see what happens. After the USS Cole was bombed no sane navy will allow suspicious ships to approach. In any case, unlike Turkey Russia wasn't stupid enough to actually target the ship.

Try hitting a turkish ship and see what happens
Try hitting a turkish ship and see what happens

Ohhh scary, i am having a civil discussion and here comes a Turk in typical fashion threatening others. Based on previous Turkish history, the Turks will retreat and then commit genocide.

In any case a one on one war between Turkey and Russia would be a slaughter fest. Turkey would be pounded day and night with cruise missiles and conventional ICBMs, while Turkey would be able to do next to nothing to Russia. Turkey has no force projection.
What a stupid logic, this is a forum, people debate. Turks here are jumping up and down coming to conclusions and i'm the one that needs to "save" my "argument".

The bottom line is that if the news is true the Russians took appropriate measure, especially considering that the ship was acting suspicious by not responding and coming closer. Again i don't think i need to remind people that a small boat killed 17 sailors on the USS Cole.

Yes because if Turkey decides to attack a Russian warship in the Agean it will be a suicide crew disguised as fishermen (LOL). It'll either be a torpedo from a submarine or a couple of squads of the Underwater Warfare Unit. Russians won't hear them coming. Thus, this incident points out to yet another failed muscle flexing stunt and disproportionate display of strength (destroyer vs fishing boat, why not try a warning shot on a Turkish destroyer next time if they think they are so powerful?). Russia is pathetically trying to send "warnings" and yet looks like a angry kid with a grudge.

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