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Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

We're the active ones bombing your allies, while you're the passive ones watching us using your planes as shields, effectively causing the death of 15 Russian solders and we're the pathetic cowards:rofl::rofl:

You are bombing our allies and our allies are bombing you. So what? You dont attack us. But we are constantly supplying equipment that is used to attack you and you dont do anything to us. So yes, you are pathetic cowards. Yeah, i see it is so painful to accept. Thats why you keep repeating about IL coincident. Nope, give me example of Israelis attacking Russians. Oops you cant. Never attack Russians while we are supplying equipment to kill you with impunity. What a pathetic cowardice.
You are bombing our allies and our allies are bombing you. So what? You dont attack us. But we are constantly supplying equipment that is used to attack you and you dont do anything to us. So yes, you are pathetic cowards. Yeah, i see it is so painful to accept. Thats why you keep repeating about IL coincident. Nope, give me example of Israelis attacking Russians. Oops you cant. Never attack Russians while we are supplying equipment to kill you with impunity. What a pathetic cowardice.
Hey, look at this post from 2013. You've been threatening the same shit for years, seems like you don't like it when we bomb Damascus. How many hundreds of airstrikes have we committed since then? Where is the Russian response?

Hey, look at this post from 2013. You've been threatening the same shit for years, seems like you don't like it when we bomb Damascus. How many hundreds of airstrikes have we committed since then? Where is the Russian response?


Thats funny. So you are the one that dont do anything to stop supply of weapons that is used to attack you and at the same time accuse Russia of cowardice. You bomb Syria and we help them to repel attacks by supplying equipment. What is wrong about that? We are not attacked. When we are attacked we go and destroy the enemy completly not sit and watch for years like a cowards how someone supply them weapons.
Thats funny. So you are the one that dont do anything to stop supply of weapons that is used to attack you and at the same time accuse Russia of cowardice. You bomb Syria and we help them to repel attacks by supplying equipment. What is wrong about that? We are not attacked. When we are attacked we go and destroy the enemy completly not sit and watch for years like a cowards how someone supply them weapons.
Hey, look at this post from 2013. You've been threatening the same shit for years, seems like you don't like it when we bomb Damascus. How many hundreds of airstrikes have we committed since then? Where is the Russian response?

Hey, look at this post from 2013. You've been threatening the same shit for years, seems like you don't like it when we bomb Damascus. How many hundreds of airstrikes have we committed since then? Where is the Russian response?


Are you kidding me, what is the purpose of referring to some fake news from Debka? No one ever claimed that Russia will attack Israel if you will bomb Syria.
Once again an immature man child that can't stick to facts but rather chest thumping and stupid cartoons. Israel destroyed on empty Pansir that was out of munitions months ago and another one recently that was not doing anything with the radar completely down and inactive but you boast as if it's a spectacular acheavment. Destroying a lone Pantsir is not impressive, impressive would be destroyed a layered defense with long, short and medium range SAMs backed by electronic warfare and a competent Air Force.

I have for years been saying any air defense battery can be destroyed if it's out of missiles or simply overwhelmed. air defense batteries themselves are nothing to boast about, it's integrating a system of air defenses, data-link systems, radars, electronic warfare systems, aircraft and highly trained specialist that make it dangerous.

Every ADS should have multiple of these protecting them - to prevent super-saturation attacks and out of ammo issues, three per ADS should protect any misses that get by. Turn them on for 100 m range (or whatever is below the minimum range for the ADS) to be last resort, or if out of ammo 4km.


These would be helpful too for night attacks. Out in the field, they turn the radar on after the attack has been fired.


And regular MANPADs for day attack. Which rarely ever happen.

I have said it before, you have to saturate [the saturated attack] with enough ADS to stop any losses.

Once hypersonic missiles come on line for the Washington regime, Syria would then need S-400s and S-500s to deal with an attack, and those might be destroyed easily.
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It was firing:


1) If he was empty he should drive and hide.
2) Pantsir never could hit anything.

It not clear what was firing in that video but one thing is certain-- the IDF edits its videos and uses multiple weapons to attack a single Pantsir which indicates the Pantsir has destroyed Israeli missiles before.

The IDF destroyed one empty Pantsir last year and recently they released an edited video which showed something firing towards an Israeli missile and then the video cut away and showed a Pantsir (with radar off-line) getting hit from the side.

So far 2 Pantsirs were destroyed, both with radars not working, and we have one ambiguous edited video that shows an unidentifiable battery firing but the video cuts away.
Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

On three conditions; here are the rules set by Russia:

- Any Israeli military operation in Syria can only be held after informing the Russian base in Khmeimim about its times and routes, which Israel must adhere to.

- The aviation routes in range of the Russian S-400 system at the Khmeimim airbase north of Homs will no longer be used.

- Israel may only attack bases and facilities belonging to Iran and its allies in Syria (e.g. Hezbollah) within 85 km of the Israeli-Syrian border.

It not clear what was firing
It was Pantsir. Only Pantsir has a booster with unpowered second stage.

in that video but one thing is certain-- the IDF edits its videos and uses multiple weapons to attack a single Pantsir
Nothing edited there. Just two weapons were used in this case and both hit. In other scenarios only 1 weapon was used.

indicates the Pantsir has destroyed Israeli missiles before.
Pantsir never could shoot down anything so far. If Pantsir shot down something they would show it.

So far 2 Pantsirs were destroyed
3 Pantsirs were destroyed. Thats despite the fact that Israel warns prior attack giving them about 10 minutes to prepare.

In real war there will be no warning and Israel will take out all big radars before.
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