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RQ-170 footage released

Thanks. So it indeed crashed in desert. As I said in the beginning.

Such big drone crashes and still no sign of exploding and breaks ?

Man , Look at the pics and use only 1 % of your brain . The drone was flying at high altitude , If it had crashed you wouldn't have seen anything similar to a drone except decomposed pieces .
Such big drone crashes and still o sign of exploding and breaks ?

Man , Look at the pics and use only 1 % of your brain . The drone was flying at high altitude , If it had crashed you wouldn't have seen anything similar to a drone except decomposed pieces .

maybe he had a crash landing After birth :coffee:
what makes you believe that Russia or china are not helping Iran in it's defense development?

Russia is a BS . I doubt even China risks it's relationship with the West for helping Iran . In my opinion its either homemade or reverse engineered version of Chinese or Russian models .
Your state of denial truly amazes me.
The drone lands safely in Iran intact, its wings are detached for easy transport with helicopter, it's footage is decoded and you are still asking if the drone is safe or not or if it landed in Iran or crashed.

Let's assume it's crashed.Firstly, why didn't the self-destructive mechanism work?
Secondly, do you have any idea what will happen if a 4 tonnes flying object crashed in desert? Even elementary school kids can guess that.I'm guessing why you can't do it.

Why should we 'prove' to people like you such things? It doesn't matter in anyway.What matters is, this cutting-edge piece of tech is in Iran's hands safe and sound.Let the haters hate.

I know why you are always in state of denial regarding Iran, because you always put your hate before your logic and brain and this is what happens.
500 is a dirty jewish zionist... he thinks Iran is a bunch of Gaza militants. he is in for a bad surprise when we pound his illegal entity to submission
Russia is a BS . I doubt even China risks it's relationship with the West for helping Iran . In my opinion its either homemade or reverse engineered version of Chinese or Russian models .

so why they can't do the same ??? :coffee:
That's the problem in your posts oldman. The RQ-170 has not 'crashed', you can see it's almost intact.
Wrong. A 'crash' is essentially an uncontrolled and usually unintended maneuver. I can 'crash' my car at a measly 5 km/hr and nothing except for a minor paint scratches, but it would still be a 'crash'.

Do you have any idea what GPS-spoofing is? You can not make a drone land exactly on a highway when you are giving it false GPS coordinates,it's only possible when you have access to control center of the drone which was either in Afghanistan or U.S.
Yes, I do know what 'GPS-spoofing' is. You are making a great leap of faith, not logic, in believing that this was some sort of take-over event. Not likely. You have no idea where the UAV landed, as in crashed.

According to Iranian officials, they have tricked the drone by giving it wrong coordinates not by taking full control of its systems, which explains why it has been landed in desert.
Then why not fly it all the way to Tehran?
@500 , are you trying to imply that the drone crashed by itself?
Why is that improbable?

There are many reasons why an unmanned aircraft would crash with no external influences, loss of control link is one of them. If the UAV is programmed with some degree of autonomous flight in the event of such a loss, it will do so until it exhausted its fuel, then it will simply glide to an eventual crash.

For example...

SKYbrary - Predator B, vicinity Nogales USA, 2006 (LOC HF)
The pilot stated that, after the switch to the PPO-2 console, he noticed that the UAV was not maintaining altitude, but he did not know why. He decided to shut down the ground data terminal (GDT) so that the UAV would begin its lost-link procedure. This procedure called for the UAV to autonomously climb to 15,000 feet above mean sea level (msl) and fly a predetermined course until contact could be reestablished. With no engine power, the UAV continued to descend below line-of-sight (LOS) communications, and further attempts to reestablish contact with the UAV were not successful.

The Aviationist » Infographic: how the U.S. top secret stealth drone was captured by Iran
First of all, the lost-link procedure does not foresse the RQ-170 landing autonomously at his actual homebase (because of the many variables, such as wind and traffic) but orbiting until link is re-established or the drone runs out of fuel.
The cause of such a lost is a different issue, but essentially, it is preferable that unmanned aircrafts have a default programming in the event of such a loss.

in any case, there are many reports on how china has provided Iran with advanced radars ,some time back a Chinese military personnel claimed that china could intercept American stealth fighters, i'm not saying that china might have provided such a technology,perhaps there could be a possibility of china assisting Iran on developing its own version of advanced systems which could take down stealth drones.
Sure...It is called 'Chinese physics'. We have seen plenty of it here.

looks like all you judes!!! have nothing named brain !! this RQ if crashed nothing of it was found. i think you are blind too. this thing could destroy itself when it became out of control of the controller. so you see yes it crashed in the landing but still obvious that hacked by iranian lions.
Are you speaking from extensive personal experience with UAV designs?
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Let's assume it's crashed.Firstly, why didn't the self-destructive mechanism work?
Because there is not any such. This is one of the biggest myths flying around (pun intended). There are many methods of so called 'self destruct'. Instead of destroying the aircraft, why not program the hard drive to erase itself in the event of an unauthorized access? That is a form of self destruct. But what you are talking about is outright dangerous and foolhardly -- explosives. Why not do the same for fighter aircrafts? What if this self destruct mechanism malfunction at the worst moment? What have you accomplished other than wasting money and possibly a human life?
Are you speaking from extensive personal experience with UAV designs?

i'm speaking of what i heard from BBC persian which said the strange thing is that this drone has self-destruction system. i think you will accept one the medias of yours.
Perhaps 500 can also explain how other drones like the ScanEagle managed to fall in Iran's hands, or is it that from all countries in the world, only miraculously Iran has the aura to attract defected drones? Nice trolling btw.
Keyword search for you 'drone failure rate'. You would get something like this...

Raining drones? – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs
All drones are not created equal. Some have different crash rates, just as manned systems do, according to drone expert Peter Singer. And, like manned craft, crash rates diminish as the technology advances.

"The crash rates tend to go down the longer that they've been in service," said Singer. "The newer the system the more technical problems, the more we don't know about its particulars, the more kinks that have to be worked out."
Or this...

U.S. military drone crashes in Seychelles - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post
The Seychelles, where U.S. officials have worked closely with local officials to establish the drone base, is hardly enemy territory, and the drone that crashed Tuesday was operated by the Air Force, not the CIA, which operated the stealth RQ-170 that crashed in Iran.

Still, Tuesday’s crash once again illustrates the fallibility of unmanned aerial vehicles.
UAVs crash more often than you think. But since only the ones involving Iran make the news headlines, this can only mean Iranians have a direct hand in them. :lol:
i'm speaking of what i heard from BBC persian which said the strange thing is that this drone has self-destruction system. i think you will accept one the medias of yours.
Then you do not know what you are talking about. And neither did whoever that was on the telly.

you are comparing manned fighter jets with RQ-170 !?

that phantom is already ****ed up :hang2:

RQ-170 : oh my god ... help me ... help me ... :crazy_pilot: thanks :tup:

get a life 500 :coffee:
No need for god. I will do just as good at educating you about this issue.
Then you do not know what you are talking about. And neither did whoever that was on the telly.

so you are questioning one you're biggest news agency? strange because if they say iran is dangerous then iran is dangerous but if they say the drone has self-destruction system then it means nothing. has anybody told you that you're such a looser?
Gambit, as far as we know;

US first denied the lost of that drone, then it said that a drone was lost over West-Afghanistan, than it denied that Iran had the drone, than some officials questioned and denied the drone's appearance in a footage, than they said Iran can't decode the data, and now we have a footage.

In contrast to your government, Iran has pretty much gave a accurate and logical explanation of the capturing of this drone.
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