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RQ-170 footage released

so you are questioning one you're biggest news agency? strange because if they say iran is dangerous then iran is dangerous but if they say the drone has self-destruction system then it means nothing. has anybody told you that you're such a looser?
Sonny, if there is such a self destruct mechanism, I would design it to recognize highly specific electronic signatures, the encrypted kind that not even Iranians can break, then if such a link is broken, the aircraft would destroy itself.

But here is where your argument fails: What if the weather interrupt the link between ground controllers and the UAV? Would the UAV self destruct? For what?

Do any critical thinking? I guess not. That is why you depends on the talking heads in the telly instead of doing your own research.
No need for god. I will do just as good at educating you about this issue.

UAVs crash more often than you think. But since only the ones involving Iran make the news headlines, this can only mean Iranians have a direct hand in them. :lol:

Perhaps you can provide us with a example of a drone crashing in another country, being fully intact?
Gambit, as far as we know;

US first denied the lost of that drone, then it said that a drone was lost over West-Afghanistan, than it denied that Iran had the drone, than some officials questioned and denied the drone's appearance in a footage, than they said Iran can't decode the data, and now we have a footage.

In contrast to your government, Iran has pretty much gave a accurate and logical explanation of the capturing of this drone.
Refusal to believe is not the same thing as denial.

If we first refused to acknowledge a loss TO IRAN, it is understandable because the default position of a technical failure is the safest one. Nothing wrong with that. And the RQ was flying in the Afghanistan-Iran area, so what is unusual about that? And why is it unusual to refuse to believe that Iran has THE specific UAV that was lost before all evidences are presented? And please...Given how much UAV videos are there on Youtube...

Perhaps you can provide us with a example of a drone crashing in another country, being fully intact?


Do you think Iran is capable enough to even reverse engineer the RQ-170 drone? Would they even understand the technology?
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i just ask you one question gambit. if this drone's capture had nothing to do with the iran's military efforts then how did sepah found the drone? simple question i throw a piece of wood in you're backyard how would you find that ?

and something about the link you gave 'surenas' with all respect that's bulI$ith because the drone in that page is vanished but RQ-170 is only around 10 percent damaged.using brain is a gift from heaven
Keyword search for you 'drone failure rate'. You would get something like this...

Raining drones? – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs

Or this...

U.S. military drone crashes in Seychelles - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

UAVs crash more often than you think. But since only the ones involving Iran make the news headlines, this can only mean Iranians have a direct hand in them. :lol:

As Surenas also said, Iran's explanation was far more clear and right than U.S.
1. U.S denies any drone crash in Iran
2. U.S admits it has lost control of a drone belonged to NATO over Afghanistan, but denies it is in Iran and even if it is, it's now a useless iron wreckage after it has crashed in Iran.Some even said Iran stole the drone from a base in Afghanistan.
3. Iran releases footage of the drone
4. U.S : No matter how much dumb it sounds, but it's most probably a mock made by Iranian in 2 days and the drone is not real.
5. Some 'unidentified' U.S officials admit the drone didn't belong to NATO, but to CIA and that most probably Iran is telling the truth.
6. Obama puts an end to the debate by asking the drone back.

Would you mind explaining why you think it was a low speed crash? It's not a freaking car with 5 km/h speed.This is a multi million dollar and one of the most advanced drones in the world.So you are telling me the ones who designed it didn't think of a situation like this and the risk of exposing valuable data? How did it land with low speed, and why did it land in first place? These drones are taught to return to their bases by autopilot if they have any malfunctions in their system.

Do you think Iran is capable enough to even reverse engineer the RQ-170 drone? Would they even understand the technology?
Short answer: Yes.

The hype that these UAV are 'stealth' and 'most advanced' are usually made by those who have no experience with them and they do so in order to inflate Iran's fortune. But for anyone who have any relevant experience with them -- and I do -- their components are genuinely commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) items. That is how we are able to manufacture so many of them in such a short time. The only thing that Iran will not be able to replicate is the satellite link system.

i just ask you one question gambit. if this drone's capture had nothing to do with the iran's military efforts then how did sepah found the drone? simple question i throw a piece of wood in you're backyard how would you find that ?
Buddy, it is more face saving for Iran to say that Iran 'detected' and 'hacked' it than it is for Iran to say they found the crashed drone by sheer luck.

and something about the link you gave 'surenas' with all respect that's bulI$ith because the drone in that page is vanished but RQ-170 is only around 10 percent damaged.using brain is a gift from heaven
The issue is the frequency of UAV failures, which was implied that somehow is rare, and because it is so rare, that mean Iran must have done something extraordinary. UAV failures are not rare.


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As Surenas also said, Iran's explanation was far more clear and right than U.S.
Yeah...That Iran 'hacked' it. Or even planted a USB flash drive into a UAV control computer in Nellis. My friends at Nellis had a real good laugh at that one.

Would you mind explaining why you think it was a low speed crash? It's not a freaking car with 5 km/h speed.This is a multi million dollar and one of the most advanced drones in the world.So you are telling me the ones who designed it didn't think of a situation like this and the risk of exposing valuable data? How did it land with low speed, and why did it land in first place? These drones are taught to return to their bases by autopilot if they have any malfunctions in their system.
These UAVs are not designed to drop like stone. Heck, even a manned aircraft have something call a 'glide ratio', let alone an aircraft specifically designed as a powered glider.

Data? That is another myth. Any data collected are transmitted off either in real time or in packet burst at the most convenient time. So even if there are any copies of any data collected, so what if Iran have it? It is about Iran, right?
These UAVs are not designed to drop like stone. Heck, even a manned aircraft have something call a 'glide ratio', let alone an aircraft specifically designed as a powered glider.

Data? That is another myth. Any data collected are transmitted off either in real time or in packet burst at the most convenient time. So even if there are any copies of any data collected, so what if Iran have it? It is about Iran, right?

Iran does have the data, so it means they have been stored somewhere in the drone, right? You didn't see the the footage, did you?

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@gambit When during a mission does the U-2s descends to that low of an altitude?
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i'm speaking of what i heard from BBC persian which said the strange thing is that this drone has self-destruction system. i think you will accept one the medias of yours.

Wel , it's more like a self destruction procesure rather than a device
@gambit When during a mission does the U-2s descends to that low of an altitude?
Ascend and descend. U-2/TR-1 operations are conducted at above 60k altitude. When I was at Heyford, I knew a few guys at Mildenhall who worked on the rotating TR-1s from Stateside. Told me a lot of interesting stories.
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With a significance difference in damage. Thats not what I meant.
What difference does it make? Not all crashes are identical. What was implied was that UAVs cannot malfunction and I proved that they malfunctioned and crashed with sufficient frequency.
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