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May 9, 2007
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1. The Portable Grenade Launcher System RPG-32
"HASHIM" is considered as a new generation of short
range, Anti-tank (Tandem), Anti-structure
(Thermobaric) weapon.
2. The system has the ability to destroy modern tanks of
latest types especially those with additional armor
shield (Explosive Reactive Armor-ERA).
3. The system is consists of two parts: Launcher with
optical sight and two kinds of grenades: Anti-tank
(Tandem) and Anti-structure (Thermobaric).


• Long Range.
• High Precision.
• Deep Penetration.
• Light Weight.
• Easy in Use.
• Multi-use Launcher.
• Two kinds of grenades: Anti-tank (Tandem)
and Anti-structure (Thermobaric).
• High Efficient and Cost-effective.
• Training Equipment are available.
• Night vision sight is available (upon request).

RPG-32 Hashim plant due to be opened in Jordan in May 2012 – official.

MOSCOW, December 15 (Itar-Tass) — A plant for producing the RPG-32 Hashim grenade-launchers is scheduled to be opened in Jordan in May 2012, director-general of the Bazalt manufacturing company Alexander Rybas told ARMS-Tass on Thursday.

Rybas did not elaborate. He only said the annual power capacity reached 60,000 grenade-launchers.


Rosoboronexport signed a contract with Jordan to make technical contribution and organise an assembly building to produce the Hashim grenade-launcher by Russian components in April 2010.

The RPG-32 Hashim grenade-launcher is a Russian- hand anti-tank grenade launcher. The RPG-32 multipurpose grenade launcher was developed between 2005 and 2007 by the Russian state-owned Bazalt manufacturing company at the request and under the contract with Jordan.

The first grenade launchers will be delivered to Jordan from Russia in 2008. The RPG-32 is a modular weapon that inherited proven and successful solutions in design of the weapon and rockets from earlier Russian grenade launchers, and it can be used to successfully engage and destroy a wide variety of battlefield targets, from modern main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers to bunkers, military equipment and troops in defilade or in the open.

After the first RPG-32 Hashim grenade launchers are delivered in 2008, the mass production of RPG-32 and its ammunition are expected to commence in Jordan and Mexico under the license. It will be also manufactured in Argentina for its army and the Marines. In 2010 Russia supplied the RPG-32 grenade launchers to Lebanon.


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awesome:D...can Jordan sell these to the third party? like If Pakistan army wants to buy this system do they need the russian approval?
awesome:D...can Jordan sell these to the third party? like If Pakistan army wants to buy this system do they need the russian approval?

I think yes, it's a commercial project as a matter of fact, of course beside bringing the tech to home. 60000 annually is far beyond Jordan need, so I believe it will be mass exported. BTW, I heard it costs 7000$...:)
How effective is it against MBT's like markava or lepord?
How effective is it against MBT's like markava or lepord?

It's the latest version of RPG family, and it's effective against those two tanks. It's penetration power is 5 times more than RPG-7 and it's range is 5 times more as well (Depends on the version of the RPG-7). It carries a tandem warhead so it can penetrate both the ERA and the main armor of the tank.
i sometimes find it hard to understand why there are tanks when just an rpg like that can destroy a tank that cost millions.
i sometimes find it hard to understand why there are tanks when just an rpg like that can destroy a tank that cost millions.

Because tanks have the speed and firepower to bear on the enemy. These days now active protection system is a popular trend to equip on various vehicles besides tanks to protect the crew and vehicle from rpgs. Don't underestimate the tanks if used correctly.

Were the munitions used in initial and final clips different?

The first few clips were not fascinating however the latter proved this weapon to be of great use in attack on semi-armored vehicles and non-armored vehicles don't stand a chance. I expected video of RPG-32 hitting an APC. Please search and post if available, this seriously looks like 21st Century replacement of RPG-7 for all users!

It's 105mm against 40mm of RPG-7. Quite a big difference! Sighting range is 700M and the maximum range of RPG-7 is from 200-300M. Worth the deal!
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Were the munitions used in initial and final clips different?

The first few clips were not fascinating however the latter proved this weapon to be of great use in attack on semi-armored vehicles and non-armored vehicles don't stand a chance. I expected video of RPG-32 hitting an APC. Please search and post if available, this seriously looks like 21st Century replacement of RPG-7 for all users!

It's 105mm against 40mm of RPG-7. Quite a big difference! Sighting range is 700M and the maximum range of RPG-7 is from 200-300M. Worth the deal!

The RPG-32 multipurpose grenade launcher was developed between 2005 and 2007 by Russian state-owned FGUP 'Bazalt' organization on request and under contract from Jordan. First RPG-32 'Hashim' grenade launchers will be delivered to Jordan from Russia in 2008, but it is planned that mass production of RPG-32 and its ammunition will be conducted in Jordan under license at the JRESCO factory. The RPG-32 is a modular weapon that inherited proven and successful solutions in design of the weapon and rockets from earlier Russian grenade launchers, and it can be used to successfully engage and destroy a wide variety of battlefield targets, from modern main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers to bunkers, military equipment and troops in defilade or in the open. This versatility is achieved by using as much as four types of ammunition in one weapon - two types of 105mm rockets and two types of smaller and lighter 72mm rockets. In each caliber,there's a HEAT rocket (with tandem warhead in 105mm caliber, optimized against ERA-equipped tanks) and a FAE / thermobaric rocket with enhanced fragmentation effect, optimized against lightly armored and soft targets.
The RPG-32 multipurpose grenade launcher consists of a short, reusable launcher tube with grips, firing controls and sight mount, detachable collimating sight and disposable ammunition containers, which are pre-loaded at the factory and attached to the rear end of the launcher before firing. Once rocket is fired , theempty container is detached from the launcher and discarded. There are four types of rockets available for RPG-32, all ballistically matched to the maximum range - two in 105mm caliber and two in 72mm caliber.All use solid-fuel rocket motors which burn out completely while rocket is still in the launcher, and all are stabilized in flight using switch-blade type folding fins at the rear.
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