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Rohingyas attempting anew for intrusion into Bangladesh

No I don't. But I had talked with some Syrians and one of my acquaint is working for UN welfare organizations to help Syrians in "Turkic Border" region. But it is the real truth that if Assad goes down, this will be the end of those "special" Christian believers too. West don't care about them. They just care about Jews safety. With the fall of Assad, Middle East will also be totally free from Russian & Iranian (just Iraq left) involvement. Apparently Turkey will have no space while there is Qatar backed by Saudis(+Jordanians) and the fight will be just among the Salafis and Saudis. Salafis are those who assassined Anwar Sadat and used to be the Anti-Quaddafi. The funny thing is they are lefties and they had every states in their control apart from Egypt and Libya and now they have the whole Africa. South Africa has more Latino involvement and controls most of the southern part of Africa. Now with Salafies and Latino Involvement, West and US are unwanted. So for the first time the North Africa is ruled by one policy Salafi. Salafies are making changes and that's why you get AU so active now. They are even welcoming US to help them fighting the Islamic fighters. :rofl:

That's why it is so fan watching.
Moron, don't troll here, they are not Bangladeshi! All the international media mentioned it '' Burma claims that they are illegals despite the fact that they are living there for generations'' Bangladesh took birth 40 years ago. Anyway, you are indian and logic is not your trait. I can understand!
Before you get your lungis in a twist read this from your swamp in BD:
But it is obvious that the Rohingya are not the descendants of “Arabs, Moors, Turks, Persians, Moguls and Pathans.” Evolution doesn’t happen that fast. They don’t look West Asia, rather, they look like typical dark-skinned Bengalis. The Rohingya language is closest to the dialect of Chittagong. In other words, it is closely related to standard Bengali. The Rohingya look Bengali, and, they speak a language close to Bengali. They are also almost all Muslims, just as is the case in eastern Bengal amongst the peasantry. The Rakhine of Arakan who claim that the Rohingya are descendants of Bengali laborers who arrived during the British period are probably right.
Rohingya are descended from pre-Bengalis | Brown Pundits

Anyways BSF should help Myanmar Border guards;)
No I don't. But I had talked with some Syrians and one of my acquaint is working for UN welfare organizations to help Syrians in "Turkic Border" region. But it is the real truth that if Assad goes down, this will be the end of those "special" Christian believers too. West don't care about them. They just care about Jews safety. With the fall of Assad, Middle East will also be totally free from Russian & Iranian (just Iraq left) involvement. Apparently Turkey will have no space while there is Qatar backed by Saudis(+Jordanians) and the fight will be just among the Salafis and Saudis. Salafis are those who assassined Anwar Sadat and used to be the Anti-Quaddafi. The funny thing is they are lefties and they had every states in their control apart from Egypt and Libya and now they have the whole Africa. South Africa has more Latino involvement and controls most of the southern part of Africa. Now with Salafies and Latino Involvement, West and US are unwanted. So for the first time the North Africa is ruled by one policy Salafi. Salafies are making changes and that's why you get AU so active now. They are even welcoming US to help them fighting the Islamic fighters. :rofl:

That's why it is so fan watching.

Syrian Christians in India follow similar culture...not This Ideology...
and they are not immigrants from syria..........

No I don't. But I had talked with some Syrians and one of my acquaint is working for UN welfare organizations to help Syrians in "Turkic Border" region. But it is the real truth that if Assad goes down, this will be the end of those "special" Christian believers too. West don't care about them. They just care about Jews safety. With the fall of Assad, Middle East will also be totally free from Russian & Iranian (just Iraq left) involvement. Apparently Turkey will have no space while there is Qatar backed by Saudis(+Jordanians) and the fight will be just among the Salafis and Saudis. Salafis are those who assassined Anwar Sadat and used to be the Anti-Quaddafi. The funny thing is they are lefties and they had every states in their control apart from Egypt and Libya and now they have the whole Africa. South Africa has more Latino involvement and controls most of the southern part of Africa. Now with Salafies and Latino Involvement, West and US are unwanted. So for the first time the North Africa is ruled by one policy Salafi. Salafies are making changes and that's why you get AU so active now. They are even welcoming US to help them fighting the Islamic fighters. :rofl:

That's why it is so fan watching.

Syrian Christians in India follow similar culture...not This Ideology...
and they are not immigrants from syria..........
I didn't say they were migrated but the good thing is West denies them and they want them to be in mainstream. By the way,either migrated or not , isn't the fact here. The fact is Syrian Christians are the supporter of Assad & they are denied by Main stream Christians. With the fall of Assad,not only the balance of Shia-Sunni, Salafi-Saudi-Iranian will fall, but the Ethnic population will be badly harmed and the damage is never repairable. Syria will lose its glorious past for something unknown.
Dnt fart here about HDI... You lot depend on remittance money send from muslim country...

Not only that more then 50% of the people of Kerala depend on agriculture for income...:lol:
Kerala model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

British Green activist Richard Douthwaite interviewed a person who remembers once saying that "in some societies, very high levels — virtually First World levels — of individual and public health and welfare are achieved at as little as sixtieth of US nominal GDP per capita and used Kerala as an example".[19]:310–312 Richard Douthwaite states that Kerala "is far more sustainable than anywhere in Europe or North America".[20]

Kerala's unusual socioeconomic and demographic situation was summarized by author and environmentalist Bill McKibben:[21]

Kerala, a state in India, is a bizarre anomaly among developing nations, a place that offers real hope for the future of the Third World. Though not much larger than Maryland, Kerala has a population as big as California's and a per capita annual income of less than $300. But its infant mortality rate is very low, its literacy rate among the highest on Earth, and its birthrate below America's and falling faster. Kerala's residents live nearly as long as Americans or Europeans. Though mostly a land of paddy-covered plains, statistically Kerala stands out as the Mount Everest of social development; there's truly no place like it."

Studying Kerala's combination of Government support and civic involvement in end-of-life care, a number of similar models are being tried out in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Seychelles and even in Switzerland. "Kerala provides a useful lesson for other countries, particularly as ageing population puts increasing pressures on existing healthcare services,” said the report. While countries such as Taiwan and Hungary have managed to get on the top 15 of the index, one possible reason cited for the poor show by India and China is their large population, with the care coverage reaching only a fraction of those in need

Kerala’s birth rate is 14 per 1,000 females and falling fast( that of the U.S. is 16). Its adult literacy rate is 94.59 per cent compared to US's 99. Life expectancy at birth in Kerala is 75 years compared to 77 years in the US. Female life expectancy in Kerala exceeds that of the male, just as it does in the developed world.
I didn't say they were migrated but the good thing is West denies them and they want them to be in mainstream. By the way,either migrated or not , isn't the fact here. The fact is Syrian Christians are the supporter of Assad & they are denied by Main stream Christians. With the fall of Assad,not only the balance of Shia-Sunni, Salafi-Saudi-Iranian will fall, but the Ethnic population will be badly harmed and the damage is never repairable. Syria will lose its glorious past for something unknown.

AFAIK...the only sister Church of Syrian Catholics are in Iran
Chaldean Catholic Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other Syrian Christian have Greek/Turkey connections
Before you get your lungis in a twist read this from your swamp in BD:

Rohingya are descended from pre-Bengalis | Brown Pundits

Anyways BSF should help Myanmar Border guards;)

talented Dhoti Clad indian, most of australians look like british people, they talk like british people . Does that mean they are illegal? Should the Maoris rule ocenia killing all english speaking people? Its indian logic. Btw i never used Lungi in my entire life!
In the same way we used to call West ***** - "Punjabis", which is yet a popular trade to "remark"
(abusive) Punjab origin people in India. India is also known for small dik nation by WHO (data can be found in several websites), Cowpiss, In Da *** nation by Pakistanis and for us "Malaun".

Nepalis call you "Nation without pride ". Thank you. I'm not laughing.

That comes from a Bangladeshi - the home to the ugliest looking people in South Asia and a nation that stinks and looks like a dirty slum
Another inferior backward tribal Indian came here to comment....Go build a toilet 1st.

Most toilet cleaners in India are illegal bangladeshis. It's your job inferior bangladeshi , build a toilet for us. Bangladeshis are only suited for these sort of jobs since they lack scientific and technical skills. It will be 3 decades before your inferior country is capable of launching a simple rocket into space , a feat we accomplished in the 1990s.
That comes from a Bangladeshi - the home to the ugliest looking people in South Asia and a nation that stinks and looks like a dirty slum

plz dont talk about lookness over here

i know how an average indian looks like
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