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Rocket ‘fired from Iran’ kills girl in border town in Pakistan

a yindoo telling pakistan that it has feud with all its neighbours, when was the last time, india had a friendly neighour, terrorist scum you have fued with nepal, china, srilanka, pakistan, bangladesh

no neighbour is safe from your nuiscence
Support to Jundallah in Iran, Taliban in Afghanistan, Uighar terrorist camps which torment in Xinjiang region in China, various terrorist camps terrorizing all over India.
Pot calling Kettle Black. :D
It is very easy to fight over shia sunni or Iran-Pak issues over here but an angel's death is unacceptable in any case.May her rest in peace :(
a terrorist yindoo doesn't admit terrorism till his terror scum is beaten to death in jails like sarbjeet singh

yindoo is trying to escape the nuiscence it created in bangladesh, srilanka

your country officiates terrorism, and you are talking about terrorism emanating from pakistan

who was the soviet unnion ally who started destruction of afghanistan

which is the country who tries to sabotage afghanistan in the name of strategic depth with the help of afghan intelligence to create troubles inside pakistan through afghan border?

:lol: You keep saying Yindoo as if being Hindu or being called hindu is bad - grow up kid, If being "Yindoo" is bad then being called "mauzzie" is equally or more bad.

Who said anyone's escaping from what we did in Bangladesh or Sri Lanka? have you heard any Indian leader denying it? while Pakistan is bent on denying all it's terrorist activities.

We aren't called terror central or the epicenter of terrorism of the world, so which country do you think "officiates" terrorism?

We were Soviet allies much before they invaded Afghanistan - so?

Which country who tries to sabotage Afghanistan in the name of strategic depth? - :lol: which country do you think that is?

and as for Sarabjit - Pakistan has a skewed take when it comes to terrorism - so one wouldn't take their terrorism related accusations on someone else seriously.
Support to Jundallah in Iran, Taliban in Afghanistan, Uighar terrorist camps which torment in Xinjiang region in China, various terrorist camps terrorizing all over India.
Pot calling Kettle Black. :D

oohh che

so you mean to say uigher belong to pakistan?
taliban to pakistan?
jundullah belong to pakistan


i think you will now say there existed no sarbjeet singh who's terrorism india repeatedly denied, there existed no surjeet singh and other countless singhs

india was never a part of LTTE terror, india never harboured mukti bahini terrorists?

uigher never terrorised china from inside the borders?
talibans never ruled afghanistan

and jundullah was never formed in iran itself
^ Dude, I am talking of terrorists based in Pakistan, some of them supported by state.
^ Dude, I am talking of terrorists based in Pakistan, some of them supported by state.

pakistan itself had suffered the terrorist outfits from talibans operating in afghanistan where as it is pakistan which had always against terrorists like abdul malik riggi who is iranian escaped from iran(and not captured by iranian incompetent security) was later captured by ISI

similarly the uigher reside in the area which is mountanoeus and can't be guarded properly

uigher terorrists were immediately operated and handed over to china

since when did baloch terrorists operating from iran, TTP terrorists operating from afghanistan and baloch terrorists operating from afghanistan have been handed over? such as fazlullah were handed to pakistan?

pakistan is a more responsible state as compared to all india, afghanistan and iran

lets forget how india harboured the LTTE head Prabhakaran till he was killed

state terrorism is only linked with india, never to pakistan

a state sponsored terror never harms its own host, the perfect example is LTTE, which never harmed india

jundullah, talibans and terrorists from central asia have all harmed pakistan
May be this is not the thread to express my frustration, but I will still make points here.

Unless and until Pakistan is led by beghairat (shameless) leaders like those from PMLN PPP and MQM, Pakistan cant defend its borders.

I dont know why and who fired rockets from Iran. Its a glaring foreign policy failure that all our borders are tense. Our national interest is in having deep friendship with Iran but since we get dollars and our leaders sell our souls for pennies, we cant take independent decisions as US decides our fate.

Iran has been a power. It has proved it is a power to look up to. Since Revolution, Iran has suffered immensely but it never gave up its national interest. An artificial war against Iraq was imposed on it. All types of criminal sanctions were applied on it. Yet it did not budge from its right.

Iran never begged for peace. In fact P5 + 1 negotiated with it.

Iran has defeated Israel in Lebanon through Hezbullah. When Israel tried to destroy the bridge it alleged was Syria, it was defeated in Syria yet again. A country like Saudi Arabia, which has a history of treachery and which funds Western banks with its money, came in the way in Syria and was also dealt with. Iran has proved without compromising its dignity and honour that nations who have those assets never bow to artificial pressures.

The biggest possession one has is dignity, not dollars in your pocket. Since Pakistan has neither dollars nor dignity, Iran teaches us a great lesson to learn, which I m sure we wont learn as keep choosing people our representatives who have little stake in Pakistan.

PS : Wondering I m a Shia. FYI, I m not!
Iran have a virtually unlimited supply of oil and gas so they can be belligerent.

Pakistan don't have that luxury, we depend on relationships for revenue. We have to do it the hard way but the end goal will be beautiful.

Iran does not nuclear weapons and it will always stay at a disadvantage if faced with military action.

Iran are not free, just petty and bitter just like their Indian friends.
Iran have a virtually unlimited supply of oil and gas so they can be belligerent.

Pakistan don't have that luxury, we depend on relationships for revenue. We have to do it the hard way but the end goal will be beautiful.

Iran does not nuclear weapons and it will always stay at a disadvantage if faced with military action.

Iran are not free, just petty and bitter just like their Indian friends.

Exactly,what I wanted to say....
@W.11 Entire world knows who support terrorism. Whether it comes down to 7/7 bombers who came to Peshawar for training, 26/11 Mumbai attackers, presence of OBL in military garrison town etc. Mullah Omar, leader of Taliban, one of the brutal regime in our regime was raised, supported and helped by Pakistan. Guess who has recognized Taliban at that time. As for Uighars, China has raised this issue many times against Pakistan as it is not doing enough to uproot the terrorist camp.

Pakistan is reaping what it sowed. Ethnic cleansing has been going in Pakistan for a long time. TTP came to existence because Pakistan supported WOT otherwise if they would have been fighting US, you would have gave them sanctuaries, just like you do to Afghan Taliban.

India lost its PM to LTTE after we sent IPKF. And India is considered as one of the most responsible nation. We have good relations with Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, even with China in presence of border disputes etc.
Pakistan's indecision on the drone issue is getting a big problem.Now,our supposedly friendly countries are venting their anger and frustration on us.Blaming us for their incompetence and folly.
Because guess what, Pakistan is an easy target to attack given the narrative against it.We saved the world from a Soviet communist threat and Talibanization, and still we get blamed whenever, someone screws up.This too will change eventually.Times Do change.

Iranians are certainly miscalculating their chances with Pakistan.Pakistan has the capacity and morale to **** the shit out of any country.
pakistan itself had suffered the terrorist outfits from talibans operating in afghanistan where as it is pakistan which had always against terrorists like abdul malik riggi who is iranian escaped from iran(and not captured by iranian incompetent security) was later captured by ISI

similarly the uigher reside in the area which is mountanoeus and can't be guarded properly

uigher terorrists were immediately operated and handed over to china

since when did baloch terrorists operating from iran, TTP terrorists operating from afghanistan and baloch terrorists operating from afghanistan have been handed over? such as fazlullah were handed to pakistan?

pakistan is a more responsible state as compared to all india, afghanistan and iran

lets forget how india harboured the LTTE head Prabhakaran till he was killed

state terrorism is only linked with india, never to pakistan

a state sponsored terror never harms its own host, the perfect example is LTTE, which never harmed india

jundullah, talibans and terrorists from central asia have all harmed pakistan

You say Pakistan is a responsible state even when all top leaders operate and roam around freely inside Pakistan and its cities?
Pakistan's indecision on the drone issue is getting a big problem.Now,our supposedly friendly countries are venting their anger and frustration on us.Blaming us for their incompetence and folly. Because guess what, Pakistan is an easy target to attack given the narrative against it.We saved the world from a Soviet communist threat and Talibanization, and still we get blamed whenever, someone screws up.This too will change eventually.Times Do change. Iranians are certainly miscalculating their chances with Pakistan.Pakistan has the capacity and morale to **** the shit out of any country.
You saved world from Talibanization ? :rofl:

Three countries recognized Taliban: Pakistan, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan was also one of only three countries, along with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which recognised the Taliban when they were in power in Afghanistan from the mid-1990s until 2001.

BBC News - Who are the Taliban?
Yes we did save the world considerably and that's what we've been doing for the past more than 10 years..
and FYI by talibanization I mean the spread of their extremist ideology.
Specifically who the talibans are and what kinds of taliban are there is a long story...
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