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Rishi Sunak - UK next PM?

if prince charles claims sunak as his illegitimate son then maybe.

Charles may had his "Finger" in many pies, but I don't think India rotti was one of them. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Ireland are a much more different country, they are more accepting and welcoming, England, in most cases, not so much. should’ve seen the abuse black footballers got after euro 2020 finals lol.

It is a fact. Most Irish people I have found them more progressive and less racists. Even Scottish I know are not racists at all.
But UK has a parliamentary system. He does not need vote from entire UK, just from one constituency (Asian dominated one). Then he can gather support of fellow MPs and get PM position.

Apart from indians, hardly anyone else will vote for him. English, Whites, Blacks, Muslims, East Asians and South Americans will definitely not vote for him. Which indian constituency will vote for him?
A black man will become UK prime minister WAY before ANY other non-white will.
Apart from indians, hardly anyone else will vote for him. English, Whites, Blacks, Muslims, East Asians and South Americans will definitely not vote for him. Which indian constituency will vote for him?
A black man will become UK prime minister WAY before ANY other non-white will.
There are several Indian origin MPs in UK parliament. So he can stand from any of their seats.
In the UK, things are different. Apart from indians who make up less than 2% of the UK population, no one else will vote for him. In the UK, out of all the non-whites, the blacks are the most privileged and liked by white people.

Believe me or not, it's the same in the US like it is in the UK. Blacks are the most privileged because of slavery and the Whites worldwide now give them that room to make up for our grand grand parent's past mistakes. Indian's don't make up even 1% of the US population, YET, they have a VP in, the Surgeon General is an Indian Descent, the chairman of FCC and many other politicians are from India or Indian descent. I could see him being a UK PM soon. He can easily say "I'll bring in 5 million jobs and $ 20 billion (from India obviously), can anyone else say that? No. Stuff like this gets the votes and India is a hot 3rd largest economy.
Next door Ireland had a half-brown PM recently.

He's gay and also somewhat of a novelty. Ireland also doesn't have an empire hangup.
We did not see much public outcry in UK despite 4 cabinet members of Indian origin.

We also didn't see one with Pakistani members of cabinet e.g. Sajid Javid and a London mayor Sadiq Khan, but it's nothing in the grand scheme of things.
They also spoke about Sajid Javid in the same way. But we knew it would amount to nothing.
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But UK has a parliamentary system. He does not need vote from entire UK, just from one constituency (Asian dominated one). Then he can gather support of fellow MPs and get PM position.

You do know that he will have to party leader right? If you think the majority population will be dropping in votes for a party with an ethnic Indian head you are being naive.
His wife Akshata Murthy is also have very close links to India which makes many uncomfortable and there's been great focus on their wealth.
Believe me or not, it's the same in the US like it is in the UK. Blacks are the most privileged because of slavery and the Whites worldwide now give them that room to make up for our grand grand parent's past mistakes. Indian's don't make up even 1% of the US population, YET, they have a VP in, the Surgeon General is an Indian Descent, the chairman of FCC and many other politicians are from India or Indian descent. I could see him being a UK PM soon. He can easily say "I'll bring in 5 million jobs and $ 20 billion (from India obviously), can anyone else say that? No. Stuff like this gets the votes and India is a hot 3rd largest economy.

In the UK, it is OVER 80% indigenous white English. They are super proud of their race and heritage although they would never publicly admit to it. They would never vote for an indian NO matter what incentives you give them. They see indians as being way below them any talk of the indian economy would fall on deaf ears. Claiming that there will be an indian UK prime ministers is as far fetched as indian claims that the americans would NEVER EVER leave afghanistan as they need to protect indian interests there.......... :disagree:
You do know that he will have to party leader right? If you think the majority population will be dropping in votes for a party with an ethnic Indian head you are being naive.
His wife Akshata Murthy is also have very close links to India which makes many uncomfortable and there's been great focus on their wealth.
Many seemingly impossible things have happened in the past. Given Rishi Sunak is already the Finance Minister at such a young age and he is pretty ambitious, I am sure he will get the top job in his lifetime.
The Tories are not fearful of public perception handing such important portfolio to Indian origin ppl. The top job is the next logical step.
Charles may had his "Finger" in many pies, but I don't think India rotti was one of them. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

It is a fact. Most Irish people I have found them more progressive and less racists. Even Scottish I know are not racists at all.

english were always hated by welsh Irish and Scottish. These groups know that England will enslave them and always wanted out AND INDEPENDENCE.
Rishi Sunak is married to a very wealthy Indian woman whose family are close to and are big supporters of Modi. The likelihood of Rishi becoming the next con leader and PM is very high, Labour has no chance as it is divided and being led by a complete coward, whose policies align more with the tories than with a socialist party, thee is no blair-brown double act to lead labour to power. Rishi will be the next con leader.
Yes Rishi Sunak will make a good PM. Indians are highly qualified people. I have seen this in USA. Most of the qualified doctors, engineers, NASA astronauts are Chinese and Indians. Even the IT sector of USA is dominated by both Chinese and Indians. Pakistanis and Bangladeshis on the other hand are mostly grocery store owners and taxi drivers.

Also UK is not be dumb enough to make Muslims and Pakistani muslims like Sadiq Khan or Sajid Javed as PM. No self respecting Christian, Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist would want their country to be lead by Muslims.

Can you post the links to the evidence that confirms most nasa scientists are indian?....... :azn:
Rishi Sunak is married to a very wealthy Indian woman whose family are close to and are big supporters of Modi. The likelihood of Rishi becoming the next con leader and PM is very high, Labour has no chance as it is divided and being led by a complete coward, whose policies align more with the tories than with a socialist party, thee is no blair-brown double act to lead labour to power. Rishi will be the next con leader.

A black man or woman will be prime minister of the UK before ANY other non-white will. How is being linked to modi going to make someone the prime minister of the UK?..........:azn:
Many seemingly impossible things have happened in the past. Given Rishi Sunak is already the Finance Minister at such a young age and he is pretty ambitious, I am sure he will get the top job in his lifetime.
The Tories are not fearful of public perception handing such important portfolio to Indian origin ppl. The top job is the next logical step.

Yes nothing is impossible, but something can be very, very unlikely to happen. This is one such thing. Others have also been in the same position, remember Sajid Javid also had this job.
Nothing much will come of this and there are strong indications he won't be in the job long.
The Tories are not fearful? Who told you that? Perceptions mean everything to them, look at the uproar regarding the NI hike. They've already dropped 5 points!
I also don't know why you go on about "handing portfolios to Indian origin people", they have Nigerian, Ghanian and of course Pakistani people in such positions. This is not unusual.
Rishi Sunak is married to a very wealthy Indian woman whose family are close to and are big supporters of Modi. The likelihood of Rishi becoming the next con leader and PM is very high, Labour has no chance as it is divided and being led by a complete coward, whose policies align more with the tories than with a socialist party, thee is no blair-brown double act to lead labour to power. Rishi will be the next con leader.

Just no for a wealth of reasons.
Watch in a couple of years he will be confined to the back bench.
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