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Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

Ha ha that was too funny mr idiot.
You dont know anything about Kerala that is why I told you to please just STFU.If you keep continue this you will become an embarrasment to your Bangladesh and you may destroy the repuatation of good BDians here.
You call yourselves as intelligent with an age old oil pointing so much for proofs.
@iajdani you talk about Nairs in BD .Then where is the proofs either there is no such thing or may you ignore my question.
Go take a visa and visit kerala you can still see brahmins specially wear their 'mundu' in a tradional way you pointed.w with a slight modification only for ritual action.
Since you are a BD ian youvhave an excellent opportunity to ask illegal pole vaulters fromvl BD.
A dalit cant rule a kingdom.But a nair can that is why must search about Zamorin in Calicut.Nairs are rulers during that time and so brahmins dont like us.
And finally you dont need to ask us about Dalits.
You can call yourselves as Dalit.After most BD like you are dalit.
Sorry friend we are light year above you when it come to development

Nair of so called ruling class women (as good as African tribes)

Even the lowest caste female were better dressed up than tribal Nair of that time


Solvent women

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Ok i found more about Nair in Kerala.. these people were actually slaves of Namboodiri -- and the supplier of body guard and prostitutes for Namboodiri bhramin. Yak
Ok i found more about Nair in Kerala.. these people were actually slaves of Namboodiri -- and the supplier of body guard and prostitutes for Namboodiri bhramin. Yak
Kid, we can see ur picture. You shouldn't talk about looking like an african. U look like skinny East African phone salesmen
Kid, we can see ur picture. You shouldn't talk about looking like an african. U look like skinny East African phone salesmen

I did not claim to be an warrior the Alexander the Great... :)
Neither did anyone one else African boy

You are wrong... How do i know a resident Nair and a chieftains is here..? ;)
Sometimes you got to show people their place when they cant see it... :)
And it's neither Bangladeshi Africans subject either, weren't u the guy claiming to be Turkic? just look at you

We claim to be Turkik does not make you a Turkik?? Does it? Look at you.
So u are in denial, I mean look at ur pic. U look like an adivasi tribal, I believe u are a pure blooded Dalit.

Thats the point.. Even a dalit of BD are better bred than a Nair in India (the upper caste). Now you know your place...;)
Thats the point.. Even a dalit of BD are better bred than a Nair in India (the upper caste). Now you know your place...;)
I'm not a nair Dalit, u wouldn't look out of place in Tamil Nadu. And what do u mean better bred? Look at ur picture, ur standing in front of a computer like u have never seen one in ur life. Lol Bangladesh is the poorest place in South Asia and ur talking about "better bred".
I'm not a nair Dalit, u wouldn't look out of place in Tamil Nadu. And what do u mean better bred? Look at ur picture, ur standing in front of a computer like u have never seen one in ur life. Lol Bangladesh is the poorest place in South Asia and ur talking about "better bred".

That Nair said, they are better bred than Tamil (Ofcourse i defended Tamil). Now a Tamil came and says he is better bred than me. But I already shown (ofcourse with Indian logic) that Nairs will fare as good as the lowest bred of Bengal. Now where Tamil stands (i presume i never saw a Tamil in my life).
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