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Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

@Charon 2

It was vastly educative to read about the Turks and the proto-Turks and every other kind of Turk that most of us never knew existed.

Some of us still want to read @kalu_miah on the subject of Islam in Bengal, and on Bengali ethnicity. That is the point, and not the history of the Turks.

Could we come back please?

Thanks for the interest. Unfortunately I will be getting a little busy and may not have as much time as before at the forum. But I will try to take part in the discussion, whenever I can make some time.

Actually the question of the ethnicity and the origin of these Turkic migrants is important as they had disproportionate amount of influence in the events in South Asia (including Bengal) since around 1200 AD. Specially Khalaj's played a very important role in the first 150-200 years. Khalaj's are an interesting case, as they not only successfully resisted the Mongols from within Delhi Sultanate. Apparently the ones who remained in Afghan side within Mongol domain, many of them joined Mongol Army it seems. So in effect they were fighting on both sides (Mongol vs Delhi Sultanate) and after joining Mongol Army (like other Turkic nomads), they may have traveled to other parts of the world.

I also have a suspicion that the Khalaj later merged much more with Hazara, not Ghilzai Pashtun. Recently discovered genetic data points to that direction. I also found Hazara's making this claim which I mentioned in a previous post:
Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration | Page 13

A foolproof way to find out exactly who the Khalaj were, would be by exhuming the corpse of Bakhtiyar Khalaji:
Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration | Page 2
and then have both carbon dating and DNA ancestry tests done. These tests will also help answer the question - whether Ghilzai Pashtuns and/or Hazara had Khalaj ancestors and to what extent.

@Charon 2 , enjoy some nice Yakut music I found on youtube, the language might be interesting to you:

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Ugly people find their way to India anyways.. Thats why Indians are so ugly... :)
WTF is nair anyways... Nairs are considered Dalit in Bangladesh.. :(

Uglier always like to see ugly people.May be some BD ians is like that.
That is why you cant see the nice people in India.
This is not about cheap Pole vaulters in BD.
If you want to know more about
nair just google and you will get all details in Wikipedia.
I dont know WTF is this BD nair.Not such that thing in internet.
Any way BD people most of them are Dalits.
In Kerala Nair is higher caste but we are developed in such a way that we dont care about this f****
Sorry poor BD couldnt see such a development.
We have HDI of developed country.
Our peope could defeat mighty Tipu Sultans army when he attacked Travancore.
If you want to know more about it.google that
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Ugly people find their way to India anyways.. Thats why Indians are so ugly... :)
WTF is nair anyways... Nairs are considered Dalit in Bangladesh.. :(
Nair is a warrior caste, Bangladesh has a different nair. Bangladesh doesn't know what a warrior is lol
Nair is a warrior caste, Bangladesh has a different nair. Bangladesh doesn't know what a warrior is lol

No we got the same caste in BD and it starts from caste like Nair the lowest of low (dalit) and then it goes up. Actually Dalit migrated from South India and the lowest are Nair. We have the good caste like Mukherji (Rani Mukherjee) then Suchitra Sen, Pranab Mukherjee, Rabindra Nath Tagore etc.

Nair is probably highest in the ladder in south but lowest in Bengal, and that because the tremendous economic power of Local and Aryan people in those early days in Bengal (under Maryo, Gupta, Pala etc).

Uglier always like to see ugly people.May be some BD ians is like that.
That is why you cant see the nice people in India.
This is not about cheap Pole vaulters in BD.
If you want to know more about
nair just google and you will get all details in Wikipedia.
I dont know WTF is this BD nair.Not such that thing in internet.
Any way BD people most of them are Dalits.
In Kerala Nair is higher caste but we are developed in such a way that we dont care about this f****
Sorry poor BD couldnt see such a development.
We have HDI of developed country.
Our peope could defeat mighty Tipu Sultans army when he attacked Travancore.
If you want to know more about it.google that

I just googled and it seem Tipu Sultan faught valiantly against British and the low cast Hindus like Nair (aka warrior in south) sided with British and became slave for the next 100s of years.
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Nair is a warrior caste, Bangladesh has a different nair. Bangladesh doesn't know what a warrior is lol

From wiki

Caste system
The Nambudiri Brahmins were at the top of the ritual caste hierarchy and in that system outranked even the kings.[23] They regarded all Nairs as sudra. Below the Nambudiris came the Tamil Brahmins and other later immigrants of the Brahmin varna. Beyond this, the precise ranking is subject to some difference in opinion. Kodoth has placed theSamantan caste below the Kshatriya rank but above the Nairs, but Panikkar takes a slightly different view, saying that, "In this order Nayars come next to the Brahmins and Kshatriyas and have precedence over all other castes. They are considered generally as a Dravidian variety of the Aryan Kshatriyas, which is, however, absolutely spurious in theory and is true only in so far as their de facto position is concerned."[24] He does not refer to the Samantans in his comments on the issue. Gough, meanwhile considers that the Pushpagans and Chakyars, both of which were the highest ranked in the group of temple servants known as Ambalavasis, were ranked between the Brahmins and the Nairs, as were several other members of the Ambalavasi group.[25] She also believes that some Nairs adopted the title of Samantan in order to emphasise their superiority over others in their caste.[26] The unwillingness of the higher varnas to engage in what they considered to be the polluting activities of industrial and commercial activity has been cited as a reason for the region's relatively limited economic development.[27][28][29]

Nair warrior dressup was like our tribal warrior as like as Red Indian

They are also like our tribes who had the female the head of the clan.
No we got the same caste in BD and it starts from caste like Nair the lowest of low (dalit) and then it goes up. Actually Dalit migrated from South India and the lowest are Nair. We have the good caste like Mukherji (Rani Mukherjee) then Suchitra Sen, Pranab Mukherjee, Rabindra Nath Tagore etc.

Nair is probably highest in the ladder in south but lowest in Bengal, and that because the tremendous economic power of Local and Aryan people in those early days in Bengal (under Maryo, Gupta, Pala etc).

I just googled and it seem Tipu Sultan faught valiantly against British and the low cast Hindus like Nair (aka warrior in south) sided with British and became slave for the next 100s of years.

Ya ya Tipu Sultan ways so better your
BD has a lot dalit muslims who is oppressed by outside barbarians and still you live with that slave mentality.That is why you support
barbarian like Tipu Sultan .He might fight with British onlyfor his own advantage not for India advantage.
And we are not that stupids to fight
british to destroy our culture.Because they may recruited
slave Bengalis or present BD ians to filled up their ranks and attack us.
I dont know WTF is this Bengali Nair .As far as I know only nair is from kerala and they are warriors.
And we can get all that information in the internet.
Now look Aiswarya Rai is a bunt caste from Karnatka.Bunt are equal to Nairs in kerala.
Shasi Taroor is also a nair.He lost his kashmiri wife due to a Pakistani women.
Now study is also coming as that we are descendants of Indo-Scythians.
Migratiin may happened from this place to BD but at that time only people in here was just SC/ST caste and Adivasis.
So according to that BD has some Dalits from South India.
We nairs ,Brahmins Ezhava others are migrated in this state after that event
Ya ya Tipu Sultan ways so better your
BD has a lot dalit muslims who is oppressed by outside barbarians and still you live with that slave mentality.That is why you support
barbarian like Tipu Sultan .He might fight with British onlyfor his own advantage not for India advantage.
And we are not that stupids to fight
british to destroy our culture.Because they may recruited
slave Bengalis or present BD ians to filled up their ranks and attack us.
I dont know WTF is this Bengali Nair .As far as I know only nair is from kerala and they are warriors.
And we can get all that information in the internet.
Now look Aiswarya Rai is a bunt caste from Karnatka.Bunt are equal to Nairs in kerala.
Shasi Taroor is also a nair.He lost his kashmiri wife due to a Pakistani women.
Now study is also coming as that we are descendants of Indo-Scythians.
Migratiin may happened from this place to BD but at that time only people in here was just SC/ST caste and Adivasis.
So according to that BD has some Dalits from South India.
We nairs ,Brahmins Ezhava others are migrated in this state after that event

Refer to my previous post.. which described Nair nicely. In those days a tribe like Nair (hardly kn3w how to put a clothes on) migrated to Bengal cant hold anything better than Dalit status. My case closed here. Thank you very much..
Eradi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From wiki

Nair warrior dressup was like our tribal warrior as like as Red Indian

They are also like our tribes who had the female the head of the clan.

Brahmins oppressed us because we question their hegemoney.
We are playing witkh blood at that time.That is why they call us Shudra.
We are the cheiftains and generals in eerstwhile kingdoms in kerala.
Refer to my previous post.. which described Nair nicely. In those days a tribe like Nair (hardly kn3w hiow to put a clothes on) migrated to Bengal cant hold anything better than Dalit status. My case closed here. Thank you very much..

Idiot ,first you must read all thmat talk here.
I know you cant hold much longer that is why you refrain from futher
Debating we know all this stuff.You pulled out some imaginary stuff about nairs in Bengal then give a link about that.
Like i said such thing cant see in internet then where is your proof.If you cant confirm then stopthe lying nairs in Bengal funny lie.
Now read that link i posted.
I know all these debate is a nonsense since we keralites dont nelieve in this BS.
And refrain from cutting and paste a small pieces in wiki for your own convience and read all the stuffwritten in the link you posted you stupid

Knock knock.. laugh...

Ha ha what happened cat got your tongue?
Now google the Zamorin of calicut.You can see a king of Eradi clan .And then read that link.
I know you cant digest the reality.
We keralites see this pole vaulters from BD more worst than you cant imagine.
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Knock knock.. laugh...
Idiot ,first you must read all thmat talk here.
I know you cant hold much longer that is why you refrain from futher
Debating we know all this stuff.You pulled out some imaginary stuff about nairs in Bengal then give a link about that.
Like i said such thing cant see in internet then where is your proof.If you cant confirm then stopthe lying nairs in Bengal funny lie.
Now read that link i posted.
I know all these debate is a nonsense since we keralites dont nelieve in this BS.
And refrain from cutting and paste a small pieces in wiki for your own convience and read all the stuffwritten in the link you posted you stupid

Look man, look very closely... the painting below. LMAOF ... forget Nair, not even your kings did know the modern concept of dress up. They were simply jungle dweller and what difference does it make between a low caste tribes or a high caste tribes. They are all tribal traditional people. Besides you are saying that you migrated from somewhere else and didnt belong to local adhivasi. Well, from where? Arabia? Central Asia? North India? You mean these foreign people did not know the concept of Clothes in that time? Who is idiot here, you or the intelligent people like us?

Look man, look very closely... the painting below. LMAOF ... forget Nair, not even your kings did know the modern concept of dress up. They were simply jungle dweller and what difference does it make between a low caste tribes or a high caste tribes. They are all tribal traditional people. Besides you are saying that you migrated from somewhere else and didnt belong to local adhivasi. Well, from where? Arabia? Central Asia? North India? You mean these foreign people did not know the concept of Clothes in that time? Who is idiot here, you or the intelligent people like us?


Whoa you call yourselves as intelligent.That is a thing others call you when you arshow some maturity?
Mr idiot now you copy paste a small parts sorry some words and an ancient imaginary paint to prove your point .You conviently rest of all article .
And take that pictures case in ancient times even Brahmins/Namboothiris dressed a single mundu like you pointed in that picture.Do you want proof?
Now you talk about nair in BD,then show us proof.
If you cant then please STFU.
You call yourselves as intelligent by posting an oil pointing ,imaginary,
And debate with that paint hilarious,pathetic,ridiculous.
I have doubt that all you people are always like this.
Whoa you call yourselves as intelligent.That is a thing others call you when you arshow some maturity?
Mr idiot now you copy paste a small parts sorry some words and an ancient imaginary paint to prove your point .You conviently rest of all article .
And take that pictures case in ancient times even Brahmins/Namboothiris dressed a single mundu like you pointed in that picture.Do you want proof?
Now you talk about nair in BD,then show us proof.
If you cant then please STFU.
You call yourselves as intelligent by posting an oil pointing ,imaginary,
And debate with that paint hilarious,pathetic,ridiculous.
I have doubt that all you people are always like this.

Other than tribes, since 1000 BC civilized army in the world including North India dont dress up like that (read naked) for war. Now stop your idiocy and come to the fact that Nairs are Dalit.
Other than tribes, since 1000 BC civilized army in the world including North India dont dress up like that for war. Now stop your idiocy and come to the fact that Nairs are Dalit.

Dont talk like you come from a place where your people lived with their thousand years of tradition and culture.Ypu have nothing.
Other than tribes, since 1000 BC civilized army in the world including North India dont dress up like that (read naked) for war. Now stop your idiocy and come to the fact that Nairs are Dalit.

Ha ha that was too funny mr idiot.
You dont know anything about Kerala that is why I told you to please just STFU.If you keep continue this you will become an embarrasment to your Bangladesh and you may destroy the repuatation of good BDians here.
You call yourselves as intelligent with an age old oil pointing so much for proofs.
@iajdani you talk about Nairs in BD .Then where is the proofs either there is no such thing or may you ignore my question.
Go take a visa and visit kerala you can still see brahmins specially wear their 'mundu' in a tradional way you pointed.w with a slight modification only for ritual action.
Since you are a BD ian youvhave an excellent opportunity to ask illegal pole vaulters fromvl BD.
A dalit cant rule a kingdom.But a nair can that is why must search about Zamorin in Calicut.Nairs are rulers during that time and so brahmins dont like us.
And finally you dont need to ask us about Dalits.
You can call yourselves as Dalit.After most BD like you are dalit.
Sorry friend we are light year above you when it come to development
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