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Riots in Singapore

interesting fact, was unknown to me
how about easing immigration for Vietnamese? Viets people can easily integrate into Singaporean society. Look: Little Vietnam in Singapore is emerging. :-)

The Best 5 Vietnamese Restaurants in Singapore : TheBestSingapore.com
Little Vietnam in Singapore | CNN Travel





how about easing immigration for Vietnamese? Viets people can easily integrate into Singaporean society. Look: Little Vietnam in Singapore is emerging. :-)

The Best 5 Vietnamese Restaurants in Singapore : TheBestSingapore.com
Little Vietnam in Singapore | CNN Travel





We like Vietnamese. Despite of language differences, I think linguistic distance is something like Hokkien and Chinese. We are all Hokkien, and you will be surprise how fast Vietnamese learn Mandarin.

Myanmaese, Thai, Laotian, no problem also. SE Asian Chinese, not problem. HK and Taiwan is like a brother, no need even to integrate.

PRC is a bit more difficult I would say. PRC is even more difficult to integrate than Vietnamese, as they are different. But their 2nd generation behave same way as us.

So Lux De Veritas - since you are a Singaporean national, why can't you start a revolution in Singapore that kicks out all Indians ? Won't it be a better Singapore if you have an island nation with only Filipino / Vietnamese / Cambodian / Bungledeshis / Pakistanis / Malays / Imported PRC ? Oh why don't we even allow African migrants to come into Singapore as well, so that the cross breeding between the majority race can happen and all can live in harmony thereafter? Come on, I will be the first one to support you in your race based revolution in Singapore :D

As regarding Goa - the point is, you WANT to read and bathe in Anti-Indian sentiment and therefore you will pick up any book / url link that suggests or gives hint of Anti-Indian pogrom. Listen dude, I am FROM that region (Goa) and I have been there for ages before I came to HK. The Goans who still romanticise about Portuguese rule and the (lazy and unproductive port and wine induced days) are in a minority. A minority as that compared of local HK Chinese who still masturbate the thought of British rule in HK.. or the Burgers in Sri Lanka who finger themselves about their "rich" Dutch cross genes.

You rant about how Citibank and Stanchart in Singapore have many Indians. Well, buddy, the finance field is pretty much made of Indian graduates - as many as those that came from the west in the yesteryears. We don't get posted to Singapore alone ! We get posted all over the world. Next time, do some homework on how many Indian finance professionals / private bankers are posted on resident basis all over the world and then spew your anti-Indian diarrhea about how Singapore is being affected by 'Indian' white collar professionals. They come on merit. Not some GUANXI !!

But deal with it. We and many other races of different colors and hues are here to stay. Just as a very close Chinese friend once told me. There are three things you will find everywhere in the world and you can't escape them.

A cockroach
A Chinese
An Indian

Live with this for the rest of your life ! Meanwhile I am eating popcorn reading your comments... and popping farts in your direction for yoru diatribe against Indians.

That is because USA and Indians are ally and USA is helping India. Before the call centers are Indians as well but Indians screw up big time. Now call center goes to Philippines. From my experience as software engineers, many technical managers are aware Indians screw up big time and this will take some times before MBA type realize.

Also IT jobs are given to Indians is due to the fact that companies may have difficulties getting defence contract if too many software guys are Chinese.

You Indians have bankrupt many USA banks. Sooner or later white man will wake up.
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We like Vietnamese. Despite of language differences, I think linguistic distance is something like Hokkien and Chinese. We are all Hokkien, and you will be surprise how fast Vietnamese learn Mandarin.

Myanmaese, Thai, Laotian, no problem also. SE Asian Chinese, not problem. HK and Taiwan is like a brother, no need even to integrate.

PRC is a bit more difficult I would say. PRC is even more difficult to integrate than Vietnamese, as they are different. But their 2nd generation behave same way as us.

That is because USA and Indians are ally and USA is helping India. Before the call centers are Indians as well but Indians screw up big time. Now call center goes to Philippines. From my experience as software engineers, many technical managers are aware Indians screw up big time and this will take up before MBA type realize.

Also IT jobs are given to Indians is due to the fact that companies may have difficulties getting defence contract if too many software guys are Chinese.

You Indians have bankrupt many USA banks. Sooner or later white man will wake up.

Oh, we Indians bankrupt many US banks? I thought we are now sweeping up and rectifying the mistakes of the largely White Jew banker community who screwed almost everyone on earth. Learn some historical facts. Not historical farts.
Hi Viet I think you will be interest in this. Under the PAP government population rigging, the Chinese probably suffered the most percentage drop. Not only that, we are initially a sinicized people and we are now anglicized.

Only the other hand, Indian receive a big boost in their numbers. The Indians are now the richest community in Singapore despite having IQ of only 82. China like Shanghai has the highest IQ in the world, followed by Singapore. I believe it may be a conspiracy between PAP government, USA and India to dilute Chinese dominant. A lot of white man MNC prefer Indians. The white man often fire a lot of locals and then rehire from India. Or they simply get an Indian manager who will ship in their entire village. Singaporeans are being hated by these MNC.

On the other hand, there are now a fledgling China MNC like Huawei. There Indians have no chance. Despite claiming they are talent, it is almost impossible for them to get into Huawei. So who is talent and who is stupid?

Its a big conspiracy to put Singaporeans into caste system and racism. The below is SG demograhics. Contrary to many people, the SG government actually increase Indians demographically while Chinese suffer the biggest percentage drop.

View attachment 11662

First two paragraphs, I'm not going to comment on it because IQ levels vary a lot and it's theoretical rather than practical, in other words they dont give you a job based on IQ level.

When it comes to Huawei, they have a good presence in India(Huawei India) in telecom industry-> You need to google it.

Moreover Huawei handles Chinese defence programs too, it will be foolishness in their part to provide a job to an Indian or a White guy like USA. :P

When it comes to your statistics, 2% fall is not a big deal at all and I don't see any evidence of Indian and Malay population % getting increased or replacing Chinese.

Why you'rr so scared about Malays and Indians o_O ?
First two paragraphs, I'm not going to comment on it because IQ levels vary a lot and it's theoretical rather than practical, in other words they dont give you a job based on IQ level.

When it comes to Huawei, they have a good presence in India(Huawei India) in telecom industry-> You need to google it.

Moreover Huawei handles Chinese defence programs too, it will be foolishness in their part to provide a job to an Indian or a White guy like USA. :P

When it comes to your statistics, 2% fall is not a big deal at all and I don't see any evidence of Indian and Malay population % getting increased or replacing Chinese.

Why you'rr so scared about Malays and Indians o_O ?

IQ is good indicator of wealth of nation. India is a shitt hole is predicted by IQ 82. India iso miserable that you will guess they have a IQ of 60 if you visit them and witness their conduct first hand. The prosperity of East Asian well predicted by our high IQ, and this year Shanghai top the world. How can you say IQ got nothing to do with job?

Of course I know Huawei has a big presence in India and Huawei have a bigger presence in USA than SG even though, they are not welcome there. Huawei core technology are being develop in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing office. I have worked in SZ office during some joint project with Huawei.

And Huawei generally respect the locals by hiring locals (other than SG because PAP shitt on local and MNC take cue), paying them respected salary instead of flooding it with foreigners. So, Huawei hiring Indians are another issue and a good example of Chinese being great corporate citizen. You think Chinese behave so wretchedly like Indian nationals in Citibank CBP? Now Indian nationals are having foul reputation in USA IT community. Go google.

Also I am giving statistic of our demographics because I feel angry when Chinese were attacked everywhere in this forum and Singapore as racist. In fact PAP is quite hostile against "real Chinese". If Singaporean Chinese is racist and PAP is pro Chinese, PAP will flood us with Chinese and make sure Chinese percentage in population goes to 100%.
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^^ why do these chinese keep talking about IQ?

Regarding India, the actual average IQ is 90 not 82,
second, the average does not speak for the whole nation. india is a country of 3 races and castes

The Indian population can be grouped in terms of the four traditional caste super-categories :

1. Brahmin
2. Merchant,
3. Peasant,
4.1 Dalit ("Untouchable")
4.2 Scheduled Caste
4.3 Low caste converts to Islam

cross-cutting with a

A. North vs.
B. South

geographical distinction.

Southern Brahmin, 1% @ 120 IQ
Northern Brahmin, 4% @ 115 IQ
Southern Merchant, 3% @ 110 IQ
Northern Merchant, 12% @ 105 IQ
Southern Peasant, 8% @ 93 IQ
Northern Peasant, 32% @ 88 IQ
Muslim, 15% @ 75 iQ
Southern Dalit, 5% @ 75 IQ
Northern Dalit, 20% @ 75IQ
Avg = 86.10 IQ
Current Flynn for India is +7.8

Hypothesized Flynn effect for India in 21st Century:
Brahmins and merchants = +5
Peasants = +7
Muslims and Dalits = +10
The Flynn for Africa = +10

unfortunately, the low intelligent groups have been breeding in excess the last 50 years turning india to what it is today
^^ why do these chinese keep talking about IQ?

Regarding India, the actual average IQ is 90 not 82,
second, the average does not speak for the whole nation. india is a country of 3 races and castes

The Indian population can be grouped in terms of the four traditional caste super-categories :

1. Brahmin
2. Merchant,
3. Peasant,
4.1 Dalit ("Untouchable")
4.2 Scheduled Caste
4.3 Low caste converts to Islam

cross-cutting with a

A. North vs.
B. South

geographical distinction.

Southern Brahmin, 1% @ 120 IQ
Northern Brahmin, 4% @ 115 IQ
Southern Merchant, 3% @ 110 IQ
Northern Merchant, 12% @ 105 IQ
Southern Peasant, 8% @ 93 IQ
Northern Peasant, 32% @ 88 IQ
Muslim, 15% @ 75 iQ
Southern Dalit, 5% @ 75 IQ
Northern Dalit, 20% @ 75IQ
Avg = 86.10 IQ
Current Flynn for India is +7.8

Hypothesized Flynn effect for India in 21st Century:
Brahmins and merchants = +5
Peasants = +7
Muslims and Dalits = +10
The Flynn for Africa = +10

unfortunately, the low intelligent groups have been breeding in excess the last 50 years turning india to what it is today
Good Statistics!
India is certainly a land of many countries .

It seems South India got better IQ than North! How is that possible? Why so much variation from North to South!

Can you also provide the source of you're research! Will be helpful for me :)
IQ is good indicator of wealth of nation. India is a shitt hole is predicted by IQ 82. India iso miserable that you will guess they have a IQ of 60 if you visit them and witness their conduct first hand. The prosperity of East Asian well predicted by our high IQ, and this year Shanghai top the world. How can you say IQ got nothing to do with job?

Of course I know Huawei has a big presence in India and Huawei have a bigger presence in USA than SG even though, they are not welcome there. Huawei core technology are being develop in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing office. I have worked in SZ office during some joint project with Huawei.

And Huawei generally respect the locals by hiring locals (other than SG because PAP shitt on local and MNC take cue), paying them respected salary instead of flooding it with foreigners. So, Huawei hiring Indians are another issue and a good example of Chinese being great corporate citizen. You think Chinese behave so wretchedly like Indian nationals in Citibank CBP? Now Indian nationals are having foul reputation in USA IT community. Go google.

Also I am giving statistic of our demographics because I feel angry when Chinese were attacked everywhere in this forum and Singapore as racist. In fact PAP is quite hostile against "real Chinese". If Singaporean Chinese is racist and PAP is pro Chinese, PAP will flood us with Chinese and make sure Chinese percentage in population goes to 100%.

Go Google is a simple word to say!
Can you be more specific Why Indian nationals having a bad name in IT community.

Last time when i visited Cognizant, Virtusa, iGate, Accenture and other outsourcing companies (Business Trip) in US, the enter floor was filled with Indians and many of them have obtained greencard and some of them are Citizens too. I don't know but your above statement does not reflect in IT field especially in USA.

A community will have good deeds and bad. We need to look at whole picture
I seen the speculation of Brahmin IQ and I do not know is it speculation, besides, which scholars came up with the numbers. But they are not particularly stellar given top 5% of East Asian, Jews or western Europe are either on par and very likely even way more smarter.

The Indian national shitting on IT workers of all nations are well known among IT workers. In 2004, A lawsuit filed Monday alleges Santa Clara computer giant SUN Microsystems Inc. laid off thousands of U.S. high-tech workers in order to replace them with younger, lower-paid engineers from India. SUN's founder Khosla was quoted as saying that at Sun, people from India "are favored over almost anybody else."

SUN was once among the top UNIX vendor then got so broke that she sold herself off. Very often the IQ 82 Indians got the IT jobs not because of meritocracy but because of some X-factor. The IT guys blog and forum are full of complaints against them. Nobody if any bad mouth Chinese.

I will stop here as this is SG riot.

We must hate PAP government for exploiting workers. I always fcuk PAP government who make foreign workers slaves. PAP government is a disgrace to humanity and every good people must participate to ensure her downfall.

In this riot, our government is to be blame most. The Bangladesh, Indians menial workers all suffer big time. Singaporeans have been over the years asking PAP to improve the life of these workers, but are often threaten with lawsuit and in one occasion, the activist are being lock inside the cage as communist. Singaporeans are good people. All evil things are the work of PAP.

Stop posting the info regarding castes and all.

Brahmins are learned ones , they have a tradition of learning so they have high IQ's compared to other professions in Indian society.

IQ is not by birth or by caste, it is an ability developed over the years.

^^ why do these chinese keep talking about IQ?

Regarding India, the actual average IQ is 90 not 82,
second, the average does not speak for the whole nation. india is a country of 3 races and castes

The Indian population can be grouped in terms of the four traditional caste super-categories :

1. Brahmin
2. Merchant,
3. Peasant,
4.1 Dalit ("Untouchable")
4.2 Scheduled Caste
4.3 Low caste converts to Islam

cross-cutting with a

A. North vs.
B. South

geographical distinction.

Southern Brahmin, 1% @ 120 IQ
Northern Brahmin, 4% @ 115 IQ
Southern Merchant, 3% @ 110 IQ
Northern Merchant, 12% @ 105 IQ
Southern Peasant, 8% @ 93 IQ
Northern Peasant, 32% @ 88 IQ
Muslim, 15% @ 75 iQ
Southern Dalit, 5% @ 75 IQ
Northern Dalit, 20% @ 75IQ
Avg = 86.10 IQ
Current Flynn for India is +7.8

Hypothesized Flynn effect for India in 21st Century:
Brahmins and merchants = +5
Peasants = +7
Muslims and Dalits = +10
The Flynn for Africa = +10

unfortunately, the low intelligent groups have been breeding in excess the last 50 years turning india to what it is today
The Brahmin is the worst element of mankind. Indians was so misery precisely because of Brahmins who enslave the dalits, poisoning the entire country, in addition, raping is way of life for Brahmins. The Brahmin often went up TV and tell the whole world how people must treat Dalits worse than animals. The current wave of migrant to Singapore is Brahmins, and Singapore is the worst caste infested country today, after India.

This not because of PAP Govt. they have nothing to do with that, they also suffered similar things for generations. There are ways to deal with this :cheers:

I seen the speculation of Brahmin IQ and I do not know is it speculation, besides, which scholars came up with the numbers. But they are not particularly stellar given top 5% of East Asian, Jews or western Europe are either on par and very likely even way more smarter.

The Indian national shitting on IT workers of all nations are well known among IT workers. In 2004, A lawsuit filed Monday alleges Santa Clara computer giant SUN Microsystems Inc. laid off thousands of U.S. high-tech workers in order to replace them with younger, lower-paid engineers from India. SUN's founder Khosla was quoted as saying that at Sun, people from India "are favored over almost anybody else."

SUN was once among the top UNIX vendor then got so broke that she sold herself off. Very often the IQ 82 Indians got the IT jobs not because of meritocracy but because of some X-factor. The IT guys blog and forum are full of complaints against them. Nobody if any bad mouth Chinese.

I will stop here as this is SG riot.

We must hate PAP government for exploiting workers. I always fcuk PAP government who make foreign workers slaves. PAP government is a disgrace to humanity and every good people must participate to ensure her downfall.

In this riot, our government is to be blame most. The Bangladesh, Indians menial workers all suffer big time. Singaporeans have been over the years asking PAP to improve the life of these workers, but are often threaten with lawsuit and in one occasion, the activist are being lock inside the cage as communist. Singaporeans are good people. All evil things are the work of PAP.
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