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Riding on RMG, $37b export goal set for 2016-17

Not exactly as par with Japanese, but, may be at par with other people of the sub-continent. However, Indians prefer to think BD people below their esteem only because they have a big land, big military and big economy. They do not really understand that the part of which the present India is formed was a way 100 yrs. ahead of us in 1947. It had all the industries, roads, ports, big cities, bridges trams and buses, because it was the central part of the then India before 1947.

Add with it all the already built big businesses and big industries like Birala, Tata, Marwaris, Sindhis, Gujjis and thousand others. When India is improving on the facilities built by the British, we are still building the infrastructure in a land that used to be under water for half the year. However, without considering these things, the highly educated group of Indians keep on insulting BD for its all the shortcomings.

Anyway, this is Shonar Bangladesh!! We have to go a long way to answer Indian meanmindedness!!

India is not big economy when you consider how many people it has.

Per capita India and BD is similar.
Being almost double is not similar.

There is a reason Bangladesh is on the Least developed country list and India isn't.

Forget GDP capita PPP and look at nominal.
BD is at 1400 US dollars with India at 1800 US dollars.

You seriously need better analytical skills if you think that the average BD citizen
can live 3 years longer while being only half as rich.
Forget GDP capita PPP and look at nominal.

How convenient to ignore physical consumption of goods and look at pure exchange rate only where currencies are often undervalued significantly.

Bangladesh is so developed all its goods are consumed using US dollars at US economy price levels? :lol:

You seriously need better analytical skills if you think that the average BD citizen
can live 3 years longer while being only half as rich.

Average BD citizen has a much lower human development given his lower education and lower income compared to average Indian. So what if you live a couple more years or so on average (there are multiple bangladeshs within India that live several years longer still)....what matters is India has a higher development, lower poverty rate, higher economic growth rate, much better education profile and most importantly is not on the Least Developed Country list.....or is desperate to hang on to such a status so it can keep getting preferential tariffs for sweatshop RMG industry because it is incapable of anything else industrially.

Health and Sanitation you are ahead in general (and the success is linked), good job...but whats it got to do with the average Indian consuming double what the average Bangladeshi does each year?
Health and Sanitation you are ahead in general (and the success is linked), good job...but whats it got to do with the average Indian consuming double what the average Bangladeshi does each year?

How could somebody be healthier and live longer with a smaller consumption capacity? Stupid!
How could somebody be healthier and live longer with a smaller consumption capacity? Stupid!

That is @Nilgiri logic at play here:D

The dude is obsessed with making it look like somehow India is more developed than BD.

All that India has is a few more shiny motorways, airports, metros and more industry since it is a much larger country. The average standard of living is very similar between BD and India.
That is @Nilgiri logic at play here:D

The dude is obsessed with making it look like somehow India is more developed than BD.

All that India is is a few more shiny motorways, airports, metros and more industry since it is a much larger country. The average standard of living is very similar between BD and India.

Guy desperately needs a life! :lol:
That is @Nilgiri logic at play here:D

The dude is obsessed with making it look like somehow India is more developed than BD.

All that India has is a few more shiny motorways, airports, metros and more industry since it is a much larger country. The average standard of living is very similar between BD and India.
he is an indian afterall..u cann't expect much frm him..
The dude is obsessed with making it look like somehow India is more developed than BD.

Haha, the fact is we have twice your per capita GDP, far better infrastructure & industrialization. So, more developed.

All that India has is a few more shiny motorways, airports, metros and more industry since it is a much larger country.

Yeah, just a few more. :lol: Did you guys finish your first 4 lane highway, namely Dhaka- Chittagong highway yet ? You don't even have a bloody access controlled motorway. And you're claiming that India has 'just a few more'.

India has several Shiny airports, because it has the money to build its own infrastructure. Also the annual Domestic air traffic in India(81 million) is 120 times more than that of Bangladesh (0.7 Million). Do you need any more reason to cry ?

By the time your Dhaka will have a metro, even India's tier 3 cities like Thiruvananthapuram will have one. There is simply no comparison with Bangladesh here.

Do Bangladesh have any industry other than these mass- stitching centers ? No I am talking about your tiny $300 million Walton group & their rebadged motorcycles & electronics. Neither do your little barge- building oops shipbuilding industry counts. Despite Bangladeshi claims of their industrial capability being at par with India, it's a fact that you are no where near us. There isn't even a comparison here.

So to conclude, Bangladesh is nowhere close to us in either infrastructure or industrialization.

he is an indian afterall..u cann't expect much frm him..

What can you expect from a BDian ? Oh wait, funny claims like-minded 'we can break the chicken neck & invade northeast India' 'We can make a N-bomb in 5 year' 'Our industrial capability is at par with India' 'Our shipbuilding industry is better than India' and so on...:omghaha:
Being almost double is not similar.

There is a reason Bangladesh is on the Least developed country list and India isn't.

As you already know LDC is a very convenient method to get entrance into the western market and throw out Indian RMG businesses from there and anywhere. It is a success story.
Haha, the fact is we have twice your per capita GDP
Bangladesh per capita gdp is 80% of India in nominal term and 60% in ppp.Where did you get this bullshit of twice per capita?After base year adjustment even this gap will be narrower.Both BD and India will calculate gdp based on 2015-2016 economic year soon.Then we will get the true picture.Currently we are using 2005-2006 base year and India using 2010-2011.
Bangladesh per capita gdp is 80% of India in nominal term and 60% in ppp.Where did you get this bullshit of twice per capita?After base year adjustment even this gap will be narrower

60% ? Oh nice, but still very low compared to ours.

About the bold part, we'll see about that.
60% ? Oh nice, but still very low compared to ours.

About the bold part, we'll see about that.
Bangladesh's ppp is undercounted,may be due to LDC factor.I think real ppp per capita of BD is also around 80 percent of India with existing base year calculation.

For the bold part,Base year upgrade will certainly show 15-20 percent larger economy then it is.So gap will narrow.India's economic size will also increases due to upgrade but lower than BD as we will move base year 10 years and India 5 years.So if India's economy increases 10 percent and BD's 20 percent,isn't gap will be narrower?
Bangladesh's ppp is undercounted,may be due to LDC factor.I think real ppp per capita of BD is also around 80 percent of India with existing base year calculation

No one gives a damn about your thoughts. Please come back when you have relevant data, from a neutral source.

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