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Revolutionary Guard: We have missiles with technology that is not in America or Russia


guys is the green thing middle of map turkey? even US is red by the way i'm impressed !:)
No one has showed the capability to hit a fast moving ship with a ballistic missile.
Static ships are within the capability of ballistic countries.

Let's consider the three missiles that are usually classified as ASBM and why:

1. DF21D (China): China claims that it can hit moving targets, which would make it a true land based 1500km ASBM. But capability not demonstrated.

2. Dhanush (India): Launched from ships and is seaworthy. It's quasi-ballistic like DF21D and so in theory can hit moving targets. But even if it won't, it will still be used in ASBM role against static ships since it's on a ship and is short range, 350-750km.

3. Khalij Fars (Iran): Again, quasi-ballistic. But can't be launched from ships and is short range, <300km. But suits asymmetric warfare.

None of these have demonstrated moving targets, so it's all about how far you plan to be from the enemy ship.
You produce everything..even terrorists. I am impressed. :tup:
I knew it for you school girl is equal to terrorist

No one has showed the capability to hit a fast moving ship with a ballistic missile.
Static ships are within the capability of ballistic countries.

Let's consider the three missiles that are usually classified as ASBM and why:

1. DF21D (China): China claims that it can hit moving targets, which would make it a true land based 1500km ASBM. But capability not demonstrated.

2. Dhanush (India): Launched from ships and is seaworthy. It's quasi-ballistic like DF21D and so in theory can hit moving targets. But even if it won't, it will still be used in ASBM role against static ships since it's on a ship and is short range, 350-750km.

3. Khalij Fars (Iran): Again, quasi-ballistic. But can't be launched from ships and is short range, <300km. But suits asymmetric warfare.

None of these have demonstrated moving targets, so it's all about how far you plan to be from the enemy ship.
There is one problem with the post
Persian gulf already demonstrated that it can hit slow moving target and I see no reason it can't hit bigger ships for example 150m long ship even if it move thrice faster .
There is one problem with the post
Persian gulf already demonstrated that it can hit slow moving target and I see no reason it can't hit bigger ships for example 150m long ship even if it move thrice faster .
Let's not discuss the speed of the target for a moment.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the ship is moving.
It's moving in the first shot. Then missile is fired. Shows the ship again. Then a quick cut again before showing missile strike.
I knew it for you school girl is equal to terrorist

There is one problem with the post
Persian gulf already demonstrated that it can hit slow moving target and I see no reason it can't hit bigger ships for example 150m long ship even if it move thrice faster .

What is the average speed of an AC ... I think though it would be bigger but also faster than the target in drill ...

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Iran is the breeding ground for ISIS. Look at that image, this is an issue. We want freedom for women, not have them forced to dress in some black ninja outfit.
This is essentially what ISIS(Iran) wants.
Please don't waste your time with me, try save your country . Bye

View attachment 452681

This is ISIS or Iran? I'm confused....
I think you confused Hejab by what you call isis which is a terrorist group .. these are 2 different things ... no one forced women in Iran to wear black Chador they could wear other outfits but should dress modesty ...
DVG6C6LXcAEmqUC.jpg large.jpg 359763_447.jpg 2693403.jpg Shahrdad-Rohani-Fajr-33-29.jpg 26993819_896546013827035_5163576590351132354_n.jpg resized_366811_905.jpg 326650_669.jpg 326646_529.jpg 326645_708.jpg 326468_345.jpg 326480_829.jpg 326478_557.jpg 326482_171.jpg
What is the average speed of an AC ... I think though it would be bigger but also faster than the target in drill ...

I think you confused Hejab by what you call isis which is a terrorist group .. these are 2 different things ... no one forced women in Iran to wear black Chador they could wear other outfits but should dress modesty ...
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Iranian theatre.
i was expecting this thread to bring out the Zionist and Saudi trolls...

surprised to see the torks coming out of their holes to troll.... must be stinging a little bit from all the ATGMs their armor is eating in afrin? where are the kurds getting all those atgms from?

do torks wanna go further and find out? kind of disappointing, as I was actually hoping the torks would come to their senses and cooperate with iran Russia and the Syrian government against the yellow American agents.....
I knew it for you school girl is equal to terrorist

There is one problem with the post
Persian gulf already demonstrated that it can hit slow moving target and I see no reason it can't hit bigger ships for example 150m long ship even if it move thrice faster .
Yes super moving:


Anyway moving is not a big deal either. They reason why other countries are not doing is that scimming missiles are much lighter and cheaper.
Iran is 100% independent.

And how's that working out for ya?

No my friend 100 MILLION TURKS joined ISIS. :lol:
Look at you Persians make up lies. You are the ridiculous one here.
Look at the BLACK VEILED women of Iran....LOOK AT ISIS - And then take a look at TURKEY.


Were you born this autistic or did it take practice?

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Iran. This image tells us who ISIS are.

Your welcome.

Nothing wrong with those clothes, the women are just being modest.
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