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Revolutionary Guard: We have missiles with technology that is not in America or Russia

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) - Iran has missile technology that neither America nor Russia has in place, speaking of missiles several times the speed of sound and capabilities for striking mobile targets, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards said.

Salami, speaking at a gathering marking the anniversary of the Iranian revolution, said that what he described as "the ways of the military enemy" had all reached a dead end. "Iran is now superior in choosing military methods to overcome the enemy's vital interests," he said.

"Today, we can launch a missile aimed at moving objects with precision, with a ballistic missile and not with a cruise missile, at an eight-speed speed of sound (Mach 8), at a time when all the doors of science and technology were closed to Iran. This technology does not exist in America or Russia, and only exists in Iran. "

"We will not face a military war and any war of this kind will result in Iran's victory," the semi-official Fars news agency quoted Salami as saying. "We hear the enemy's voice behind the radios and know what he is saying."

The Iranian official news agency IRNA quoted Salami as saying that Iran also has ballistic missiles capable of breaking the ground with a hypersonic speed of up to 8 times the speed of sound.

While the semi-official Mehr news agency said in the same speech that the Americans "used all means" to counter the revolution in Iran, but Iran triumphed..

Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

This speaking Salami seems to be a great satire artist


@Kaptaan @TurkeyForever
LOL Let them be.
@LeGenD @Basel

Iranians can't be that funnier...How stupid that statement is? How can Iran be superior than US or Russia?
Well, there is the Chinese DF-21D that neither the US nor Russia has..So if Iran has managed to build the equivalent.. then the statement can be taken seriously..
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Says a speaking Salami
Hi Mortadella speaking ravioli.. if you don't have anything of substance to add to the thread.. just keep your irrelevant comments to yourself.. or counter with credible arguments..I am not defending Iran here..I am adding substance to the thread.. just do the same or live the thread instead of trolling and derailing the subject at hand..
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Hi Mortadella speaking ravioli.. if you don't have anything of substance to add to the thread.. just keep your irrelevant comments to yourself.. or counter with credible arguments..I am not defending Iran here..I am adding substance to the thread.. just do the same or live the thread instead of trolling and derailing the subject at hand..

Dude the biggest troll is the talking Salami.

Iran is worldfamous for such satirical propaganda. Its target is uneducated masses inside Iran in some mountain villages and i sometimes wonder if educated iranians, even in the regime...do feel ashamed.

I mean imagine ...you have to step on stage and say shit like that without getting red.

Dude the biggest troll is the talking Salami.

Iran is worldfamous for such satirical propaganda. Its target is uneducated masses inside Iran in some mountain villages and i sometimes wonder if educated iranians, even in the regime...do feel ashamed.

I mean imagine ...you have to step on stage and say shit like that without getting red.

But the worst part is that Iran really produces Missiles..The US and Usrael have acknowledged that..and the US is doing everything it can to control the missile arsenal of Iran..While Saudi Arabia is being targeted with allegedly Iranian missiles technology provided to the Houthis in Yemen..Usrael is scared shitless from Iranian Missiles in Lebanon.. It had just declared that it will also manufacture ground to ground missiles to counter the threat from Hezbollah missiles, that by Usraeli count exceed 170 000 missiles with some innovative launching systems.. this is quite serious dude..Iranians might be exaggerating..but they are not lying for sure.. their missile technology is even recognised by a superpower as dangerous..
To any loser who is trying to be funny in this thread, I'd like to ask can you show us an American or Russian Anti-Ship ballistic missile? Or ballistic missiles that can hit moving ships in the sea? He simply says neither U.S nor Russia have such category of missiles, and there is a reason China is not mentioned, because China actually has anti-ship ballistic missiles.
seems like Iranians are watching too much of indian news channels and politicians now a days:lol:
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