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Return of Foreign Companies Contingent on Approval of MPs


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
A very good idea,I think.
There should be a blacklist comprised both of foreign companies that would never be allowed back in,such as peugeot,under any circumstances,as well as others that would only be allowed re-admittance to the iranian economy conditional on providing things such as financial guarantees,important technology transfers,or something else of value to ensure that there would be little to no risk of any real economic loss to iran in the event that the foreign company in question cuts and runs at some point.In addition the issue of compensation for losses to the iranian economy from companies who basically cut and ran under the threat of us secondary sanctions would also need to be addressed as part of any conditional return.
Ideally you would want to look at it from the same sort of perspective as a company dealing with customers with a long prior history of unreliable financial dealings ie poor credit ratings/persistent defaulting ,etc..

Return of Foreign Companies Contingent on Approval of MPs
Foreign companies wishing to return to Iran after a likely reentry of the United States into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the formal name of Iran’s nuclear deal signed with world powers in 2015) need the green light of the Iranian Parliament, the chairman of Majlis Industries and Mines Commission said.

"In view of some foreign companies’ failure to uphold their commitments, Majlis needs to approve and be notified of any deal [with those companies],” Ezzatollah Akbari was also quoted as saying by IRIB News.

Any comeback of home appliance brands (in an apparent reference to South Korean brands LG and Samsung], carmakers, etc. will be contingent upon their joint investment with Iran and transfer of knowledge and technology aimed at boosting domestic production, he added.
Given how many sanctions will remain on Iran for “non nuclear related” offenses, I hope Iranian officials don’t get their hopes up about “flood” of Companies rushing back in. Especially given how anti JCPOA is in Congress and how Republicans have vowed to tear up the deal when they take power again (could be in less than 3.5 years).

They need to take immediate steps to prepare for such an event which means reducing currency reserves around the world and preparing. After all, Trump could come back in 2024 and nothing will stop him from tearing up the deal again.

Here’s further proof that Iran’s “economic opportunity” under this deal is nothing more than a shame just like it was under Obama.

It’s hard to commit hard capital to a country that in 4 years can be blacklisted again by Republicans at a stroke of a pen.

Here’s further proof that Iran’s “economic opportunity” under this deal is nothing more than a shame just like it was under Obama.

It’s hard to commit hard capital to a country that in 4 years can be blacklisted again by Republicans at a stroke of a pen.
You have a point...but I guess for Rohanni team 4 years is too long to think about..

in 2015-2016 if you recall ALL republican presidential candidates said on record that they will cancel the JCPOA if it gets signed...at that time the deal was still in final negotiation stages...did anyone in Iran team took that treat seriously...no of course not..Hillary clinton was going to be a sure winner so they signed the deal..

This time around ...same team...same issue..but I am sure there will be no deal this time..SL head is on the chopping block this time and he is no Rohanni.:undecided::undecided:
You have a point...but I guess for Rohanni team 4 years is too long to think about..

in 2015-2016 if you recall ALL republican presidential candidates said on record that they will cancel the JCPOA if it gets signed...at that time the deal was still in final negotiation stages...did anyone in Iran team took that treat seriously...no of course not..Hillary clinton was going to be a sure winner so they signed the deal..

This time around ...same team...same issue..but I am sure there will be no deal this time..SL head is on the chopping block this time and he is no Rohanni.:undecided::undecided:

There will be a deal for sheer fact that Iran needs access to the nearly 100B in currency reserves it has in outside banks plus outstanding oil and gas dues from some customers.

Better to collect as much oil and gas revenue as it can for next 4 years and move currency reserves back into the country then do nothing and watch them be stolen by the West under “terrorism compensation claims”
There will be a deal for sheer fact that Iran needs access to the nearly 100B in currency reserves it has in outside banks plus outstanding oil and gas dues from some customers.

Better to collect as much oil and gas revenue as it can for next 4 years and move currency reserves back into the country then do nothing and watch them be stolen by the West under “terrorism compensation claims”
Go ask your natives how well the U.S honours its contracts. You have no faith in the Iran China deal but somehow think the U.S is going to allow Iran to collect its own money owed to her?
Go ask your natives how well the U.S honours its contracts. You have no faith in the Iran China deal but somehow think the U.S is going to allow Iran to collect its own money owed to her?

Seems you have amnesia. It’s common among your type. Apparently you already forgot what happened in 2015. Republican Conservatives lashed at Obama for “giving” Iran “tens of billions” of dollars, but merely “forgot” to mention it was Iran’s own money they were given access too.

Under the deal, Iran gained access to more than $100bn in assets frozen overseas, and was able to resume selling oil on international markets and using the global financial system for trade

And China has historically performed bad in both military contracts and energy contracts.

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