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Retired Arab teacher humiliates Iranian Mullah "President"

@al-Hasani would you prefer he just ignore the Arabs of Iran? You should be applauding him for trying.
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@al-Hasani would you prefer he just ignore the Arabs of Iran? You should be applauding him for trying.

Well, the problem is that the regime he represents is not doing anything nor was he able to answer the simple pleas and questions.

If you read the article then you can also see that he made some false promises that were not kept.

But let us await the future. I doubt that he will become more than a puppet of the poisonous "Grand Ayatollah's".

Probably more open towards Arabs and the international society because the Mullah's are in deep **** everywhere and they can feel the pressure in the form of sanctions, political isolation, economic situation, pressure from within etc. The list is long.

We hear about constant complains about the bad treatment of minorities in Iran which form at least 40% of the population. That is disappointing for a state that claims to be a pure Islamic republic.

All orchestred by Shia Iranian Arabs or Mullah's that often claim Arab ancestry.
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It is also more tragic since this Hassan Rouhani is probably of Arab ancestry.

Rouhani married his cousin, Sahebeh Arabi (Rouhani)[74] who is six years younger, when he was around 20 years old[23][75] and has four children.[76] Rouhani's wife changed her last name from "Arabi" (Persian: عربی‎) to "Rouhani" some time after marriage.[22] Born in 1954, she is not politically active.[74] The Guardian and the Financial Times reported that Rouhani also had a fifth child, a son who has died in mysterious circumstances.[77][78]
Rouhani has three sisters and a brother.[23] Rouhani's brother, Hossein Feridon, is also a diplomat and politician, a former governor, ambassador,[79] and former Vice Minister of Intelligence.[80] He was Rouhani's representative to IRIB in arrangements for presidential debates.[81] Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, in a memoir dated 15 May 1982, mentions Hossein Feridoon as the then governor of Karaj.[82] Rafsanjani later briefly mentions Feridon in a memoir dated 31 March 1984: "In Karaj, something has happened about Mr. Feridon Rouhani".[83]

But obviously he seems better than Ahmadinejad but the same Ahmadinejad claimed Arab ancestry from his mother.
Ahmadinejad was born near Garmsar, in the village of Aradan, in Semnan province. His father, Ahmad, was a grocer, barber and religious Shia who taught the Quran.[26] His mother, Khanom, was a Sayyida, an honorific title given to those believed to be direct bloodline descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[26] Ahmadinejad's father changed his name from "Saborjhian"[27] or "Sabaghian"[28] when Ahmadinejad was four years old to avoid discrimination when the family moved to Tehran. Sabor is Persian for thread painter,[29] a once common occupation within the Semnan carpet industry. Ahmadinejad was chosen as it means from the race of Ahmad, one of the names given to Muhammad. Known for his relatively short stature, Ahmadinejad's height is reported to be 152 cm (5'2 feet).[30]

We had better relations with Khatami who is also of Arab origin if we believe himself.


Those insane Mullah's whatever their origin is cannot be trusted though.
Arab ancestry? His real name is Fereydoun. He is not of Arab ancestry. And not one of the mullahs in Iran is a true Arab. Their supposed relation to Muhammad is a joke. You even have Hazara Mongols who claim this title.
Eh, it is well known that many Arabs settled in Iran and especially many Shia Arab Mullah's from outside Iran. I even provided sources that tell this. Done by the guy in your avatar too, LOL.

Arabi indicates Arab origin. So there is a good chance of him being partially Arab.

Regarding the rest then those claims should be aimed at those individuals that claim that.

Hazara Mongols can have partially Arab ancestry. Why is that impossible? Arabs in Afghanistan is nothing new.

Beside there are already 2 million Iranian Arabs in Iran. There might be many more who are partially Arab.

Some of the Iranian Mullah's that claim Arab ancestry belong to well-known Sadah families and you can't fake such a thing overnight since genealogical charts have been kept and preserved in the Muslim world among people that descend from Islamic figures let alone Prophet Muhammad (saws).

Even some of the Shia Imams that are direct descendants have been buried in Iran. Ali Al-Ridha is one (ra).


Besides we have two Iranian members here who claim to be Iranian Arabs on their paternal side.

There are indeed probably some "fakes" but it is impossible that all of them would be that given the history and circumstances and already big presence of Iranian Arabs in Iran (2 million approximately).

But if that is indeed the case then the lunatic Mullah's have lost all credibility and their sheep on this forum would have a little explanation to do since they claim that they are ruled by ancient Arab lineages while KSA is ruled by Jewish usurpers (Al-Saud).
No, conquering the whole known world as our forefathers once did, including that of Iran. From Spain in the west to Pakistan in the east. Or live off the hajj, trade, pearls, fishing or other natural riches.

At least our oil and gas is actually our (Arab) and not foreign like in Iran.

Then why you always call Uncle Sam to fight your wars (1991 Iraq War, Syria Present)
Arab might has dried up and the dominance is only due to oil and gas reserve.....so enjoy as long as oil is there
Arabi doesn't indicate Arab origins. It could have several meanings, like someone who has been a diplomat, trader or something else in a Arab dominated region. In Holland you find Dutch surnames like 'Perzie (Persia), Turkenburg, etc. To assume that these people have Turkish or Persian origins is laughable. Arabs in Iran are insignificant and not one of those mullahs mentioned, in despite of their black turbans, claim Arab ancestry. They use their turbans for religious purposes.

And the Arab surname didn't apply to Rouhani. His real surname is Fereydoun.
Good to see a president sitting on the floor with his fellow countrymen and taking the heat openly.
Arabi doesn't indicate Arab origins. It could have several meanings, like someone who has been a diplomat, trader or something else in a Arab dominated region. In Holland you find Dutch surnames like 'Perzie (Persia), Turkenburg, etc. To assume that these people have Turkish or Persian origins is laughable. Arabs in Iran are insignificant and not one of those mullahs mentioned, in despite of their black turbans, claim Arab ancestry. They use their turbans for religious purposes.

That does not correspondent with their ancestral claims. Or their surnames. 2 million is not a insignificant number. Among the biggest minority groups in Iran and moreover a ethnic group that live in one of the most important areas of Iran (Khuzestan) mainly, the Southern coastal regions etc.

We can only stick to the histories told and the information given. Otherwise you can question everything.
Arabs make up 1-2 % of Iran's population.

The majority of them are immigrants and refugees from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iraq.

If they don't like Iran, they can go back to their own country, the fact that Rohuani is even willing to meet up with them is amazing to me, since many of them are not even citizens of Iran, therefore they can't even vote.


1.5-2 million Iranians are Arab Iranians that have lived in what is now Iran for hundreds of years and even in pre-Islamic times. Mainly in Khuzestan, the coastal Southern regions etc. Cities in Iran were also founded by Arabs.

None of them are immigrants. Not more than Persians, Kurds, Azeri Turks, Turkmen etc.

So they are now not even citizens?

Those ancient Arabs speaking Khorasani Arabic are probably not citizens either I guess.



The so-called Arab immigrants (I doubt there are any from Saudi Arabia aside from those few thousand Shias that left a eternity ago) are not counted in that group since they are migrants and not nationals and thus do not count as "Iranian Arabs".
Arabi doesn't indicate Arab origins. It could have several meanings, like someone who has been a diplomat, trader or something else in a Arab dominated region. In Holland you find Dutch surnames like 'Perzie (Persia), Turkenburg, etc. To assume that these people have Turkish or Persian origins is laughable. Arabs in Iran are insignificant and not one of those mullahs mentioned, in despite of their black turbans, claim Arab ancestry. They use their turbans for religious purposes.

And the Arab surname didn't apply to Rouhani. His real surname is Fereydoun.

Arabs in Iran are so insignificant that their votes don't even matter, they put their numbers at 1-2% of the population, but that is also disputed, since there are over 500.000 refugees in Iran from Iraq, but also we have refugees from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain that moved to iran in 1940. many without citizens ship, the real Iranain arabs inhibit several small villages in Khuzestan proviance, their number is less than 20,000.....


1.5-2 million Iranians are Arab Iranians that have lived in what is now Iran for hundreds of years and even in pre-Islamic times. Mainly in Khuzestan, the coastal Southern regions etc. Cities in Iran were also founded by Arabs.

None of them are immigrants. Not more than Persians, Kurds, Azeri Turks, Turkmen etc.

So they are now not even citizens?

Those ancient Arabs speaking Khorasani Arabic are probably not citizens either I guess.



The so-called Arab immigrants (I doubt there are any from Saudi Arabia aside from those few thousand Shias that left a eternity ago) are not counted in that group since they are migrants and not nationals and thus do not count as "Iranian Arabs".


Iranian Arabs are less than 20,000 that live in small villages in Khuzestan. Most of their villages were destroyed during the Iran-Iraq war.

Khuzestan is Persian majority state, you can write all you want and Pan-arabs can write all the nonsense, It doesn't change the reality in Iran. Even Arab Iranians know that their number is so insignificant that they can't even do anything, if they do anything the numbers are against them and they will be gone and slaughtered in less than 24 hours.

1.5-2 million Iranians are Arab Iranians that have lived in what is now Iran for hundreds of years and even in pre-Islamic times. Mainly in Khuzestan, the coastal Southern regions etc. Cities in Iran were also founded by Arabs.

None of them are immigrants. Not more than Persians, Kurds, Azeri Turks, Turkmen etc.

So they are now not even citizens?

Those ancient Arabs speaking Khorasani Arabic are probably not citizens either I guess.

Ulrich Seeger The Arabic Dialect of Khorasan


The so-called Arab immigrants (I doubt there are any from Saudi Arabia aside from those few thousand Shias that left a eternity ago) are not counted in that group since they are migrants and not nationals and thus do not count as "Iranian Arabs".

Whatever. I stay with the historical facts and information given by virtually all sources, including Persian ones. Not some troll pretending to be a female of God's know what origin. I recall you being an Azeri Turk or some Iranian members saying you were.

Also it seems that you still do not understand that those so-called Arab refugees and the 500.000 so-called Iraqi Arab refugees are not even counted as Iranian Arabs or among those 1.5-2 million Iranian Arabs that live in Iran across the country.


The Iranian refugees/migrant workers in the Arab world are not counted as nationals either.
Arabs in Iran are so insignificant that their votes don't even matter, they put their numbers at 1-2% of the population, but that is also disputed, since there are over 500.000 refugees in Iran from Iraq, but also we have refugees from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain that moved to iran in 1940. many without citizens ship, the real Iranain arabs inhibit several small villages in Khuzestan proviance, their number is less than 20,000.....

Some numbers point out to 500.000 Iranian-Arabs around the coastal region. They are relatively insignificant, on the social, political or any other level. We have many Iraqi refugees, but since Saddam has been gone, the government should try to stimulate them to go back.
Some numbers point out to 500.000. They are relatively insignificant, on the social, political or any other level. We have many Iraqi refugees, but since Saddam has been gone, the government should try to stimulate them to go back.

But they are not nationals and thus do not count as Iranian Arabs or are counted with the 1.5-2 million Iranian Arabs.

In fact they do not belong to any ethnic group in Iran since they are refugees and immigrants.

They are new immigrants and not nationals. Just like the Afghan refugees in Iran. They might live in Iran but they are not "officially" part of the country.

Just like all the illegal immigrants in the GCC. Or the non-nationals.

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