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Retired Arab teacher humiliates Iranian Mullah "President"

Ḥashshāshīn;4750855 said:
The whole region would actually be peaceful once the Saud family and the Ayatollah's are taken care of.

So which problems did the House of Saud cause before 1979? Care to educate me? And I am by no means a big fan of them to tell you the truth.

In fact it were Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood members that were welcomed as refugees after escaping the rule of Gamal Abdel Nasser (Pan-Arab originally from Hijaz) and moved to KSA as political refugees and they later taught as scholars at universities etc. and brought with them Qutbism.


The same Qutbism has influenced OBL, Al-Qaeda and all other militant Jihadists movements.

Sayyid Qutb has been seen as a spiritual father and the figurehead of what is wrong with the Muslim world, it's state and what should be done to change it. According to those that agree with him.

The Muslim Brotherhood was outlawed at that time in Egypt. Still to this day KSA or the House of Saud have a very deep suspicion of the Muslim Brotherhood. Just look at Egypt right now.

It was a time where Saudi Arabia was rapidly moving in a secular and somewhat Western direction which some of the old pictures from the early 1970's and late 1960's confirm or by students outside KSA confirm. Of course that was relative to the region etc.

The Grand Mosque Seizure in 1979 (Masjid al-Haram) also changed all that in the opposite direction when that group of lunatics made that famous hijacking.

Following the attack, the Saudi state implemented stricter enforcement of Islamic code.[5]

Besides it was all done to counter pan-Arabism which in its social form (the most popular one) was against kingdoms let alone good ties to the West. So the Arab monarchies were natural enemies. Besides the ideology being alien to most Arabs due to its secular and political nature. Or all Middle Eastern people for that matter if we look past the Kemalist movement in Turkey.
She talks about the influence of Muslim Brotherhood members in KSA from the day they came (1960's) until today and what that meant.


Besides I can post many Arabic clips but the problem is that not many understand it here.

Many don't know about all this.

I also recommend people to read about Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani.


All this comes down to the negative response of Western/colonial meddling which is felt all over the region in some countries more than others.
I'm sorry but this video is a clear evidence that this rohani guy is actually a decent president. He could have just neglected the Arab population just like his predecessors, but he actually visited them, received their complaints with a smile on his face and most importantly he communicated with them with their Arabic mother tongue not Farsi. The Arab population in Iran is a minority that is not very important on the voting scale but he chose to enforce equality among his people of different ethnic groups.

Rohani = Respect !

So you are impressed by him visiting an IRANIAN region that happens to be inhabited by many Iranian Arabs and to talk to a few people for a few hours? The richest Iranian region moreover and very important? Being humiliated in the process as not being able to answer that old man in his simple and understanding questions and pleas? In Arabic, a language that most Mullah's master and that is taught across Iran in schools from a young age?

Why not focus on him being a puppet of the so-called Grand Ayatollah and what the elder Arab man told about the conditions in Khuzestan and the Arab community which all points to the Mullah's themselves?

If so, knowing that you are anti-Al-Saud/monarchy and pro Muslim Brotherhood then you must be impressed when King Abdullah meets with Shia clerics or Shias from the Eastern Province for a few hours?

This must be the case following your logic.
After all nearly 50% of your countrymen are non-Persians.

There are many different groups living in Iran (Tats,Lurs,Kurds,Persians, etc.) however they are all IRANIC peoples...They all share the same language, culture, and genetics. I believe you don't know the true definition of what "Iranian" means...There are ethnicties living outside of Iran such as Ossetians in the Caucasus, Tajiks in Asia, Pashtoons in Afghanistan, Baloch in Pakistan these groups of people are all Iranians.

Many people think only Persians are considered Iranians when in fact Persians are just a portion that make up the great Iranian peoples.
There are many different groups living in Iran (Tats,Lurs,Kurds,Persians, etc.) however they are all IRANIC peoples...They all share the same language, culture, and genetics. I believe you don't know the true definition of what "Iranian" means...There are ethnicties living outside of Iran such as Ossetians in the Caucasus, Tajiks in Asia, Pashtoons in Afghanistan, Baloch in Pakistan these groups of people are all Iranians.

Many people think only Persians are considered Iranians when in fact Persians are just a portion that make up the great Iranian peoples.

Arabs are not Iranian people nor Azeri Turks (second largest ethnic group in Iran) nor Turkmens.

Lurs, Tats (first time I hear about the latter) are so small that they are nearly always grouped together with Persians. Qashqai people are Turkic too.

Many Baluch, Kurds etc. are very different and most are Sunnis and want their own countries and even have active movements to achieve that. They are neither homogenous groups.

Arabs, Jews, Assyrians and many other Semitic groups also share similarities be it ancestry, culture, language etc. but it would be foolish to say that there are no problems.

Besides this is not the topic.
Arabs are not Iranian people nor Azeri Turks (second largest ethnic group in Iran) nor Turkmens.

Lurs, Tats (first time I hear about the latter) are so small that they are nearly always grouped together with Persians. Qashqai people are Turkic too.

Many Baluch, Kurds etc. are very different and most are Sunnis and want their own countries and even have active movements to achieve that. They are neither homogenous groups.

Arabs, Jews, Assyrians and many other Semitic groups also share similarities be it ancestry, culture, language etc. but it would be foolish to say that there are no problems.

Besides this is not the topic.

Ofcourse Arabs are not Iranian, they are Semitic people however I still see "Iranian Arabs" or Arabs living in Iran as loyal countrymen as was proven during the Iran-Iraq war. Turkmen are Turkic that is why I didn't list them either. Kurds living in Turkey and Iraq want autonomy..the Kurds in Iran are not the same their is already a province called Kordestan it doesn't matter if they are Sunni or Shia or even Christian in the end they are still Iranıan.

Ok this maybe off topic but you are wrong about these people you claim as "Azeri Turks" no such term exists..Azaris are Iranians that speak a Turkic language that is all. The people inhabiting the country called "Azerbaijan" are Turkic speaking Iranians brainwashed by years of racist Turkish propaganda into believing they are Turks.
Lol, the Persians keep getting humiliated by Arabs since the beginning of time, to be honest I'm starting to feel sorry for them.

Its an utter shame that Saudis or those who are chest thumping here has no clue about democratic norm and people's opinion. In above posted news at least Iranian President lived upto democratic norm and tried to listen to people and their grievances. But chest thumping Saudis could not distinguish between democratic norm and "humiliation". Perhaps, Saudi rulers need to do the same, follow democratic path and listen to people instead of launching missile at their home.
Ofcourse Arabs are not Iranian, they are Semitic people however I still see "Iranian Arabs" or Arabs living in Iran as loyal countrymen as was proven during the Iran-Iraq war. Turkmen are Turkic that is why I didn't list them either. Kurds living in Turkey and Iraq want autonomy..the Kurds in Iran are not the same their is already a province called Kordestan it doesn't matter if they are Sunni or Shia or even Christian in the end they are still Iranıan.

Ok this maybe off topic but you are wrong about these people you claim as "Azeri Turks" no such term exists..Azaris are Iranians that speak a Turkic language that is all. The people inhabiting the country called "Azerbaijan" are Turkic speaking Iranians brainwashed by years of racist Turkish propaganda into believing they are Turks.

We were not talking about loyalty. Persian Sunnis living in the Arab world are also loyal to their Arab countries and fully Arabized now despite them being a tiny minority overall in the Arab world (less than 0,10%). Many other examples throughout the world of similar situations.

Still many Iranian Arabs whether Shia or Sunni are against the Mullah regime and not satisfied. The one in this video is just one of thousands of similar examples.

Despite the Iranian Mullah's often being Iranian Arabs or claiming Arab ancestry.

Kurds want a Greater Kurdistan and that includes the Kurdish areas of Iran. There is no need to kid ourselves of the opposite being the case. The Kurds in Iraq also have a "province" in fact more or less full autonomy (unlike in Iran) but all of them and their leaders still dream of a Greater Kurdistan.

Well the Kurds are not homogenous so of course a Kurd from Aleppo 1500 km away from a Iranian Kurd is different. Just like an Iranian from Bandar Abbas is different from an Iranian in Tabriz and a Iranian from Nishapur is different from one in Zahedan.

The last part is just your view and that of most anti-Turks (pan-Iranians) and the opinions differ. What is certain is that the Azeris speak a Turkic language and many of them regard themselves as Turks since a very long time. Besides they are a mixture of local Caucasian peoples (non-Iranians), Turkic/Mongol and Iranian peoples and they probably also have some Semitic admixture. Add Slavic to that list as well. At least the Azeris cluster with us Middle Eastern people more than they do with Spaniards for example, Africans or Indonesians.

The Middle East is a mixed region and a major historical crossroad despite Azerbaijan not being part of the Middle East but more Caucasus.
We were not talking about loyalty. Persian Sunnis living in the Arab world are also loyal to their Arab countries and fully Arabized now despite them being a tiny minority overall in the Arab world (less than 0,10%). Many other examples throughout the world of similar situations.

Still many Iranian Arabs whether Shia or Sunni are against the Mullah regime and not satisfied. The one in this video is just one of thousands of similar examples.

Despite the Iranian Mullah's often being Iranian Arabs or claiming Arab ancestry.

Kurds want a Greater Kurdistan and that includes the Kurdish areas of Iran. There is no need to kid ourselves of the opposite being the case. The Kurds in Iraq also have a "province" in fact more or less full autonomy (unlike in Iran) but all of them and their leaders still dream of a Greater Kurdistan.

Well the Kurds are not homogenous so of course a Kurd from Aleppo 1500 km away from a Iranian Kurd is different. Just like an Iranian from Bandar Abbas is different from an Iranian in Tabriz and a Iranian from Nishapur is different from one in Zahedan.

The last part is just your view and that of most anti-Turks (pan-Iranians) and the opinions differ. What is certain is that the Azeris speak a Turkic language and many of them regard themselves as Turks since a very long time. Besides they are a mixture of local Caucasian peoples (non-Iranians), Turkic/Mongol and Iranian peoples and they probably also have some Semitic admixture. Add Slavic to that list as well. At least the Azeris cluster with us Middle Eastern people more than they do with Spaniards for example, Africans or Indonesians.

The Middle East is a mixed region and a major historical crossroad despite Azerbaijan not being part of the Middle East but more Caucasus.

Other than bombing Saudi population who wants autonomy or different state, what does Saudi rulers do? Who are you kidding here?
Other than bombing Saudi population who wants autonomy or different state, what does Saudi rulers do? Who are you kidding here?

Are you dumb or just drunk Bengali?

The House of Saud are not "bombing" anyone in KSA nor does any part of KSA want autonomy or a "different" state. We don't have a "Kurdish problem". We are an Arab and Semitic country. It is true that many Saudi Arabians hail from other parts of the Arab world etc. but we are all Arab. Or Semites.

Also you must have mistaken the Saudi government for the Mullah regime in Iran that killed hundred of its own citizens in 2009 during the protests there after the "elections" were faked as usual.

Kurds want a Greater Kurdistan and that includes the Kurdish areas of Iran. There is no need to kid ourselves of the opposite being the case. The Kurds in Iraq also have a "province" in fact more or less full autonomy (unlike in Iran) but all of them and their leaders still dream of a Greater Kurdistan.

Kurds in Iran differ from Kurds elsewhere. Why? Simple: elsewhere, Kurds are living among non-Iranian people like the Arabs or Turks, while culturally Kurds and other Iranians are much more similar. The issue in Iran is political, not cultural or ethnical.

The last part is just your view and that of most anti-Turks (pan-Iranians) and the opinions differ. What is certain is that the Azeris speak a Turkic language and many of them regard themselves as Turks since a very long time. Besides they are a mixture of local Caucasian peoples (non-Iranians), Turkic/Mongol and Iranian peoples and they probably also have some Semitic admixture. Add Slavic to that list as well. At least the Azeris cluster with us Middle Eastern people more than they do with Spaniards for example, Africans or Indonesians.

Local Caucasian people, especially before the Turkic migration, were Iranian or at least Indo-European speaking.
LOL, you troll and wannabe Semite (Jew). You are criticizing Islam and Arabs while you claim to be a Jew despite both Arabs and Jews being Semites aside from the close ties of Judaism and Islam. Guess from which region and people they originated from.

That's like a Tajik (Indo-Iranian) criticizing a Persian for being a Indo-Iranian.

Stupid clown.
This Iranian just told his grievances to Iran's leader, so what... Why make it communal though?
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