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Retired Arab teacher humiliates Iranian Mullah "President"

The region has been relatively peaceful when Arabs were ruled by others, whether Turks, Europeans or Persians. Modern times proves that Arabs are incapable of having great political responsibilities. The Mullahs of Iran are somehow an extension of this Arab incapability and political culture, and should be dealt with accordingly.

Oh, is that why the Muslim (Middle East) was at its highest both military, in terms of area, culture, influnece when we Arabs ruled as Caliphs for 1000 years and where 95% of all the Islamic conquests took place?

Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid (Shia Caliphate in Egypt ruled by Yemeni Arabs). Or Al-Andalus.

What exactly did the Safavid Azeri Turks leave in the region aside from murdering thousands of Iranian Sunnis and Iraqi Sunnis and importing Shia Arab Mullah's from Southern Iraq and the Eastern province of KSA many of whom are still ruling Iran to this very day? Before they were ultimately defeated by the Sunni Pashtuns whom they tried to invade?

Or the Ottomans who banned books? What did they give the region? The Arab world or Iran?
What language did the Mesopotamians speak? What was their culture like? Wheres their capital?

Look at Persians, we still speak our own language, our culture hasn't changed , infact it has expanded to central asia, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc..

Mesopotamian used to half Iraq right? what happened to it?

None of the ancient civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa survived the Arab barbaric invasion like Persia.

Persia is still Persia.

What happened to Egypt? Mesopotamia? Babylon? Syria?

What happened to Rome?

Fact:Once a major empire of superpower proportions, Iran has endured invasions by Greeks, Arabs, Turks, and Mongols. Iran has continually reasserted its national identity throughout the centuries and has developed as a distinct political and cultural entity.

History of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sumerian, Akkadian, Aramaic, Arabic, 4 semetic languages they share a lot of similarity.

Actually Iraq's culture and language/dialect shares a lot of similarities with its historic and former language but you'd have to speak it to know that, nevertheless this is irrelevant. Nothing is the same everything changes, as well in Iran.

Are we supposed to accept the "Persian superiority" bullsh!t which your all telling us ? everyone is getting sick of it, its nothing but racism.
Oh, is that why the Muslim (Middle East) was at its highest both military, in terms of area, culture, influnece when we Arabs ruled as Caliphs for 1000 years and where 95% of all the Islamic conquests took place?

Muslim doesn't equal to Arab. Most of those muslims, especially the scientists, were Ajams (as in Persians), and were translating ancient works of the Greeks, Romans, Persians and Indians.

What exactly did the Safavid Azeri Turks leave in the region aside from murdering thousands of Iranian Sunnis and Iraqi Sunnis and importing Shia Arab Mullah's from Southern Iraq and the Eastern province of KSA many of whom are still ruling Iran to this very day?

The Safavid Iranians marked the resurrection of Iranian culture. For that, I am still thankful.

Sumerian, Akkadian, Aramaic, Arabic, 4 semetic languages they share a lot of similarity.

Actually, not really. The pre-Islamic Arab script vastly differentiated from the modern Arab script. The only country which still uses this original Arab script is Ethiopia. The modern day Arabic script is Aramaic in origins.
Sumerian, Akkadian, Aramaic, Arabic, 4 semetic languages they share a lot of similarity.

Actually Iraq's culture and language/dialect shares a lot of similarities with its historic and former language but you'd have to speak it to know that, nevertheless this is irrelevant. Nothing is the same everything changes, as well in Iran.

Are we supposed to accept the "Persian superiority" bullsh!t which your all telling us ? everyone is getting sick of it, its nothing but racism.

No one is talking about "Persian superiority"( I don't know where u get this idea) but fact remains that all those civilizations don't exist anymore, let alone speak their own language and practice their own culture.

The situation is completely different for Iran.

Iran kept it's language, culture and identity for 2,500 years .

The only other people that have done the same are Jewish people. They kept their culture, language and identity.
Eh, most were Arabs but indeed Iranians and others worked together. Still the rule was Arab and the language of science was Arabic and so was the culture/most of the influences.

Hell, even the Ottomans used Arabic as a court language and language of religion. Hence they were against printing books since they considered Arabic to be too much of a holy language to print other books than the Holy Qur'an.

Hence why they left a little marker aside from rule alone.

The Safavids were primitive mass-murderes who killed thousands of Iranian and Iraqi Sunni Arabs and others. Besides they were Azeri Turks. They are not even comparable to any Arab caliphate in any way.

Iranian culture as importing thousands of Arab Shia Mullah's and still fiercely attaching themselves to Islam (Shia Islam) that you deem as a foreign non-Iranian import?

They did a very bad job then.

Actually, not really. The pre-Islamic Arab script vastly differentiated from the modern Arab script. The only country which still uses this original Arab script is Ethiopia. The modern day Arabic script is Aramaic in origins.

Farsi/Parsi used to be written in a different script, could not care about script it changes in time and adopts from other scripts.
You believe in Aryan superiority and we Semites are inferior.
I assume you know that your being a racist.
Indeed a great heritage.

Ismail peacefully seized Baghdad in 1508. However, his armies zealously murdered Sunnis and actively persecuted them through tribal allies of the Shah.[45]
His armies also destroyed several important Sunni sites, including the tombs of Abū Ḥanīfa and Abdul-Qadir Gilani. The Safavids even expelled the family of Gilani from Mesopotamia. After declaring Shiism the official form of Islam in Iraq, Ismail forced his new Iraqi subjects to convert to Shiism and outlawed Sunni practices.
He then returned to Persia. These draconian actions by the conquering Safavids caused the Mesopotamian Sunnis to seethe with resentment.[46]
Likewise, under Tahmasp I, central and southern Iraq, including Baghdad and Basra had remained in Safavid hands and efforts were being made to establish Shiism in place of Sunnism in these lands. Sunni scholars who refused to accept Shia doctrines were executed and Sunni tombs and shrines were destroyed once again, while the main mosques were converted for Shia use only. While not extensive, some conversions did take place, and those remaining faithful to Sunnism were subjected to persecution until Suleiman the Magnificent expelled the Safavids from most of Iraq.[47]
When the Safavids returned In 1624 under Abbas I of Persia and reconquered Baghdad, they once again massacred the Sunni inhabitants.[48]
No one is talking about "Persian superiority" but fact remains that all those civilizations don't exist anymore, let alone speak their own language and practice their own culture.

The situation is completely different for Iran.

Actually it exists, culture is still practiced in peoples everyday lifes, language dialects have a lot in common with the former languages of the land.

Iran is a different case, different language family.

But lets say your right, other civilizations died and Persian civilization still exist, now what do you want to claim on that, supremacy over us ?
Actually it exists, culture is still practiced in peoples everyday lifes, language dialects have a lot in common with the former languages of the land.

Iran is a different case, different language family.

But lets say your right, other civilizations died and Persian civilization still exist, now what do you want to claim on that, supremacy over us ?

You are the only person that keeps bringing up the "supremacy" thing.

Facts: Iran kept it's language, culture and identity while all the other empires around iran are long gone..
The Azeri Turkish Safavids also needed the legitimacy of Arabs and approval of them to appear as legitimate rulers. They themselves even fabricated a lineage to Prophet Muhammad (saws).

Arab Shia Ulema:

After the conquest, Ismail began transforming the religious landscape of Iran by imposing Twelver Shiism on the populace. Since most of the population embraced Sunni Islam and since an educated version of Shiism was scarce in Iran at the time, Ismail imported a new Shia Ulema corps from traditional Shiite centers of the Arabic speaking lands, such as Jabal Amil (of Southern Lebanon), Bahrain, the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and Southern Iraq in order to create a state clergy. Ismail offered them land and money in return for loyalty. These scholars taught the doctrine of Twelver Shiism and made it accessible to the population and energetically encouraged conversion to Shiism.[32][35][36][37] To emphasize how scarce Twelver Shiism was then to be found in Iran, a chronicler tells us that only one Shia text could be found in Ismail’s capital Tabriz.[38] Thus it is questionable whether Ismail and his followers could have succeeded in forcing a whole people to adopt a new faith without the support of the Arab Shiite scholars.[34] The rulers of Safavid Persia also invited these foreign Shiite religious scholars to their court in order to provide legitimacy for their own rule over Persia.[39]
Abbas I of Persia, during his reign, also imported more Arab Shia Ulema to Iran, built religious institutions for them, including many Madrasahs (religious schools) and successfully persuaded them to participate in the government, which they had shunned in the past (following the Hidden imam doctrine).[40]

It equals to Arabs wanting to go back to pre-Islamic times by reconverting to ancient Semitic religions (pagans), Christianity or Judaism and in the process importing Iranian scholars, LOL. And in the same process claiming Iranian ancestry. Or better converting to Zoroastrianism.

Ironically you are paying for all that since those same Mullah's are now ruling you and they have only caused misery for your country and countrymen since 1979. There would be no war with Saddam Hussein and massacre of 500.000-1.000.000 Iranians if the Mullah's had not taken the throne.

How pathetic and ironic is that not?
I'm sorry but this video is a clear evidence that this rohani guy is actually a decent president. He could have just neglected the Arab population just like his predecessors, but he actually visited them, received their complaints with a smile on his face and most importantly he communicated with them with their Arabic mother tongue not Farsi. The Arab population in Iran is a minority that is not very important on the voting scale but he chose to enforce equality among his people of different ethnic groups.

Rohani = Respect !
All this Safavids converting Iranians and claiming divine ancestry, was political in nature, and had nothing to do with a inferiority complex towards Arabs. All this was implemented to counter the Sunni Ottomans.
You are the only person that keeps bringing up the "supremacy" thing.

Facts: Iran kept it's language, culture and identity while all the other empires around iran are long gone..

I bring supremacy up but I see it often in the behavior of Iranian nationalists or Surenas in this case and many others lets not forget the "Superior Aryan" bs we hear so often.

Empires come and go, Persian empire is gone.

Iran's language, culture and identity have been influenced.

- Language
Arabic script, many words in the Farsi language from Semetic languages.
- Culture
Islam or Shiism has influenced it as religion is part of culture.
- Identity
Religion influenced it as well, besides, Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian are not new names, these are old identities still being used so I don't see what is lost for us in that part, calling ourselves Arab is not Arabian, this form of unification is language and partially cultural considering language is part of culture.
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