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Retired Arab teacher humiliates Iranian Mullah "President"

There are 450 million of us Arabs and we have more than 20 countries and plenty of land, resources etc. More than most if not all if we were one single body.

Says a Chinese guy. You are used as cheap labour everywhere. Hell you even use all the hundreds of million poor Chinese as cheap labour yourselves.

Don't get me started about your commie rulers that killed 100 MILLION of their own people or what the Japanese did to you.

Does the name Mao Zedong ring any bells?

Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' - News - Books - The Independent


Where do you get this 450 million number from?

Total number of Arabic speakers =/= Ethnic Arabs.

Invest in Industrialization, agriculture, and irrigating desert and growing crops etc...and your Arabian Peninsula might be able to sustain large populations such as 450 million etc.
They would have the same situation as their "brothers and sisters" in Afghanistan have without the oil and gas in the Arab Al-Ahwaz. They already share the world record for heroin addicts jointly.

Interesting when the descendants of illiterate bedouins, who were taught by Persians how to organize, construct and interpret their desert religion, is speaking of humiliation, when the Arab world today is still facing the consequences of its colonial history, whether implemented by the Turks or Europeans. The Arab world which today is being seen as the cradle of misogyny, pedophilia, backwardness, extremism and death and destruction.

Its even more interesting when the descendent of a illiterate bedouin is looking at the region through the prism of gas and oil, forgetting about the fact that both Persians and their brothers elsewhere have ruled, influenced and formed the region for more than 3000 years, long before oil and gas were found. Its even more funnier when Arabs, who have build their cities thanks to this same oil money, are blaming others for the same phenomena. I'll guess it only takes Yemen and Egypt to see how Arabs would still live without all this oil.

Anyway. Nice to see that Iranians have the heart and guts to confront their president in public. I'm wondering if the degenerated king of the deserts of Saudi Arabia would even dare to sit down with its fellow Shia countrymen.
LOL, you Persians were primitive Central Asian Nomads 2800 years ago and first got civilized when you encountered us Semites in the Middle East. Don't even make comparisons.

When you were still roaming around the Central Asian steppes and deserts Yemenis were building the first skyscrapers in the world and ruled big Kingdoms that extended into Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.

Egypt? Are you joking? One of the oldest civilizations in the world and much more impressive than anything that came out of Central Asia.

GCC is much richer, developed and influential than your Mullahistan shithole. That is just the reality. Let alone the whole Arab world.

He is an Arab. Don't equal nationality with ethincity. After all nearly 50% of your countrymen are non-Persians.

Besides it is funny that all this comes from a Kurd whose people are stateless and have made zero contributions. The most famous Kurd was Salah ad-Din who was under Arab payroll and allegiance. Just look at the name. Not much Kurdish about it, eh?

Still stateless to this day.

Besides why are you switching between your Feyen user (now banned I see) and your current user? Desperate much?

Sounds familiar to your Mullah's who are in deep ****. Despite having all that gas (more than anyone else outside of Russia) and oil they are living off.
Al-hasani what are you smoking...:cheesy:

Plus majority of these people in Iran are NON-CITIZENS.

there are about 20,000 Arabs that immigrated to Iran because of the persecution against Shiite Muslims in Saudi Arabia. Many of them arrived in Bushehr Province in 1946. And still live there, their population has grown.

If they don't like Iran, they can go back to Saudi Arabia.

let's see your king Abdullah sit down with immigrants in Saudi Arabia and try to solve their problems.

At least president Rohuani is doing a great job talking to different people in Iran.
LOL, you Persians were primitive Central Asian Nomads 2800 years ago and first got civilized when you encountered us Semites in the Middle East. Don't even make comparisons.

Primitive? Large urbanized communities have found among the Iranians-speaking people of Central-Asia. In contrast to Arabs, who were not even known in the region, when the Romans and Greeks were speaking of Persian wealth and greatness. Iranian empires completely surpassed those insignificant Semite empires in the Middle East, and established the first great superpower.

When you were still roaming around the Central Asian steppes and deserts Yemenis were building the first skyscrapers in the world and ruled big Kingdoms that extended into Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.

Insignificant kingdoms, who haven't contribute to the world in which way whatsoever.

Egypt? Are you joking? One of the oldest civilizations in the world and much more impressive than anything that came out of Central Asia.

When they weren't Arabs and in contact with your desert religion you mean?

GCC is much richer, developed and influential than your Mullahistan shithole. That is just the reality. Let alone the whole Arab world.

Iran has been richer than the GCC for more than 3000 years. Just because your fellow fat sheiks have found some oil, or should I say: when Europeans found that oil, it doesn't mean anything.

He is an Arab. Don't equal nationality with ethincity. After all nearly 50% of your countrymen are non-Persians.

More than 80 percent of my countrymen are Iranians (linguistically), while all of them are Iranian by culture.

Besides it is funny that all this comes from a Kurd whose people are stateless and have made zero contributions. The most famous Kurd was Salah ad-Din who was under Arab payroll and allegiance. Just look at the name. Not much Kurdish about it, eh?

I am Iranian, and Iranian Kurds have been known for their contribution to various present Iranian empires and civilizations.
Interesting when the descendants of illiterate bedouins, who were taught by Persians how to organize, construct and interpret their desert religion, is speaking of humiliation, when the Arab world today is still facing the consequences of its colonial history, whether implemented by the Turks or Europeans. The Arab world which today is being seen as the cradle of misogyny, pedophilia, backwardness, extremism and death and destruction.

Its even more interesting when the descendent of a illiterate bedouin is looking at the region through the prism of gas and oil, forgetting about the fact that both Persians and their brothers elsewhere have ruled, influenced and formed the region for more than 3000 years, long before oil and gas were found. Its even more funnier when Arabs, who have build their cities thanks to this same oil money, are blaming others for the same phenomena. I'll guess it only takes Yemen and Egypt to see how Arabs would still live without all this oil.

Anyway. Nice to see that Iranians have the heart and guts to confront their president in public. I'm wondering if the degenerated king of the deserts of Saudi Arabia would even dare to sit down with its fellow Shia countrymen.

Persians learned from the Mesopotamians which Cyrus conquered, adopted a lot of their culture and used their political/economic systems to establish the Persian empire dynasties, explains why many capitals and center of the empires were in Mesopotamia.

Your trying to portray that Persians are better and superior then all others in the middle east, are you trying to argue with people over this or create fights, many Persian and Iranian nationalists share this ideology, though history proves wrong so the purpose must be retarded.

According to you Egyptians are not Arabs so you should not be using them in that comment, anyway you will disagree.
Persians learned from the Mesopotamians which Cyrus conquered, adopted a lot of their culture and used their political/economic systems to establish the Persian empire dynasties, explains why many capitals and center of the empires were in Mesopotamia.

Your trying to portray that Persians are better and superior then all others in the middle east, are you trying to argue with people over this or create fights, many Persian and Iranian nationalists share this ideology, though history proves wrong so the purpose must be retarded.

According to you Egyptians are not Arabs so you should not be using them in that comment, anyway you will disagree.

What language did the Mesopotamians speak? What was their culture like? Wheres their capital?

Look at Persians, we still speak our own language, our culture hasn't changed , infact it has expanded to central asia, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc..

Mesopotamian used to half Iraq right? what happened to it?

None of the ancient civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa survived the Arab barbaric invasion like Persia.

Persia is still Persia.

What happened to Egypt? Mesopotamia? Babylon? Syria?

What happened to Rome?


Once a major empire of superpower proportions, Iran has endured invasions by Greeks, Arabs, Turks, and Mongols. Iran has continually reasserted its national identity throughout the centuries and has developed as a distinct political and cultural entity.

Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BCE. The Medes unified Iran as a nation and empire in 625 BCE.The Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BCE) was the first of the Persian empires to rule from the Balkans to North Africa and also Central Asia from their capital in Persis (Persepolis). They were succeeded by the Seleucid Empire, Parthians and Sassanids who governed Iran for almost 1,000 years.

The Islamic conquest of Persia (633–656) ended the Sassanid Empire and was a turning point in Iranian history. Islamicization in Iran took place during 8th to 10th century and led to the eventual decline of the Zoroastrian religion in Persia. However, the achievements of the previous Persian civilizations were not lost, but were to a great extent absorbed by the new Islamic polity and civilization..

Al-hasani what are you smoking...:cheesy:

Plus majority of these people in Iran are NON-CITIZENS.

there are about 20,000 Arabs that immigrated to Iran because of the persecution against Shiite Muslims in Saudi Arabia. Many of them arrived in Bushehr Province in 1946. And still live there, their population has grown.

If they don't like Iran, they can go back to Saudi Arabia.

let's see your king Abdullah sit down with immigrants in Saudi Arabia and try to solve their problems.

At least president Rohuani is doing a great job talking to different people in Iran.

Any Arab who freely moves to Mullahistan is not an Arab anymore and we do not care about them. Besides those people were traitors and terrorists.

I doubt that they were even Arab in the first place.

Eh, KSA welcomes more immigrants than any other country in the region. Including you Iranians when you perform the hajj. You come in the thousands. Who are you welcoming in comparison other than Afghan immigrants and a few Iraqi/Lebanese Shia pilgrims to Qom or Mashhad? Are you joking?

Yes, how great he is. He was humiliated and the Arab old man put him in his place. Had no reply.

And when do you understand that I do not care particular much about the Al-Saud family? Rulers come and go.

You Iranians have serious mental problems at least those on this forum. How the hell can any Iranian let alone Iranian immigrants like you living outside of Iran even defend the Mullah's that have caused chaos and misery in your country since 1979 and which have only made millions of Arabs, Turks, Muslims, Western people etc. hate your country?

You must be mentally challenged.

You are the same troll that is praising that Son of a officer that proclaimed himself as a Shah 90 years ago. What is wrong with you?

That same person was chased away from his country by those same Mullah's that you constantly defend.

When will you people move your ***** and remove your lunatic Mullah's? They are not even able to serve your people. Thanks to them you are a isolated, poor, sanctioned etc. country while your neighbors GCC are improving for each year in every single department whether your likes like it or not.

Hell even Iraq, a war torn country in a semi-secterian state (conflict) are doing better than you and improving much more rapidly.

So is the greatness of your "Mullah's" that claim that we Arabs are puppets but they themselves are puppets of the Russians and others.
Persians learned from the Mesopotamians which Cyrus conquered, adopted a lot of their culture and used their political/economic systems to establish the Persian empire dynasties, explains why many capitals and center of the empires were in Mesopotamia.

Cyrus did not learn anything from those Mesopotamians. His rule, based on tolerance and religious freedom, compared to the rule of various Mesopotamian rulers, was vastly different. Persian bureaucracy, known among the Greeks, vastly differentiate from the Mesopotamian variant too. Let alone the religion of Iranian-speaking people of that time, Zoroastrianism. Mesopotamia was important to the Persians due to its fertile land.

Your trying to portray that Persians are better and superior then all others in the middle east, are you trying to argue with people over this or create fights, many Persian and Iranian nationalists share this ideology, though history proves wrong so the purpose must be retarded.

History doesn't proof wrong. I can easily point out to accounts of Arabs and non-Arabs pointing out to the intellectual superiority of Persians over Arabs. Could you do the same thing, but than otherwise?
This whole region will become peaceful only IF Persian & Arabs settle their matters
This whole region will become peaceful only IF Persian & Arabs settle their matters

The region has been relatively peaceful when Arabs were ruled by others, whether Turks, Europeans or Persians. Modern times proves that Arabs are incapable of having great political responsibilities. The Mullahs of Iran are somehow an extension of this Arab incapability and political culture, and should be dealt with accordingly.
Cyrus did not learn anything from those Mesopotamians. His rule, based on tolerance and religious freedom, compared to the rule of various Mesopotamian rulers, was vastly different. Persian bureaucracy, known among the Greeks, vastly differentiate from the Mesopotamian variant too. Let alone the religion of Iranian-speaking people of that time, Zoroastrianism. Mesopotamia was important to the Persians due to its fertile land.

History doesn't proof wrong. I can easily point out to accounts of Arabs and non-Arabs pointing out to the intellectual superiority of Persians over Arabs. Could you do the same thing, but than otherwise?

His rule based on tolerance and freedom was just easing having a larger empire which Persians succeeded in, they adopted a lot of Mesopotamia because it was the center of the world and became it under the Persian dynasties as well, fertile land is just 1 reason.

Statistics says Asian are superior in that case.
This whole region will become peaceful only IF Persian & Arabs settle their matters

Impossible when the fake wannabe-Arab Mullahs in Iran are ruling. As long as they do that we will kick their *** in Northern Yemen (the tiny Houthi area), Bahrain, Syria and elsewhere where they try to meddle. Afghanistan in the past.

Some sane Iranians of all ethnicity's (Persian, Azeri Turks, Arabs, Baluch, Kurds etc.) are able to cooperate and work with us Arabs in the GCC and elsewhere.

His rule based on tolerance and freedom was just easing having a larger empire which Persians succeeded in, they adopted a lot of Mesopotamia because it was the center of the world and became it under the Persian dynasties as well, fertile land is just 1 reason.

Statistics says Asian are superior in that case.

It doesn't matter why he chose tolerance and religious freedom over tyranny and dictatorship, which the Mesopotamians and Assyrians were famous for. In the end, his policy of tolerance resulted in him being mentioned in (probably) all of the religious books of the Jews, Christians and Arabs.
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