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Retired Arab teacher humiliates Iranian Mullah "President"

Lol, the Persians keep getting humiliated by Arabs since the beginning of time, to be honest I'm starting to feel sorry for them.

They are more Iranian than people in Tehran like me , You know why ? Cos they were the ones stood against Iraq in Khorramshar and stopped Iraqi army for 40 days . They were the ones kicked British army from Tangestan while people in Tehran were drinking and Fu.cking pretty girls . So stop using Arab / Persian for Iran cos most of the Iranians are educated , not racist and ill mannered like you and never use Arab , Persian , Turk etc .

we call each other Tehrani ( From Tehran ) , Tabrizi ( from Tabriz ), Bushehri , Mashhadi , southerner , Northerner etc though I can't deny there are sick and uneducated people everywhere .

I neither support nor oppose IR as it's got both advantages and disadvantages but Its really good to see our elected president is humiliated by people not like some puppet kings in our neighborhood that barely step out of their beds .
:lol: Typical PDF troller.
Like I said, the local press and local MSM outlet reveal such critisim.

Go read your own press to see where articles critical to the King have been allowed to publish or no action was taken. Your Arab law state a guy can go to jail for criticizing the king. Let me troll you with facts.

Proposed law: Criticize Saudi king, go to jail - UPI.com


Arab law state? :lol: I'm guessing you are having a problem with Arabs to begin with.

A- This law has never been in effect, so put that back inside of your pocket.

B- The sacked adviser was relieved of duty due to his controversial remarks against women, in which the local press have been slamming him on daily basis.

C- As I stated earlier, the King is on our side as such we are entitled to bash the Gov't all day long on condition that such critism is TRUE - Not based on lies -

I'm not going to bother wasting my time with mental trollers like yourself.



Go read your own press to see where articles critical to the King have been allowed to publish or no action was taken. Your Arab law state a guy can go to jail for criticizing the king. Let me troll you with facts.

Proposed law: Criticize Saudi king, go to jail - UPI.com


That does not correspondent with their ancestral claims. Or their surnames. 2 million is not a insignificant number. Among the biggest minority groups in Iran and moreover a ethnic group that live in one of the most important areas of Iran (Khuzestan) mainly, the Southern coastal regions etc.

We can only stick to the histories told and the information given. Otherwise you can question everything.

Can you explain why many Arabs (especially Saudis) use the name Turki?
Fact 1: Every non-Iranian who participated in this thread took a massive steaming pile of shi-t on arabs as well as our wahabi terrorist PDF brigade. We can thus conclude that this thread was a massive and utter FAIL!!!

Fact 2: As previously mentioned, Arabs in Iran are an insignificant population. We have less arabs than North America does. Don't be delusional wahabis, cuz the insignificant population of Arabs in Iran neither deserve special treatment, nor are they gonna get jack diddly squat from the central govt. Like the rest of the Iranian population, they'll earn what they deserve according to Iranian standards.

Fact 3: If you care about arabs, than start preaching somewhere else. Every single arab country is either in civil war, at war, a failed state, under occupation or about to enter the civil war/revolution/war stage. If you guys care so much about each other, than why are you always blowing each other apart?

Arabs love to blow up arabs. Wahabi Saudis even blow themselves up!! That's how much they hate arabs! They hate arab so much that they even blow themselves up. So yeah, save the bull **** and serve it to someone else, cuz there aint no customers for this mumbo jumbo here.
Iran had its own spring already :lol: 600k perished from the face of the earth; the side-effect still resonates up to this moment
Up to a million suffering effects of chemical weapons in Iran - YouTube
:omghaha: :lol: :D :rofl:

Fact 1: Every non-Iranian who participated in this thread took a massive steaming pile of shi-t on arabs as well as our wahabi terrorist PDF brigade. We can thus conclude that this thread was a massive and utter FAIL!!!

Fact 2: As previously mentioned, Arabs in Iran are an insignificant population. We have less arabs than North America does. Don't be delusional wahabis, cuz the insignificant population of Arabs in Iran neither deserve special treatment, nor are they gonna get jack diddly squat from the central govt. Like the rest of the Iranian population, they'll earn what they deserve according to Iranian standards.

Fact 3: If you care about arabs, than start preaching somewhere else. Every single arab country is either in civil war, at war, a failed state, under occupation or about to enter the civil war/revolution/war stage. If you guys care so much about each other, than why are you always blowing each other apart?

Arabs love to blow up arabs. Wahabi Saudis even blow themselves up!! That's how much they hate arabs! They hate arab so much that they even blow themselves up. So yeah, save the bull **** and serve it to someone else, cuz there aint no customers for this mumbo jumbo here.
Fact 1: Every non-Iranian who participated in this thread took a massive steaming pile of shi-t on arabs as well as our wahabi terrorist PDF brigade. We can thus conclude that this thread was a massive and utter FAIL!!!

Fact 2: As previously mentioned, Arabs in Iran are an insignificant population. We have less arabs than North America does. Don't be delusional wahabis, cuz the insignificant population of Arabs in Iran neither deserve special treatment, nor are they gonna get jack diddly squat from the central govt. Like the rest of the Iranian population, they'll earn what they deserve according to Iranian standards.

Fact 3: If you care about arabs, than start preaching somewhere else. Every single arab country is either in civil war, at war, a failed state, under occupation or about to enter the civil war/revolution/war stage. If you guys care so much about each other, than why are you always blowing each other apart?

Arabs love to blow up arabs. Wahabi Saudis even blow themselves up!! That's how much they hate arabs! They hate arab so much that they even blow themselves up. So yeah, save the bull **** and serve it to someone else, cuz there aint no customers for this mumbo jumbo here.


but still arabs are so much respected in iran , iranian arabs are loved here
p.s i was in ahwaz a week ago!! nice city nice people nice country!!!
I didn't see anything about humiliation in this video.
What he said is truth and the president is respectful for his opinion.
Let him more than just few days to try to solve problems...

i don't understand what is funny to know so many of our bros died in the war :(
I didn't see anything about humiliation in this video.
What he said is truth and the president is respectful for his opinion.
Let him more than just few days to try to solve problems...

i don't understand what is funny to know so many of our bros died in the war :(

Don't you think that your fellow countrymen took it too far? I'm sorry but you were caught in the middle of the crossroad fire.
Thats not Iraqis who are getting bombed :lol: They are Saudis:


Studies: Suicide bombers in Iraq are mostly foreigners | McClatchy

Saudi contribution to humanity? Suicide bombing, begging in South Asia, lizard-eating.

I'am proud of Iranian, they never kill anybody contrary to the wahabits dogs of the JEWS
Iran had its own spring already :lol: 600k perished from the face of the earth; the side-effect still resonates up to this moment

500,000 Iraqis also 'perished' in that war if we want to use this childish logic.

You just use this sentence anytime you feel embarrassed by comment from Iranians to **** them off. But you forget the fact that those people sacrificed their lives for their country so evils wouldn't step on our soil which is a symbol of honor for us, something many countries in ME lack.
Ask your fellow countrymen to learn how to behave or we will play this song. Anywho, it appears to me that you are about to hit the wall, good.

Iranians are only good at talks you talk big, you do nothing. Let's see how's your Gov't is going to react over those who jumped into our water, but I'm positively sure we will hear nothing but rants out of Khatami :lol:
500,000 Iraqis also 'perished' in that war if we want to use this childish logic.

You just use this sentence anytime you feel embarrassed by comment from Iranians to **** them off. But you forget the fact that those people sacrificed their lives for their country so evils wouldn't step on our soil which is a symbol of honor for us, something many countries in ME lack.
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