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Retaliation against Pakistan is warranted

It is reversal.... PAK lost Over 1,840 km2 (710 mi2) of territory lost (primarily in Sialkot, Lahore, and Kashmir sectors).. you know Indian troops about to reach lahore.... ask your army, you almost lost PAK if UN didn't saved you.

I dont know why in PAK they always teach lies so most of people live false reality.

Lies are taught to both sides, claims and counter claims follow and minions believe it. What India claimed in the war was never sustained including the so called possession of territory.
Trust me , its Indian media that needs to grow up and stop talking like they are a superpower to teach any country a lesson at the time and place of their choosing .
I would suggest you stop making things....We want to be a super-power(an economic one) but we all know we are not...Having said that we are also not a push over....Indian media is simply telling the government that no need to act like a SISSY...I am a peace lover and do understand the govt. dilemma...I understand strengthening democracy in Pakistan is in India's interest however it cannot come at the cost of Indian lives...This is a pathetic approach...IA is well capable of taking care of nuisance on the border and certainly will retaliate...though unfortunate but then this is what spoilers on your side want and you are not able to control them...so we can't help!!

I hate to generalize , but sometimes I feel that the Indian media and the Indian people aren't so different , they have the same mindset of destroying Pakistan , without , of course realizing the outcome and consequences .

Again your biased opinion...there are many on your side who share the same feelings about us...and in fact state sponsor terrorism is a tool that you have been practicing on us from decades now...so stop behaving like a victim here...
I hate to generalize , but sometimes I feel that the Indian media and the Indian people aren't so different , they have the same mindset of destroying Pakistan , without , of course realizing the outcome and consequences .

no they are told that they will destroy whole pakistan in two days and pakistanis will welcome them
you know Indian troops about to reach lahore

I will tell you a secret . Whenever , during a war , the troops come to know that a ceasefire will be declared soon , they try to attack and capture more areas with higher aggression than usual so they can have an upper hand during negotiations . Think of it , if Lahore , believing your version of history to be true , was about to be captured , then what stopped the Indians from doing so ? Please , dont tell me that a ceasefire was to declared the other day and the Indian Army was at the outskirts of Lahore and decided to turn back because of the ceasefire , because it doesn't make sense . If you were in a position to take that city , you would have , to gain an advantage in the ensuing Tashkent Declaration .

Unless India can demonstrate independent military action that the vast Indian public lauds as morally correct, which further is seen as evidence of Indian honor and pride, the suspicion that India is in the hands of foreigners – that India has really not earned independence from foreign rule – will persist in the minds of millions of Indians. One way to disprove the skeptics is to overtly and openly retaliate against Pakistan for its recent atrocity in one of the five ways outlined, not ruling out a full scale war, which is indicated and necessary in its own right.

And, to state unequivocally, there is no time limit for retaliation. Let Pakistan know this and boil in its own sweat.

Link - Retaliation against Pakistan is warranted » Indian Defence Review

What the author suggests is as he puts it ' one way' of doing things.

The nation does not have to adopt a course to disprove skeptics. It does not have to play for the gallery. Those who cry with alarm on such instances obviously are unaware of the dynamics of the LOC.

Today, Pakistan is suffering like never before - the PA spends a large part of its resources defending itself from its own people, never mind the Drone as they will ' drone' on the nation cannot even be assured it has its arrested bad elements behind safe doors. They are released at will while the defenders hide in sewers !

Suicide attacks have made life unsafe and unpredictable across the nation not just the Western regions.

What we see on the LOC are events that shall go on - they have happened before & will do so in the future too.

India needs to maintain & even increase the silent pressure so that the nation continues to simmer.

On the Indian side the Politicians need to educate themselves and zip their lips. One often wonders whose side they are on - they hardly know if they are coming or going.

But seriously, our politicians suck big time! They don't have the balls to give the green signal to the IA to undertake unilateral action on the border/LoC. Without the permission of Saint Anthony one can't even move a finger there!

Just don't worry. Orders must have been given to get the casualty figures balanced. The politician will be acting like this is a different story otherwise how they will be known as politicians? The equalizer is coming. I do not know. Some innocent soldier will lost their lives.
I would suggest you stop making things

Re read my post again , with an open mind this time and without getting your BP high . I didn't say anything offensive . I didn't make anything up there , Indian media is well known for their jingoism , war hysteria and superpower delusions through dramatic reports , articles and other means . Check this article for instance , do you really believe that is that easy to wage war with any country ?

I am not denying that there are people on this side too , just tell me how many such articles or reports do you see published or broadcasted by the Pakistani media ? I have rarely seen any such thing , both on the T.V and Internet . Because , it doesn't sell well here , there are no takers and it certainly wont hike up the media's TRP .
I will tell you a secret . Whenever , during a war , the troops come to know that a ceasefire will be declared soon , they try to attack and capture more areas with high aggression so they can have an upper hand during negotiations . Think of it , if Lahore , believing your version of history to be true , was about to be captured , then what stopped the Indians from doing so ? Please , dont tell me that a ceasefire was to declared the other day and the Indian Army was at the outskirts of Lahore and decided to turn back because of the ceasefire , because it doesn't make sense . If you were in a position to take that city , you would have , to gain an advantage in the ensuing Shimla agreement .

Its no secret - all armies do this.

As regards Lahore , it never was the aim to capture it. The last time towns & cities were captured was in WWII. No army wants to get in fighting in Built up areas and streets. Furthermore, administering a captured city & its population is a headache no nation wants to get involved in. Moreso if its across an IB which would have to be returned later.

The aim is to ' threaten' a high value objective which would force the enemy to abandon its plans elsewhere and rust to address this threat - the loss of the high value would be unacceptable to the nation.

India did exactly this in 65 & got the desired results when the PA recoiled from its offensive towards Akhnoor and rushed to defend Lahore.
Re read my post again , with an open mind this time and without getting your BP high .

We haven't talked much so may be that's why you said what you said...I usually don't allow my sanity to be overpowered by my emotions...anyways..let me deal with rest of your post..

I didn't say anything offensive . I didn't make anything up there , Indian media is well known for their jingoism , war hysteria and superpower delusions through dramatic reports , articles and other means . Check this article for instance , do you really believe that is that easy to wage war with any country ?

I am not denying that there are people on this side too , just tell me how many such articles or reports do you see published or broadcasted by the Pakistani media ? I have rarely seen any such thing , both on the T.V and Internet . Because , it doesn't sell well here , there are no takers and it certainly wont hike up the media's TRP .

Look i am not here to defend media...having said that if you are not aware of the jingoism shown by your media then i am sorry...Anyways i am certainly not here to discuss whose media is better...b/w i am talking about this specific incident and have already explained what media is asking for...as far as this article goes then it is an opinion..which has lot of flaws...
Its no secret - all armies do this.

As regards Lahore , it never was the aim to capture it. The last time towns & cities were captured was in WWII. No army wants to get in fighting in Built up areas and streets. Furthermore, admistering a captured city & its population is a headach no nation wants to get involved in.

The aim is to ' threaten' a high value objective which would force the enemy to abandon its plans elsewhere and rust to address this threat - the loss of the high value would be unacceptable to the nation.

India did exactly this in 65 & got the desired results when the PA recoiled from its offensive towards Akhnoor and rushed to defend Lahore.

Just a manner of talking . For him , it was ' as being told a secret ' .

According to the popular version I hear all the time here , the ceasefire was to be declared the other day and Indian forces were at the outskirts but didn't choose to capture the city and stopped where they were . Now , it cant be , because of the ceasefire , because that was more of a reason to do so . You can always deny the aims and objectives , but the truth lies somewhere else , when it looks that they weren't that close to the city or not close to capture it before ceasefire , despite having a whole day with defenseless Lahore as Indians tell me here . Not much has happened since WWII back then . You didn't have to administer the city till the Kingdom came , the negotiations happen soon and the Tashkent declaration will have followed soon after less than 6 months . It wasn't a problem to deal with the population .

Trust me , had Indians been close to capture Lahore , they would have , because it would have provided them with a bargaining chip of tremendous value . You do not know the importance of the city , its the second largest in Pakistan . Think of the compromises , Pakistan would have made later in Tashkent .
Its no secret - all armies do this.

As regards Lahore , it never was the aim to capture it. The last time towns & cities were captured was in WWII. No army wants to get in fighting in Built up areas and streets. Furthermore, administering a captured city & its population is a headache no nation wants to get involved in. Moreso if its across an IB which would have to be returned later.

The aim is to ' threaten' a high value objective which would force the enemy to abandon its plans elsewhere and rust to address this threat - the loss of the high value would be unacceptable to the nation.

India did exactly this in 65 & got the desired results when the PA recoiled from its offensive towards Akhnoor and rushed to defend Lahore.

Capturing Lahore was a fantasy of the Indian Generals sir. I always request people to, do justice to the history. You see all of the territorial claims are invalid from either side, can Nazi invasion of Stalingrad be regarded as a victory? - Hardly because the conclusion of the war wasn't in their favor, even though they were knocking on the doors of Moscow.

There are people both in India and Pakistan, lets say a majority who would most happily claim victory in 1965 conflict but it is not the fact but a flight of fantasy. Generals on both sides exaggerated their success. The fact however is that it was an inconclusive war, with no real outcome.
Capturing Lahore was a fantasy of the Indian Generals sir. I always request people to, do justice to the history. You see all of the territorial claims are invalid from either side, can Nazi invasion of Stalingrad be regarded as a victory? - Hardly because the conclusion of the war wasn't in their favor, even though they were knocking on the doors of Moscow.

There are people both in India and Pakistan, lets say a majority who would most happily claim victory in 1965 conflict but it is not the fact but a flight of fantasy. Generals on both sides exaggerated their success. The fact however is that it was an inconclusive war, with no real outcome.

Wars are fought on may fronts and across many planes - the fighting war that armies indulge in is only one of them.

See it from the Pak side - Indian generals express the desire to be in Lahore soon and attack. The attack takes Pak unawares as Bhutto had convinced Ayub that hostilities would not spill over across the IB.

It compells PA to recoil & place troops for the offensive into a defensive role to safe a City whose fall would have been unacceptable.

India achieves its twin objectives of blunting the offensive in a region it was weak and crossing the IB at its place of choosing and raises national morale by ' attacking ' Lahore in retaliation to Op Gibraltar.

LB Shashtri came out as the national hero.
Strength wise, Pakistan is to India what India is to China. If India chose to respond, Pakistan will suffer much much more than what India would but this may unite Pakistan and clear some of their internal mess which is going on from last several years. Pakistan needs a war and has nowhere to go except India. India needs to stay away from war for its own reasons. What a tragedy!!
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