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Retaliation against Pakistan is warranted

I am aware of that and i can predict that this cycle will go on for the foreseeable future, therefore i reject most of Indian criticism as propaganda. Indian establishment knows 'what hit it as a consequence of'.

Though it doesn't benefit either party, it does benefit people like myself who firmly believe that India is our mortal enemy and cannot be befriended as many of our perverted self hating fascists seem to think.

About the bold part, so anyone who does not agree with you is a fascist? Isn't this fascism itself ?
....and if you know anything, you will also acknowledge that India has paid back in full measure, each & every time. The cycle is both ruthless & endless.

Thats the kind of talk the Indian Army says to fanboys after a recent attack like this :lol: :rofl:
Grow up and stop talking nonsense like a Yankee cowboy. Now let's see..... Who bit the dust in 1965, 1971 and Kargil? If Indians bit the dust, then how come your Kashmir project of capturing it by undertaking Op Grand Slam, Op Gibralter, Op badr etc resulted in disaster and abject defeat of the PA, what with 90,000 POWs taken prisoner in a single op by the IA which was the greatest number that ever surrendered to any army in the world since the beginning of time?

You read too much of Indian media it seems, apart from 1971, where CFR [Combatant Force Ratio] was 1-25 in favor of India, all other conflicts were inconclusive.

In 1965 India claimed Over 1,840 km2 of territory as compared to 540 km2 of Pakistans, which were reversed as the result of UN mandated ceasefire. Given the force Ratio, it cannot be regarded as a victory.

Now before, you come with your 'Pakistan propaganda claims', i suggest you read the following pieces.


Greater Game: India's Race with Destiny and China by David Van Praagh


A region in turmoil: South Asian conflicts since 1947, by Johnson, Robert.

PAF's claims on IAF were dualy verified by by General Chuck Yegar and John Fricker, repeatedly.

Living in a historic fallacy is always -well- sad.

About the bold part, so anyone who does not agree with you is a fascist? Isn't this fascism itself ?

How did you reach that conclusion?
Grow up and stop talking nonsense like a Yankee cowboy. Now let's see

Trust me , its Indian media that needs to grow up and stop talking like they are a superpower to teach any country a lesson at the time and place of their choosing . Honestly , I am amazed at the jingoism and historical inaccuracies presented in the article . You are welcome to attack Pakistan , though I wont be guaranteeing the response .

Last and not least , stop exaggerating things yourself and get some facts straight . Because Islamabad gained control of 84,000 km2 or thirty-seven percentile of Kashmir in '47 and 910 km2 of Rann of Kutch in '65 war which was later authenticated internationally in '68 . Considering that we have been , always engaged with an enemy five time our size and with massive resources compared to ours , that is an tremendous achievement in itself , against heavy odds . Not to mention that the state of Pakistan has deterred Indians from crossing the border in '87,'02 and '08 .
And still you lost the war. It was not the Indians who surrendered but it was the Pakistanis.

In WW2 Germans lost 80 million and the allies lost 240 million....but it was the allies who were the winners as the Nazi army surrendered.

That is how victory and defeat are determined. Not by the number of lives lost but by the number of objectives accomplished and by breaking the will of the opponent by fighting.

Pakistan was defeated by its politicians in E.Pakistan not by Mukhti Bahini or Indian forces. I replied to a friend of ours who seems to believe his country's propaganda of 'winning' every war against Pakistan.
How did you reach that conclusion?

You called some people self hating perverts. This is what fascists in Israel would say to certain liberals. I found it an unfair label.

Anyways, its your opinion and i respect it.
As they Say " Sau Sonar ki Ek Lohar ki"

Pakistan needs to stop creating nuisance for India...

Just like a kid with Temper tantrums ,they will get a tight slap to the face...

The next heavy blow will balkinize the Land of Pure..
Pakistan was defeated by its politicians in E.Pakistan not by Mukhti Bahini or Indian forces. I replied to a friend of ours who seems to believe his country's propaganda of 'winning' every war against Pakistan.

Politicians and ?

Why acquit those fat bureaucrats who in fact instigated this war?
Pakistan was defeated by its politicians in E.Pakistan not by Mukhti Bahini or Indian forces. I replied to a friend of ours who seems to believe his country's propaganda of 'winning' every war against Pakistan.

In the end a defeat it a defeat...political or diplomatic or military. Americans lost Vietnam and the USSR lost in Afghanistan. It was a total defeat for both the super powers. You think they could not massacre the whole Afghan and Viet-cong? Sustainability of the war was what brought a closure to it. So a defeat is a defeat n any front. Indians accept the defeat from CHina in 1962. So what is your problem in accepting you never achieved your operational objectives ever?
As they Say " Sau Sonar ki Ek Lohar ki"

Pakistan needs to stop creating nuisance for India...

Just like a kid with Temper tantrums ,they will get a tight slap to the face...

The next heavy blow will balkinize the Land of Pure..

Come on. Just because a silly article creates a fantasy, people start believing in it. It goes for both sides.
And what did Pakistan do? scored more instead of just balancing the equation..

Then you are not clear on what has happened all these years.

Thats the kind of talk the Indian Army says to fanboys after a recent attack like this :lol: :rofl:

Death is no laughing matter. Your knowledge in the other hand, certainly is.
You called some people self hating perverts. This is what fascists in Israel would say to certain liberals. I found it an unfair label.

Anyways, its your opinion and i respect it.

You are respecting an opinion, that you don't understand, context nor consequences. I spoke about a certain group of people whom i think the subject member of my OP understands. I respect people who disagree with my opinions,given they have proper knowledge to convince me of my falsehood, however i have absolutely no sympathy for the self hating, self defeating, fascist elements of Pakistani society and yes i do consider them to be one of enemy's 5th column. They are guilty of advertently or inadvertently subverting the fabric of Pakistani society and deteriorating the pillars of the Pakistani state. I my opinion in house mice is more dangerous than the invading tiger, it should be identified, skinned and dried in the sun so everyone could see it.
As they Say " Sau Sonar ki Ek Lohar ki"

Pakistan needs to stop creating nuisance for India...

Just like a kid with Temper tantrums ,they will get a tight slap to the face...

The next heavy blow will balkinize the Land of Pure..

Really? :confused:
Never heard of a adult being scared of a kid :cheesy:

The only one that is temper tantrums is your army and media :lol:
Pakistan (the kid) just slaps you and watches your internals fight and figure out what to do(major bathroom problems ensue 99%of the time :cheesy:)
As they Say " Sau Sonar ki Ek Lohar ki"

Pakistan needs to stop creating nuisance for India...

Just like a kid with Temper tantrums ,they will get a tight slap to the face...

The next heavy blow will balkinize the Land of Pure..

You are respecting an opinion, that you don't understand, context nor consequences. I spoke about a certain group of people whom i think the subject member of my OP understands. I respect people who disagree with my opinions,given they have proper knowledge to convince me of my falsehood, however i have absolutely no sympathy for the self hating, self defeating, fascist elements of Pakistani society and yes i do consider them to be one of enemy's 5th column. They are guilty of advertently or inadvertently subverting the fabric of Pakistani society and deteriorating the pillars of the Pakistani state. I my opinion in house mice is more dangerous than the invading tiger, it should be identified, skinned and dried in the sun so everyone could see it.

Oh I understand quite a bit. No point on carrying on this discussion. I in my very limited wisdom, disagree with you on the selection of contexts, on the assertion of who decides who is a traitor.

Lets agree to disagree.
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