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Restrictions lifted in all 22 districts in Jammu and Kashmir

According to India TV news, curfew is lifted from Jammu Kashmir, a day after Prime Minister Imran Khan's speech at UNGA.


Restrictions have been eased in all 22 districts in Jammu and Kashmir where the situation was critical after the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5.

As per reports, the government eased day-time restrictions from all districts on Saturday morning.

The restrictions were imposed on August 5, ahead of Parliament scrapping Article 370, which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

The shops and establishments have been largely shut down in the Valley. The people have not opened their businesses in most areas since.


Not sure if it is true or baloney a delicacy in india!
until international news agencies and Kashmiris them self verify this we should treat it as fake news.
indian media is a bunch of lairs as they prove themself from previous examples.
Does that mean the restrictions where removed before and then placed after imrans speech
Its up to Indian government to clarify, for rest of the so called ease of restriction mean nothing in the presence of Curfew in IOK
The restrictions where eased in major part of the state long time ago apart from few pockets in the valley.its just announced today
So according to your logic India shouldnt have ever lifted the restrictions becoz it would seem like pressure from IK. I will clap with my hands and try with my feet too.
No he didn't say that , the credit you are taking that " it has to happen one day " why wasn't this "one day" before IK's UNGA speech or US letter asking for ease in restrictions ? .
Its up to Indian government to clarify, for rest of the so called ease of restriction mean nothing in the presence of Curfew in IOK
As far as I know and seen restrictions where in place in few pockets in the valley and rest of the state the restrictions were eased long time ago.
Wouldnt every country want to think themselves as sovereign and have absolute control of their decisions Or pakistan thinks that other countries should have say in their internal matter - China #winkwink
There is no harm in wanting to be independent in your decisions. Call it ego or pride or whatever, its important.
Internal matters ? , You annexed a land with special status and with 11 UN resolutions for its people ? . So how is it internal matter at all ?
So now the term Restriction is used by Indian media and Indian authorities to play for the purpose of propaganda to mask the still effective curfew in IOK

Why communication and internet facilities are not restored ?
What difference does it make to allow 3 or more people gather at a place when they are still not allowed to come out due the still active curfew in IOK ?

This is nothing but an effort to misguide and deceive the world community
Agreed sir
Lets see how the situation unfolds now, never have kashmiris so close to have a chance for self determination.
The restrictions where eased in major part of the state long time ago apart from few pockets in the valley.its just announced today
The epicentre of the whole issue in the state is not at all in Ladakh, partly Jammu and entirely in the Kashmir Valley. The Valley is the point of contention here with about 8 million people. Has the curfew been lifted there?
The whole Imran talk on Kashmir was on restrictions yesturday.if the news is true that takes the whole steam out of the imran talk on Kashmir.
I think what India has done is to keep the restrictions in few districts in the valley where there is a problem and just announced the removal of restrictions where life is normal the had less restrictions to begin with

Yes we would eventually once everything is under control
First of all , Imran Khan mentioned "Inhumane Indian curfew in IoK" . Secondly , "when everything settles down"
Yeah keep dreaming of that , if you still think that Kashmiris will accept Indian annexation !
As far as I know and seen restrictions where in place in few pockets in the valley and rest of the state the restrictions were eased long time ago.
Well why haven't we seen any progress ?
Pressure from Pakistan working!
Good for Pakistan it that's true.but what we see it differently.the whole speech of Imran yesterday was based on restrictions on the people and this move takes out the whole steam out of it.

The epicentre of the whole issue in the state is not at all in Ladakh, partly Jammu and entirely in the Kashmir Valley. The Valley is the point of contention here with about 8 million people. Has the curfew been lifted there?
Day time curfew has been lifted apart from some pockets in the valley long time ago

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