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Restrictions lifted in all 22 districts in Jammu and Kashmir

We shouldn't fall for this nonsense and keep a close eye as to what exactly has been lifted? Where are the Huriyat leaders who were put under arrest, people like Yasin Malik, Syed Ali Gillani? What about all the boys that were picked up Indian occupational forces where are they? In all this time how many people have been killed, UN observers, media outlets, are they allowed to visit the area to access the situation? Merely stating that restrictions have been lifted just because Shiri Modi G said so does not make it the case. World needs to ascertain if that is the case indeed and not a hogwash.
Umm, everyone knew that the restriction were being eased, since last month, so eventually it was going to happen. Were you just waiting with ctrl + v for this moment to show your mettle? Tell me something that wasnt going to happen but did due to IK.
Pressure dude International Pressure @Furious
Pressure dude International Pressure @Furious
Half of the people saying restrictions are being lifted bcoz of IK and other half saying this is just a hogwash. Make up your mind with which narrative will you go. Seems you want a win-win in whatever way you can perceive.
Half of the people saying restrictions are being lifted bcoz of IK and other half saying this is just a hogwash. Make up your mind with which narrative will you go. Seems you want a win-win in whatever way you can perceive.
Whatever if that the restrictions are eased or lifted most probably after IK speech on UN, you're (india) living in this world or India is on the Mars or something @Furious
Whatever if that the restrictions are eased or lifted most probably after IK speech on UN, you're (india) living in this world or India is on the Mars or something @Furious
So according to your logic India shouldnt have ever lifted the restrictions becoz it would seem like pressure from IK. I will clap with my hands and try with my feet too.
So according to your logic India shouldnt have ever lifted the restrictions becoz it would seem like pressure from IK. I will clap with my hands and try with my feet too.
And you have too much ego that nothing can stop india whatever your country doing or will do @Furious
And you have too much ego that nothing can stop india whatever your country doing or will do @Furious
Wouldnt every country want to think themselves as sovereign and have absolute control of their decisions Or pakistan thinks that other countries should have say in their internal matter - China #winkwink
There is no harm in wanting to be independent in your decisions. Call it ego or pride or whatever, its important.
So now the term Restriction is used by Indian media and Indian authorities to play for the purpose of propaganda to mask the still effective curfew in IOK

Why communication and internet facilities are not restored ?
What difference does it make to allow 3 or more people gather at a place when they are still not allowed to come out due the still active curfew in IOK ?

This is nothing but an effort to misguide and deceive the world community
Wouldnt every country want to think themselves as sovereign and have absolute control of their decisions Or pakistan thinks that other countries should have say in their internal matter - China #winkwink
There is no harm in wanting to be independent in your decisions. Call it ego or pride or whatever, its important.
This is not your internal matter, there 11 UN resolution on Kashmir issue, you're the oppressor, and Chinese Muslim has a excellent shape as compare to IOK, and there are no UN resolutions on Ugher Muslim on UN , get some shame you killer of Humanity (muslim) and called yourself Champion of Democracy @Furious
Police impose restrictions in Indian administered Kashmir after Pakistan PM's speech link
India should allow international observers there. Nobody knows about actual situation except from kashmiris.
Whatever if that the restrictions are eased or lifted most probably after IK speech on UN, you're (india) living in this world or India is on the Mars or something @Furious
The whole Imran talk on Kashmir was on restrictions yesturday.if the news is true that takes the whole steam out of the imran talk on Kashmir.
I think what India has done is to keep the restrictions in few districts in the valley where there is a problem and just announced the removal of restrictions where life is normal the had less restrictions to begin with

India should allow international observers there. Nobody knows about actual situation except from kashmiris.
Yes we would eventually once everything is under control
Police impose restrictions in Indian administered Kashmir after Pakistan PM's speech link
Does that mean the restrictions where removed before and then placed after imrans speech

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