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Restrictions lifted in all 22 districts in Jammu and Kashmir

Imran Khan literally forced india into lifting curfew.

Imran Khan's effective branding of Modi/RSS as fascist/Hiter-loving orgs, with his constant pin-pointing of RSS's links to Gandi's killers and Modi's role in 2002 Gujrat Massacre has effectively branded indian govt "ultra-right wing" in the eyes of the world, and especially the Western Left.

Imran Khan is significantly more charismatic, educated, and shrewd leader compared to docile and average Modi. He is literally killing it on the diplomatic level Mashallah!

Imagine his graph locally now. People are LOVING him for his no-shit-straight-talk speech at U.N Assembley!

The whole 370 fiasco has proven to be a great blessing for IK/PTI domestically. Economic crunch due to corrective measure is at its peak and yet Pakistan is very calm and stable----Thanks to Modi's idiocy and Pakistan's taking advantage of this fiasco to the fullest :lol:
They were never going lift the entire curfew at once.

They will allow minor ease of restrictions to the effect that the outcry in the intl media diminishes. And that is not what Pakistan wants.

If a 100% lockdown can be maintained for 50 days and the world could be indifferent, why wouldn't Bhartis try to maintain a 75% lockdown for a 100 more days?

I'm afraid this might be the strategy. The intl media can't be bothered about kashmir for an indefinite time period. Slowly the story will stop catching major attention specially if there is slight softness in curfew. The world won't be bothered about communications shutdown. The botheration threshold is much higher and India will try to control the population under that threshold.
So reference is indian news.. brawoo
as i said in the previous post. only Kashmiris can verify this.
if they got back access to internet communication they can verify it.
if not then it's not true.
Restrictions have been eased in all 22 districts in Jammu and Kashmir where the situation was critical after the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5.
big difference between ease and lifted!

For lying indian media even 1 less solider is ease of restrictions!
Fake news please delete this thread
Not until journalist go there and start reporting
If true looks like IK's words are showing effects.....
Umm, everyone knew that the restriction were being eased, since last month, so eventually it was going to happen. Were you just waiting with ctrl + v for this moment to show your mettle? Tell me something that wasnt going to happen but did due to IK.

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