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Request from Turkish members

And that does not make it a Middle Eastern country. By your logic, then Cyprus would be a Middle Eastern country, but it is not, and considered a European country. So would be Georgia, Armenia and so on. But these are European countries.

Cyprus and Armenia are technically both in the Middle East.

Cyprus is only considered European because Greeks are Europeans not to mention its in the EU. Malta can be considered a Middle Eastern Country or a North African too since the language is semitic that has many Arabic influences if not their whole language comes from Arabic. They are considered European due to to them being close to Italy and also the Roman Catholic faith distinguishes them from the Middle East and North Africa.

This whole concept is a slippery slope due to cultural exchanges, settlements and conquest or colonisation.

For me Turkey is everything you have Middle Eastern, European, Caucasian and Central Asian influences.

Turks have lived in the Middle East and ruled parts of it long before the Ottomans. Thats why the Turks can never ignore the Middle East.

We are talking about 900 to 1000 years of history.

Im from Australia im even best friends with an Iraqi Turkmen we went to school together. To me the Iraqi Turkmens are a legacy of the Seljuks, Turks who served in the Abassid Caliphate, Ottomans and the Akkoyunlus.

The city of Samara in Iraq was especially eatablished for Turkish/Turkic soldiers.

Turkiye is a bridge hence why it is not wise to ignore any place.
You do have https://defence.pk/pdf/forums/turkish-defence-forum.101/ to discuss Trukish Defence progress. However, Turkiye can be added to EU section in regard to political discussion & bit of defence cooperation and development as well. But when we say that there is a separate Defence Section for Turkiye, it only leaves political subject to be taken care or shifted to EU... as far as I understand.

Rest about trolls; well you will find them everywhere but there is a key to avoid as such and that is, report and do not quote back and if an urgency occurs; members can even tag Mod(s) to reach at first. Avoid the troll, move on without quoting back or replying in kind and the rest will be taken care of.

@cabatli_53 @WebMaster @Horus
Asia & Pacific section is to discuss Turkey's economic, social and cultural relations with those states.

Like we have to create a new Section under the name of Asia & Pacific? Actually, I thought Turkiye isn't officially included inot EU so we followed the geographical maping in this regard. However, things can be discussed and Ideas are to made for betterment.

In my view, Turkish political & social discussion be moved to other Section from M.E while Turkish Defence Section shall remain specific for defence related discussions and the same is available for everyone to take part.

We do not want to be represented under the picture of the Arab king.

If the picture for same Section is changed, will it work? I do agree that a Section consisting of many nations can't be represented with one figure alone.

Like we have to create a new Section under the name of Asia & Pacific? Actually, I thought Turkiye isn't officially included inot EU so we followed the geographical maping in this regard. However, things can be discussed and Ideas are to made for betterment.

In my view, Turkish political & social discussion be moved to other Section from M.E while Turkish Defence Section shall remain specific for defence related discussions and the same is available for everyone to take part.

If the picture for same Section is changed, will it work? I do agree that a Section consisting of many nations can't be represented with one figure alone.


I agree with you. And I am sure that unnecessary political debate will continue. My suggestion is that you allow us to share our threads in Europe & Russia section. You will see that the debate is diminishing and Turkish members are only talking about the defense industry. Would it be a problem for you to express ourselves in section of Europe & Russia?

I agree with you. And I am sure that unnecessary political debate will continue. My suggestion is that you allow us to share our threads in Europe & Russia section. You will see that the debate is diminishing and Turkish members are only talking about the defense industry. Would it be a problem for you to express ourselves in section of Europe & Russia?

Please. Use the Europe & Russia section for geo-politics related to Turkey OR you can use middle east section. We can change the pictures later.
I agree with you. And I am sure that unnecessary political debate will continue. My suggestion is that you allow us to share our threads in Europe & Russia section. You will see that the debate is diminishing and Turkish members are only talking about the defense industry. Would it be a problem for you to express ourselves in section of Europe & Russia?

@WebMaster (thank you) has already clarified in this regard so I can only repeat with explanation further. Use Europe & Russia section but only for Geopolitical Discussion that is related to Turkiye. You can even utilize Middle East Section as well, there is no bounding for Turkish Members. However, Turkiye Defence related discussion shall remain in specific section of Turkish Defence Forum.

I agree.. Turkey is NOT part of the middle east and should be shown in Europe.

troll attacks can be ameliorated through reports and then disengagement with trolls. Ignore them basically.
It is not the part of Europe Either
Thanks for clarification with accepting our request. Simply, Europe section will be used for geopolitic and partly industrial matters related with Turkiye. Middle East section will be used for same purposes when It is needed and The Gulf Royal’s avatar image of ME section will be changed soon. Turkish defense section is our home and information store for mostly industrial, military and cultural matters. Thanks !
For me,both China and turkey are like brothers but turkey is a Muslim country and it has a great history.i like Turkish progress in radars,vessels etc.

Yes putting them under Arab title or trolling them isn't a good thing.i understand problems between Chinese and Turkish members.i think they shouldn't fight with each other and both sides should refrain.yes Turkish Muslims aren't Arabs and please stop comparing Turkish with Arabs.turkey has great history and right now,they are the most powerful Muslim country so kindly look at their problems and solve it.thanks.
TBH, I don't care that much since no one seems to know where Turkey really belongs. I have seen countless times where Turkey was integrated & included in European related maps and sometimes left out but at the same time, it was also included and excluded from Middle East-related maps.
I second this - but looks like I was a little late to the party :) As I understand it, matters that are international will be discussed in the Europe section rather then in the ME section right? For example there are threads in the ME section about some Technological breakthroughs (for Turkey) are achieved - should these be opened in the Europe section (from now on)?
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