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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

Just heard reports of 150,000 troops being mobilized to North Korean border but there are conflicting report in the international media about the purpose. Can any Chinese member add some info to the issue.
China 'deploys 150,000 troops to deal with possible North Korean refugees over fears Trump may strike Kim Jong-un following missile attack on Syria'
  • Trump's Syria strike Friday was widely interpreted as a warning to North Korea
  • China, which was left shocked by the air strikes, has deployed medical and backup units from the People's Liberation Army forces to the Yalu River
  • The troops have been dispatched to prepare for pre-emptive attacks by the US
  • The US Navy has moved the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group from Singapore to North Korea after the country conducted more missile testing
By Kelly Mclaughlin For Mailonline and Reuters

PUBLISHED: 04:24 +10:00, 11 April 2017 | UPDATED: 05:00 +10:00, 11 April 2017

The Chinese army has deployed 150,000 troops to the North Korean border to prepare for pre-emptive attacks after the United States dropped airstrikes on Syria.

President Donald Trump's missile strike on Syria on Friday was widely interpreted as a warning to North Korea.

And now China, left shocked by the air strikes, has deployed medical and backup units from the People's Liberation Army forces to the Yalu River, Korea's Chosun.com reported.

The troops have been dispatched to handle North Korean refugees and 'unforeseen circumstances', such as the prospect of preemptive attacks on North Korea, the news agency said.

Meanwhile, the US Navy has moved the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group from Singapore to North Korea after the country conducted more missile testing.


China has deployed medical and backup units from the People's Liberation Army (pictured above) forces to the Yalu River following President Donald Trump's missile strikes on Syria last week

China's top nuclear envoy arrived in Seoul Monday for talks on the North Korean threat, as the United States sent the naval strike group to the region and signalled it may act to shut down Pyongyang's weapons program.

Speculation of an imminent nuclear test is brewing as the North marks major anniversaries including the 105th birthday of its founding leader on Saturday - sometimes celebrated with a demonstration of military might.

Wu Dawei, China's Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs, met with his South Korean counterpart on Monday to discuss the nuclear issue.

The talks come shortly after Trump hosted Chinese leader Xi Jinping for a summit at which he pressed Pyongyang's key ally to do more to curb the North's nuclear ambitions.

'(We) are prepared to chart our own course if this is something China is just unable to coordinate with us,' US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said after the summit.

He added however that Beijing had indicated a willingness to act on the issue.

'We need to allow them time to take actions,' Tillerson said, adding that Washington had no intention of attempting to remove the regime of Kim Jong-Un.

The meeting between Xi and Trump came on the heels of yet another missile test by the North, which fired a medium-range ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan on Wednesday.

The US Navy strike group Carl Vinson cancelled a planned trip to Australia this weekend, heading toward the Korean peninsula instead, in a move that will raise tensions in the region.


Wu Dawei, China's Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs, met with his South Korean counterpart on Monday to discuss the nuclear issue


The talks come shortly after Trump hosted Chinese leader Xi Jinping for a summit at which he pressed Pyongyang's key ally to do more to curb the North's nuclear ambitions

Seoul and Washington are also conducting joint military drills, an annual exercise which is seen by the North as a practice for war.

Pyongyang is on a quest to develop a long-range missile capable of hitting the US mainland with a nuclear warhead, and has so far staged five nuclear tests, two of them last year.

Satellite imagery analysis suggests it could be preparing for a sixth, with US intelligence officials warning that Pyongyang could be less than two years away from its goal of striking the continental United States.

China, the US, South Korea and Japan all have dedicated envoys who meet at regular intervals to discuss the North Korean issue: a legacy of the long-stalled six-party process that also involved Pyongyang and Moscow. The North quit the negotiations in 2009.

The isolated North is barred under UN resolutions from any use of ballistic missile technology, but repeated rounds of sanctions have failed to arrest its nuclear ambitions.

Trump has previously threatened unilateral action against the reclusive state, a threat that appeared more palpable after Thursday's strike on a Syrian airfield following an apparent chemical attack.


Meanwhile, the US Navy has moved the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group from Singapore to North Korea after the country conducted more missile testing

I don't think it will be like the previous Korean War, but China does require a buffer zone.

but a destabilize N.Korea will be problem for China , specially with hundreds on people trying to enter China to Avoid War, i doubt US will be showing any mercy to even Civilians ..a huge presence of Chinese Army on border can be for this very purpose..
but a destabilize N.Korea will be problem for China , specially with hundreds on people trying to enter China to Avoid War, i doubt US will be showing any mercy to even Civilians ..a huge presence of Chinese Army on border can be for this very purpose..

Yes there will be millions of refugees trying to flood across the border, so a buffer zone is essential.

Not to mention the millions more that might die if North Korea starts dropping nukes on American cities, as well as South Korea and Japan.

But Donald Trump is more insane than Kim Jong-Un, I don't think he will care much if American cities get turned into ashes.
Yes there will be millions of refugees trying to flood across the border, so a buffer zone is essential.

Sorry i thought you were talking about creating a buffer zone for Air space, but i agree with you ..

Not to mention the millions more that might die if North Korea starts dropping nukes on American cities, as well as South Korea and Japan.

so far he has no capability to reach any American cities but he is crazy enough to turn American Bases in region to ashes if he feel threatened ..won't it be unfair to S.Korean and Japanese ? they might have to suffer unless they have their support to US in attack N.Korea ?

But Donald Trump is more insane than Kim Jong-Un, I don't think he will care much if American cities get turned into ashes.

Trump is like a kid, he thinks he is smart and very intelligent but he is not ... i wonder if Pentagon will have any say in any future pre-emptive strike on NKorea ordered by US
Yes there will be millions of refugees trying to flood across the border, so a buffer zone is essential.

Not to mention the millions more that might die if North Korea starts dropping nukes on American cities, as well as South Korea and Japan.

But Donald Trump is more insane than Kim Jong-Un, I don't think he will care much if American cities get turned into ashes.

If this actually happens there we'll may be a huge humanitarian crisis and there is already one still on going in the Middle East
I don't know about north dropping nukes on US... but south Koreans will pay like hell for any war, which probably will end in another stalemate without any change in the borders.... lets see
If my assessment is not wrong which is usually not most of the time. I am assessing that there will be a Nuclear strike by North Korea on some nation or some carrier group. International Media is saying different stories about Chinese troops movement but I think China knows what North is going to do and that is why China is taking precautionary measures.

There is one more thing to add. If some Russian Sub sinks the Carrier group near Korean peninsula this will throw USA into a new war with the North.
USA wont attack north Korea....

fact is... USA attacked Syria as Xi Jinping visited Trump.... this was a clear message that Xi Jinping should use his force to control North Korea, sending the carrier group and building up 150.000 soldiers at the boarder is only a message to north Korea to listen and talk to China. The USA and China have no interest in a Korean war ... but they need to get a feet into the door to get that silly fatman under control ... best way is to build up some preasure and start talking
USA wont attack north Korea....

fact is... USA attacked Syria as Xi Jinping visited Trump.... this was a clear message that Xi Jinping should use his force to control North Kore, sending the carrier group and building up 150.000 soldiers at the boarder is only a message to north Korea to listen and talk to China. The USA and China have no interest in a Korean war ... but they need to get a feet into the door to get that silly fatman under control ... best way is to build up some preasure and start talking
What if someone takes advantage of the situation?
Show of force. China is ready to intervene against the South Korean forces if America attacks North Korea.
there are no advantages in this situation.... peace or a uncontrollable madman with atomic weapons...

Show of force. China is ready to intervene against the South Korean forces if America attacks North Korea.

why should China attack south Korea... they have nothing to do with this situation... completely unrealistic szenario
there are no advantages in this situation.... peace or a uncontrollable madman with atomic weapons...
China mocked the US missile strike as soon as XI reached home and this troop buildup is not for refugees. 150,000 is a huge amount of troops. Lets see where the things end. But USA being pulled into a war with North Korea is an advantage for China and Russia. Because NK is the only country that can inflict maximum damage to the USA one Nuke on USA troops in the SK will be enough for USA to withdraw from the war.
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