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Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean

Explain how they are weaker? All I see is Erdogan attempting to rally countries who were already pro-palistinian. And getting upset when he didn't get his way at the UN in regards to the flotilla incident. Now he has backed himself into a corner and already back tracked to some degree.

His threat to file a complaint with the international court of justice rings hollow. And shows his lack of understanding on how the court works. He also said he would file the complaint within a week which we still have yet to see. One reason is most likely reality has set in. How can Turkey who is not a signer to the ICJ (international court of justice) bring a complaint agianst another party who is also not a signer to the ICJ. as the courts own website says:

Declarations Recognizing the Jurisdiction of the Court as Compulsory*|*International Court of Justice

"The States parties to the Statute of the Court may "at any time declare that they recognize as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other State accepting the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the Court" (Art 36, para. 2 of the Statute).

Each State which has recognized the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court has in principle the right to bring any one or more other State which has accepted the same obligation before the Court by filing an application instituting proceedings with the Court, and, conversely, it has undertaken to appear before the Court should proceedings be instituted against it by one or more such other States."

here is a list of the countries signed onto the court.

Australia (22 March 2002)
Austria (19 May 1971)
Barbados (1 August 1980)
Belgium (17 June 1958)
Botswana (16 March 1970)
Bulgaria (21 June 1992)
Cambodia (19 September 1957)
Cameroon (3 March 1994)
Canada (10 May 1994)
Costa Rica (20 February 1973)
Cote d'Ivoire (29 September 2001)
Cyprus (3 September 2002)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (8 February 1989)
Denmark (10 December 1956)
Djibouti (2 September 2005)
Dominica, Commonwealth of (31 March 2006)
Dominican Republic (30 September 1924)
Egypt (22 July 1957)
Estonia (31 October 1991)
Finland (25 June 1958)
Gambia (22 June 1966)
Georgia (20 June 1995)
Germany (30 April 2008)
Greece (10 January 1994)
Guinea, Republic of (4 December 1998)
Guinea-Bissau (7 August 1989)
Haiti (4 October 1921)
Honduras (6 June 1986)
Hungary (22 October 1992)
India (18 September 1974)
Japan (9 July 2007)
Kenya (19 April 1965)
Lesotho (6 September 2000)
Liberia (20 March 1952)
Liechtenstein (29 March 1950)
Luxembourg (15 September 1930)
Madagascar (2 July 1992)
Malawi (12 December 1966)
Malta (2 September 1983)
Mauritius (23 September 1968)
Mexico (28 October 1947)
Netherlands (1 August 1956)
New Zealand (23 September 1977)
Nicaragua (24 September 1929)
Nigeria (30 April 1998)
Norway (25 June 1996)
Pakistan (13 September 1960)
Panama (25 October 1921)
Paraguay (25 September 1996)
Peru (7 July 2003)
Philippines (18 January 1972)
Poland (25 March 1996)
Portugal (25 February 2005)
Senegal (2 December 1985)
Slovakia (28 May 2004)
Somalia (11 April 1963)
Spain (20 October 1990)
Sudan (2 January 1958)
Suriname (31 August 1987)
Swaziland (26 May 1969)
Sweden (6 April 1957)
Switzerland (28 July 1948)
Togo (25 October 1979)
Uganda (3 October 1963)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (5 July 2004)
Uruguay (28 January 1921)

What a long winded explanation for "god's chosen people of Israel" being so strong, ignoramus Israel has become weaker and not only do they know it but they are also very worried, none of the countries around the world can provide a defense against economic warfare to a country who's entire neighbors are hostile to it & with the Palestinian statehood vote most likely to be accepted very soon Israel will quickly find that under international law that they are occupying the land of a sovereign nation who unlike Cyprus is not guilty of ethnic cleansing (you dont believe me? look for recently unearthed British Cyprus invasion footage showing Turks in open air prisons being starved by disgusting Greek Cypriots).

It will be Israel who will face a legally justified economic blockade and possibly a military intervention in the future or failing that be reduced to pariah status despite their mighty propaganda machine, case in point for this situation is Armenia who invaded Azeri land and has had her borders to Turkey, Azerbaijan closed with Georgia providing little economic exchange & Iran itself is also considered a pariah state with numerous sanctions against her.

As many experts on geopolitics say "Israel will be given the new political reality of the region will be trying to reduce the fallout as much as possible".
US on Turkish foreign policies "Rolls Royce ambitions but Rover resources"

You really think we dont have the resources to counter your aggressiveness? Or maybe you believe in the IDF invincibility myth, pray tell how then did Hezbollah of Lebanon in which experts estimate that there are only 10,000 of them max defeated you? Destroyed so many of your tanks with obsolete Soviet era weapons that it was utter embarrassment.

Israel's aggressive 6-day war if one digs deep & views war time archive not only finds that Israel was the aggressor but also today uses almighty God as a political weapon of "dont mess with me or God will punish you cause I defeated 6 of you". Wartime footage shows Israel first attacking her enemies air force while they were still on the ground!!! Once the airforce of their victims were wiped out victory is pretty much secured.

God's Chosen = Zionist propaganda
reality check;
Greece is bankrupt!
Arabs are in chaos!
iran is under sanctions and mullahs are still in power!
Iraq is divided!
Israel is busy with hamas, hizbullah and Palestinian statehood!
Kurds are as usual!

for God sake we dont even need Rover resources :wave:

Well i can't argue with all that. !!!

but also in reality .. Turkey is not as strong as you think.

Take bankrupt Greece for example ..

Turkey has only a very small numerical advantage in terms of airforce, even smaller in Navy, and a very large in the Army, but only in terms of manpower.

With Israel, Turkey has NO advantage in terms of Air force , a large in terms of Navy and a very large in terms of manpower in the army.

All of which is balanced out ... that is why we are not at war with each other for so many years.
very soon Israel will quickly find that under international law that they are occupying the land of a sovereign nation
We occupy Syria and u occupy Cyrpus since long time ago.

who unlike Cyprus is not guilty of ethnic cleansing
Really? What happaned to 850K Jews in Arap countries?

It will be Israel who will face a legally justified economic blockade
Dream on.

and possibly a military intervention in the future
We had many military interventions, all miserably failed.

Hezbollah of Lebanon in which experts estimate that there are only 10,000 of them max defeated you?
Hezbollah does not fire a single bullet towards Israel since 2006 war and Hazrallah is hidg in bunker since then. With to Erdogan same victory :lol:

Destroyed so many of your tanks with obsolete Soviet era weapons that it was utter embarrassment.
Hezbollah had state of the art Kornet missiles and total number of detsroyed tanks was only 5. Utter embrasment is when Kurds blow up Turkish APCs in middle of Turkey.

Israel's aggressive 6-day war
Israel started its war after EGypt puted 7 divisions in Sinai (Israel had obly 3 divisons) and threatened to destroy Israel.

God's Chosen = Zionist propaganda
Explain to me why in your Quran there are many Jewish prophets but not a single Turkish? :lol:
because arabs and jews were or lets say have been the most f.... up people on the face of earth :lol: thats why you have jewish prophets, to correct you but you idiots even killed a prophet who is a jew :what:
We occupy Syria and u occupy Cyrpus since long time ago.

still believe that we occupy? ok then, should we watch two nations ethnically kill our citizens?

Explain to me why in your Quran there are many Jewish prophets but not a single Turkish? :lol:

explain to me why there hasn't been a islamic country as powerfull as the Ottoman empire that is arabic or jewish?

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

Only a person with no knowledge of geopolitics, economics and is a product of propaganda would ask this question ESPECIALLY NOW given the regional political map.

I would seriously suggest that you get out of Israel so you dont have to do 2 or 3 years conscript service & go study a degree on geopolitics or economics and then have a look at Turkey once more provided that you can look at anything objectively.

Israel may think that it is the most important ally to the West in the region, heck it even claims that it is a democracy when in fact it is a relic from the NATO - USSR cold war and a modern day theocracy.

The greatest export that Israel gives to the west is repackaged American technology & Islamic fundamentalists who feel they have no choice (no future ambition brought about by collective imprisonment creates hopelessness that directly ties in with fundamentalist) but to fight the "good fight" by resisting Israel and her allies any way that they can.

On another note have you noticed a change in the taste of water yet? Cause no more fresh water for you my brainwashed friend, your gonna have to rely on your own devices to provide clean drinking water for your population!!!

just leave it brother, clearly he never seas the daily photos section in the militaryphotos page. filled with US soldiers every day.

i am starting to think that the jewish soldiers in the occupied territorys are only there to kill innocents and take photos, why? because that is all i see in pictures. no matter what those israelis tell me i am not going to believe it. because i refuse to, and that is how it is.

see what i did there? i tried to use jewish logic! :lol::lol:
still believe that we occupy?
Everyone believes so.

explain to me why there hasn't been a islamic country as powerfull as the Ottoman empire that is arabic or jewish?
Ummeyad and Abbasid empires were about the same.

just leave it brother, clearly he never seas the daily photos section in the militaryphotos page. filled with US soldiers every day.
Whats there?

i am starting to think that the jewish soldiers in the occupied territorys are only there to kill innocents and take photos, why? because that is all i see in pictures. no matter what those israelis tell me i am not going to believe it. because i refuse to, and that is how it is.
Jewish soldiers sucessfuly fight terrorism. As u can se that terrible wave of terror that we had in the beginning of 2000-es is defeated.
Whats there?

you have a user there, go check out the daily photos. you'll almost never see turkish soldiers, but US soldiers in dozens of pictures.

Jewish soldiers sucessfuly fight terrorism. As u can se that terrible wave of terror that we had in the beginning of 2000-es is defeated.

im sorry but i refuse to believe this, you only take pictures and kill innocents. that is what i see, while other nations fight terrorism all over the world you just take photos. i dont believe a word of what you say.
but also in reality .. Turkey is not as strong as you think.

Take bankrupt Greece for example ..

They can just wait a year or two until the EU forces you to sell off all of your public assets and then Turkey'll have a handy lead in whatever they want.

A Greek defaults coming.
Everyone believes so.

Ummeyad and Abbasid empires were about the same.

Whats there?

Jewish soldiers sucessfuly fight terrorism. As u can se that terrible wave of terror that we had in the beginning of 2000-es is defeated.

sucessfully fight terrorism? defeated?

reality check;

you left gaza to hamas!

you left southern lebanon to hizbullah!

you are building walls around Israel!

:wave: is this your success?
They can just wait a year or two until the EU forces you to sell off all of your public assets and then Turkey'll have a handy lead in whatever they want.

A Greek defaults coming.

LoL, we dont need a bankrupt lazy country. they do fine by themselfs. i dont want that piece of land no thank you. you can have it yourself.

ENJOY :P :lol:
sucessfully fight terrorism? defeated?
Absolutely. We had almost daily suicde attacks in 2002 and they stopped completely. All terrorist cells in West Bank are eliminated.

you left gaza to hamas!
No one needs Gaza.

you left southern lebanon to hizbullah!
we were there only to secure our border. Today border is secured.

you are building walls around Israel!

:wave: is this your success?
When rich successful country is bordering poor its natural to build a wall against penetration. If Israel was not successful and poor no one would wish to penetrate it.
Absolutely. We had almost daily suicde attacks in 2002 and they stopped completely. All terrorist cells in West Bank are eliminated.

No one needs Gaza.

we were there only to secure our border. Today border is secured.

When rich successful country is bordering poor its natural to build a wall against penetration. If Israel was not successful and poor no one would wish to penetrate it.

sooo why jews are on streets? :wave:
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