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Report: Thousands Of Christians Attacked In India; 5 Killed

NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Thousands of Christians faced severe persecution and at least five believers were murdered in India last year, a Catholic body said in a report monitored by BosNewsLife Tuesday, February 10.

The report released by the India-based Catholic Secular Forum (CSF) documented 120 attacks on Christians and their institutions, including churches, across India in 2014 alone.

It said between December 2013 and December 2014 some 7,000 Christians "faced threats, violence and displacement."

Among those targeted were 1,600 women, about 500 children and 300 members of the clergy and community leadership, added the report, which was published by India's Hindustan Times newspaper.

The five Christians who were reportedly killed in attacks added to the many believers killed in previous years, BosNewsLife established.


Most violence occurred in the states of Madhya Pradesh (23), Chhattisgarh (19) and Karnataka (14) who account for nearly half of all anti-Christian incidents across India, according to CSF investigators.

Madhya Pardesh and Chhattisgarh are ruled by the right-wing Indian People's Party (BJP), whose supporters oppose the spread of Christianity in the heavily Hindu nation, while Kartnaka is ruled by the Congress Party, which once fought against British colonial rule in India.

CSF also expressed concern over reported moves by India's BJP-led government to turn Christmas into an annual 'Good Governance Day' and Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj’s call to make a 700-verse Hindu scripture, known as Bhagwad Gita, "the national book of India".

Indian officials had no immediate comment, but the the Hindustan Times said CSF’s annual reports prompted U.S. President Barack Obama to call for greater religious tolerance in India.


CSF’s 2013 report, which counted 4,000 attacks against Christians in India, was reportedly used by Indian Christian groups in California to lobby for making minority protection part of India-U.S. talks.

Additionally, representatives of countries such as Australia, Britain, France and Italy as well as the Vatican "have approached us for information," said CSF Chairman Michael Saldanha, a former judge at the Bombay and Karnataka high courts.

"These countries have then proceeded to take these matters up with the Indian government,” he told the Hindustan Times.

Christians comprise some 2.3 percent of India's heavily Hindu population of over 1.2 billion people, said the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

BosNewsLife – Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » Report: Thousands Of Christians Attacked In India; 5 Killed
dear i aprriciate you right to fredom of speech but can you also take care about being responsible what you post ..
Do you subcribe that thousnad of chirtsian attacked in india ?
please do post from crebile news agency ..
there tons of newswebsite.. if all start psoted and belive them world will down in seconds
by same logic
BosNewsLife – Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » Canada Law Society Rejects Christian Graduates (Update)
canada is so evill anti chirtian
PILES............ :rofl:

Dude, that was mean. But trust me, more u support someone, more they play the victim card.

Dude am a christian and this has nothing to do with common people..Last time one of the Christan minister caught in corruption and church supported him saying that Christians are behind him which resulted in lots of protestation where people openly made it clear that church wont dictate them..
As if minority oppression is anything new in India, especially in Modi's India.
from 1200 AD still muslims are massacring and hating other religion and non muslim so what you people deserve pampering or kicking !

Money desperation force every one to do anything..Do you think most of the prostitutes and robbers do it for fun? and if you think every christian is getting money order from Vatican every month then you are wrong..
sorry ! I mend those who get solded !
The Christians should pickup arms.

Well the last time a Christian named Jacob took up arms,he created Bangladesh..Unless you want a new country from existing Bangladesh, its better you stop asking something you dont want..
I really admire this gentleman. Such limitless hatred is actually a rarity for a Pakistani. Most I have met and interacted in real and virtual life have a shallow hatred for disbelievers. This guy on the other hand is eloquent and hates all non Muslims and especially the Jews and Hindus with some special relish. The only 'nut' here to celebrate some Iranian Holocaust cartoon drawing competition.

Admire because, he retains his composure, inspite of the hate that burns within him. All the time.
Just like you?After all you two are brothers from two different schools of thought.:D
Why posting news from christian mouth piece? There are more than 5 Christians died in India bcoz of various reasons ranging from piles to road accidents..

Agreed they didn't face attacks becuz they were Christians,they did becuz they were Indians & every Indian once in a while faces some kind of threat.If anything it proves that we are a secular nation & we attack everybody equally :enjoy::enjoy:
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