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Renewable energy boom in Iran


New 10 MW solar farm in the Oqlid, fars province with local panels

The good news is that the next year we will have even more blackouts, thanks to all of this fancy expensive useless imported plants!

I hope everyone enjoys it!
The good news is that the next year we will have even more blackouts, thanks to all of this fancy expensive useless imported plants!

I hope everyone enjoys it!
We are used to it , Since the beloved Ahmadinejad time
Yeah a whole Iran yearn for our beloved Ahmadinejad.
A whole Iran knows that state level scheduled blackouts started this year and month (and we still haven't hit the warmest month, it's your biased mind which can't see the reality.
A whole Iran knows that state level scheduled blackouts started this year and month (and we still haven't hit the warmest month, it's your biased mind which can't see the reality.
Well sadly some Iranian remember something else?

By the way I've heard if we stop donating power plants and electricity we will have enough electricity .wonder if its true. (Well I believe we don't donate that much but its enough to reduce pressure on our electricity network)
Well sadly some Iranian remember something else?
Regardless of what your mind wants to remember, a small search on blackout in Iran shows the reality.

By the way I've heard if we stop donating power plants and electricity we will have enough electricity .wonder if its true. (Well I believe we don't donate that much but its enough to reduce pressure on our electricity network)
Yes, 42% reduction of the growth of electricity production during Rouhani presidency (compared to Ahmadinejad presidency) is because of donations too! some people are the subscriber of rumors!

but let me tell you, those whose sole policy is import, even for power plants, would skip domestic potentials anyway.
those who signed Paris Agreement will skip your so called donated power plants anyway. they prefer to import solar power plants for nights! and sell the electricity with double price in day while thanks to all of these imports dollar value has tripled.
Our problem in Iran is that each president come with new Idea and strategy for country and its economy.
Ahmadinejad got credit for power station from Khatami time.

Secondly some politicians start to mislead people by their lies about current power shortages in summer with their populists slogans like donating power plants/electricity or Paris agreement or Rouhani government weakness to invest in power planets.
nobody can store electricity in big amounts so we have one choice in winters and autumn and spring with our extra electricity productions and that is exporting to other countries but in summer we do not donate or export electricity to any body.
This project is bigger than what they wrote in the news I clearly count more than 50 wind Turbines in google map not 18 however it seems some of them are unfinished yet.

you can find the location of project in the north of Siahpush village and south of sefidrud dam.
some pictures from beautiful SWT3.4-108 Turbines of Siemens in the Siahpush wind farm:





Also, if you want to see project in google map please visit Manjil wind farm in other side of lake as well.
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