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Remains of 100 Indian soldiers excavated from well in Punjab

The authorities should've left them buried and built a monument in their memory. It is impossible to identify the bodies let alone find out their faith.

Salute to the fallen.Had only those so called martial regiments lent their helping hands towards the Maratha and Bengal regiment rebels in 1857 Sepoy Mutiny,the East India Company would have never won.But instead those treacherous martial fucks,fooled by their cunning British masters helped to crush the rebellion at its infancy.Perhaps they didn't have the sense of nationality,perhaps it was due to their false ego the british had instilled into them or perhaps they were simply too fool to realise the whole drama of this martial race theory was to invented to appease the cannon-fodders or the combination of everything mentioned.
Whatever might the reason have been,they betrayed their country and their people none the less.
Salute to the fallen.Had only those so called martial regiments lent their helping hands towards the Maratha and Bengal regiment rebels in 1857 Sepoy Mutiny,the East India Company would have never won.But instead those treacherous martial fucks,fooled by their cunning British masters helped to crush the rebellion at its infancy.Perhaps they didn't have the sense of nationality,perhaps it was due to their false ego the british had instilled into them or perhaps they were simply too fool to realise the whole drama of this martial race theory was to invented to appease the cannon-fodders or the combination of everything mentioned.
Whatever might the reason have been,they betrayed their country and their people none the less.

The "martials" came later. The whole of India was won for the British by the Indian sepoys who were poorly paid and were looked down upon by the British.

It was a dark period of our history but shyt happens.

Even there were more than a million Chinese who fought with the Japanese in WW-2 when they were carrying out those atrocities, Muslims helped Mongols when they were carrying out those genocides and rapine, Chinese helped the Mongols during their takeover of China, many Indians helped the Muslim invaders when they were carrying out the worst atrocities and temple demolitions...

One has to take lessons and move on.
The "martials" came later. The whole of India was won for the British by the Indian sepoys who were poorly paid and were looked down upon by the British.

It was a dark period of our history but shyt happens.

Even there were more than a million Chinese who fought with the Japanese in WW-2 when they were carrying out those atrocities, Muslims helped Mongols when they were carrying out those genocides and rapine, Chinese helped the Mongols during their takeover of China, many Indians helped the Muslim invaders when they were carrying out the worst atrocities and temple demolitions...

One has to take lessons and move on.

Yeah,but the problem is history shows that Indians have been very slow to learn (if at all any) from their mistakes.........and as an Indian this pisses me off man!!
And I knew the martial race came after the great mutiny (mostly to shade off those Bengali and Maratha soldiers from the British Indian Army since they were now deemed too volatile and unruly).But one can not and should not forget that those same races who helped them crush that rebellion later were turned into Martial races,so imho it won't be totally wrong to conclude that the martial men betrayed the country when she needed them the most,even if they were not termed martial till then.After all,those were the same men right??!!
I am glad that the grave was found and local legend kept the memory of these martyrs alive. A million thanks to the locals for taking the effort to dig them out and give them the last rites.

It is about time the word "Mutiny" is forever purged from our history book referring to the uprising of 1857 so that all ignorant fools will henceforth have the decency to give respect and homage to all those who fought and died in protest against foreign invasion.

One more thing for the next Modi govt. to do.
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