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Religious freedom In Pakistan...

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What is the Status of Apostates in Pakistan?I feel Apostates will not reveal themselves as He/She May Fear Death as Punishment?
Do Christians gets converted to Sunni Islam in Pakistan?I remember some Pakistani Cricketer Who Embraced Islam?

There are MANY apostates in Pakistan, they do not even say Salaam which is bad. Westernized people but they are rich and influential, can't really do anything to them.

In my neighborhood, some, actually quite a few rich guys do not even do anything remotely islamic, but its their life and its a free world. Let god be the judge.

Mohammed yousuf converted himself, was not forced. Christians do not get converted, however some have faced persecution, especially the poor ones. I will not hide what does happen, but I am from a catholic school, learn about catholic school board and other such institutions of christians and the respect they get.

Come to Karachi and you will see things yourself, its not like what you think it is. Hope you understand, we are working hard to improve nay problems for minorities just like Transgendered people were recently given rights.
Raghu..the punishment is death but it is not enforced heavily also it no one has balls to change their faith openly.

so its more of fear !rather than free will- that keeps them rooted in what they follow
It doesn't go for me to say that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, hence it teaches for one to practice his own and respect others. We indeed have fanatics and fundamentalists, but if one was to go by Zakir Naik's theory, then these people would have first targeted the Churches, Temples and Gurdawars in Pakistan, contrary to that all minorities follow and practice their beliefs in perfect harmony.
The annual gathering at Guru Nanak Ji is a perfect example.

Sikhs pilgrims prepare the 'Palki' (transport of Guru) as pilgrims gather at the Nankana Sahib, west of Lahore on November 2, on the 541st birth anniversary celebrations of Baba Guru Nanak. Hundreds of Sikh devotees from across the world are gathering to celebrate the birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak in Nankana Sahib, his birth place.
What is the Status of Apostates in Pakistan?I feel Apostates will not reveal themselves as He/She May Fear Death as Punishment?
Do Christians gets converted to Sunni Islam in Pakistan?I remember some Pakistani Cricketer Who Embraced Islam?

If you are talking about Muhammad Yousaf then let me tell you i have met him and spoken to him for two hours when he was here.

He told his whole story and how and why did he converted and why he is preaching Islam now.

He is a humble man & is quite straight forward , He was a christian before and now he is telling Muslims how to live their lives.

We do not force anyone to become a Muslim but if they wish to than they are most welcome and even if they are able enough they can lead us.

Guys is there any anti apostacy laws in pakistan?I mean
,If a pakistani muslim converts to christianity/hinduism etc,is he punished (like in saudi)?
I am not aware of any panalty for this case in Pakistan's law but Talking through religious terms the person is considered a "Murtid" this word Murtid comes from Irtad which means to "Disaccord".

Such person would be considered a Non Muslim but would be allowed to Return back and renew the Faith if he/she wishes to.

Why would you give out only part of the information? 'Talking through religious terms', why don't you tell them about Riddha?
Infact we need to Understand the concept first which i can explain it to you no matter you agree with it or not.

According to Islamic system (Sharia) not agreeing with the lastness of Prophet Muhammad SAW is a crime as it is the 2nd most Important Part of an Islamic faith so who won't agree with that is no longer a Muslim in the first place.

Someone who claims to be a prophet Breaks the law thus he needs to be punished which is a death panalty.

Its like any other law as the person who would claim to be a prophet (false) would harm the society & mislead people's faith on a higher level.

Ahmadis follow Mirza Ghulam ahmad qadiyani who claimed to be a Prophet thus he mislead many , though he was not punished but his cult is banned in Pakistan and they are declared Kafirs according to our constitution where as they still like to call themselves Muslims which wont be allowed as it disguises them within an Islamic society.

I hope it helps.

Islam as you present it sounds so much full of hate and intolerance. No wonder the world is trying to ban it one piece at a time. Aren't you better off choosing a more loving and peaceful religion like may be Buddhism? Then you don't need to play gatekeeper of spirituality all the time.
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Dude, I already gave the final word on this topic on this thread. If you want this debate create a new thread, I'll own you in the other thread :P. But don't derail this one.
Fine. Here goes again, the same thing with little edits. Feel free to ‘own’ me.

In Pakistan, no one can become a president, the highest political position in Pakistan, unless one is a Muslim.

‘A person shall not be qualified for election as President unless he is a Muslim…’ [Article 41(2)]​

In Pakistan, no one can be a critique of Islam or else blasphemy law would be slapped against him/her. Well, one doesn't even have to be a critique. Just finger pointing is enough.

In Pakistan, Apostasy Bill proposes to impose death sentence to one, who leaves Islam for any other faith.

In Pakistan, if a non-Muslim assumes certain specified offices s/he has to take an oath on Quran. The Third Schedule to Pakistani Constitution sets out the text of such oath.

'(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.)
I, ____________, do swear solemnly that l am a Muslim and believe in the Unity and Oneness of Almighty Allah, the Books of Allah, the Holy Quran being the last of them, the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last of the Prophets and that there can be no Prophet after him, the Day of Judgment, and all the requirements and teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.... '​

Basically, a non Muslim has to declare himself to be a Muslim to hold such office. This is akin to a Muslim in India taking an oath on Gita, for example, and declaring him/herself to be a Hindu.

I leave it to the readers to draw conclusion from the above.
Fine. Here goes again, the same thing with little edits. Feel free to ‘own’ me.

In Pakistan, no one can become a president, the highest political position in Pakistan, unless one is a Muslim.

‘A person shall not be qualified for election as President unless he is a Muslim…’ [Article 41(2)]​

In Pakistan, no one can be a critique of Islam or else blasphemy law would be slapped against him/her. Well, one doesn't even have to be a critique. Just finger pointing is enough.

In Pakistan, Apostasy Bill proposes to impose death sentence to one, who leaves Islam for any other faith.

In Pakistan, if a non-Muslim assumes certain specified offices s/he has to take an oath on Quran. The Third Schedule to Pakistani Constitution sets out the text of such oath.

'(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.)
I, ____________, do swear solemnly that l am a Muslim and believe in the Unity and Oneness of Almighty Allah, the Books of Allah, the Holy Quran being the last of them, the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last of the Prophets and that there can be no Prophet after him, the Day of Judgment, and all the requirements and teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.... '​

Basically, a non Muslim has to declare himself to be a Muslim to hold such office. This is akin to a Muslim in India taking an oath on Gita, for example, and declaring him/herself to be a Hindu.

I leave it to the readers to draw conclusion from the above.

Here is my conclusion.

Its an unwritten law of the land that most nations follow. Thats why u wont find any non christian in the highest position in any of the Europe or US governments.

When 96% of Pakistanis are Muslims , its quite natural that the highest post will be reserved for a person from that religious community.

What is your say of India having as much of Muslims ( in fact 14% compared to 2-3 % Hindus in Pakistan) here and out of 14 prime minister (highest political position in India) does nt have a single Muslim in it.

Please dont counter with muslim presidents and all. we all know we see them on tv on repulblic day only.

Fine. Here goes again, the same thing with little edits. Feel free to ‘own’ me.

In Pakistan, no one can become a president, the highest political position in Pakistan, unless one is a Muslim.

‘A person shall not be qualified for election as President unless he is a Muslim…’ [Article 41(2)]​

In Pakistan, no one can be a critique of Islam or else blasphemy law would be slapped against him/her. Well, one doesn't even have to be a critique. Just finger pointing is enough.

In Pakistan, Apostasy Bill proposes to impose death sentence to one, who leaves Islam for any other faith.

In Pakistan, if a non-Muslim assumes certain specified offices s/he has to take an oath on Quran. The Third Schedule to Pakistani Constitution sets out the text of such oath.

'(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.)
I, ____________, do swear solemnly that l am a Muslim and believe in the Unity and Oneness of Almighty Allah, the Books of Allah, the Holy Quran being the last of them, the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last of the Prophets and that there can be no Prophet after him, the Day of Judgment, and all the requirements and teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.... '​

Basically, a non Muslim has to declare himself to be a Muslim to hold such office. This is akin to a Muslim in India taking an oath on Gita, for example, and declaring him/herself to be a Hindu.

I leave it to the readers to draw conclusion from the above.
That's how it is. It's wrong. Agay?
Here is my conclusion.

Its an unwritten law of the land that most nations follow. Thats why u wont find any non christian in the highest position in any of the Europe or US governments.

When 96% of Pakistanis are Muslims , its quite natural that the highest post will be reserved for a person from that religious community.

What is your say of India having as much of Muslims ( in fact 14% compared to 2-3 % Hindus in Pakistan) here and out of 14 prime minister (highest political position in India) does nt have a single Muslim in it.

Please dont counter with muslim presidents and all. we all know we see them on tv on repulblic day only.

That's not true. If there is a true patriot of Pakistan that is honest, competent and hardworking I would want him to become President/PM of Pakistan over someone like Zardari!

The law is wrong and implemented by short-sighted archaic minded people.
Here is my conclusion.

Its an unwritten law of the land that most nations follow. Thats why u wont find any non christian in the highest position in any of the Europe or US governments.

When 96% of Pakistanis are Muslims , its quite natural that the highest post will be reserved for a person from that religious community.

What is your say of India having as much of Muslims ( in fact 14% compared to 2-3 % Hindus in Pakistan) here and out of 14 prime minister (highest political position in India) does nt have a single Muslim in it.

Please dont counter with muslim presidents and all. we all know we see them on tv on repulblic day only.

So correct my friend, however one difference is that where other countries hide this rule for the sake of a better image but stick by it as an unwritten yet well known rule, we in Pakistan actually write it in the book of law to appease a minority.

But I would love to see a minority leader leading Pakistan because most of the Muslims one's we have had have been disappointing.
We need to do a lot more hard work to make sure the minorities get freedom.Plus the mentality of average Pakistani has to change.
My fellow Pakistanis need to understand that perfect harmony is not freedom of religion, they should have the right to piss off people as well :P. There should be no mention of religious teachings within the constitution. It should be one law for all.
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