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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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what ? you don't know me ! i am brahmin who eats chicken everyday . i go to temple once a year on my birthday, that too because my parents insist me to go and i don't want to hurt their feelings (they are religious) . if i have kids in future , i will make sure they are not infected with the idea of some imaginary being up in the sky atleast from my side . don't take my hatred for indian muslims as me being a religious person . my hatred is for their hypocrisy , the very same hypocrisy which many pakistani posters have shown in this thread . their hidden communal nature behind the garb of secularism . I love my country and cannot stand their double standards . this is for the hypocrite muslims of india

Discuss your Muslim problem with a fellow Indian Muslim.

Google " will blaming a minority for economic and all social problem a true form of revolution or just 1933 explained to an Indian"
Discuss your Muslim problem with a fellow Indian Muslim.

Google " will blaming a minority for economic and all social problem a true form of revolution or just 1933 explained to an Indian"
?? the muslims here like in most places claim , they are secular , but they aren't , they consider their religion above india and that is what i hate . it has nothing to do with economy . the muslim area near my house burst crackers when pakistan won the champions trophy final . things like this boils my blood
I don't know who you are talking about, I at least don't attack other beliefs but also hate those who try to convince me that how their belief is the only right path or something.

Crime is legally identified not religiously.

Anywhere in the world.

Pakistan at the top.

How hard is it to ignore or simply play along for small talk? Do you hand out wishlist of ice breakers?

Dude the world is full of thoughts and information. Just because some are in fashion now should not make you intolerant

?? the muslims here like in most places claim , they are secular , but they aren't , they consider their religion above india and that is what i hate . it has nothing to do with economy . the muslim area near my house burst crackers when pakistan won the champions trophy final . things like this boils my blood

How is sports and religion and state politics all make an appearance in your post?

Are you confusing your right to live under Hindu democracy with patriotism?
Crime is legally identified not religiously.

Anywhere in the world.

Pakistan at the top.

How hard is it to ignore or simply play along for small talk? Do you hand out wishlist of ice breakers?

Dude the world is full of thoughts and information. Just because some are in fashion now should not make you intolerant
I m not intolerant. I have nothing against religions. As I mentioned, religious people should be tolerant towards those who don't share the same ideas with them. It's all about personal perception. Let's keep ours and respect others.
I m not intolerant. I have nothing against religions. As I mentioned, religious people should be tolerant towards those who don't share the same ideas with them. It's all about personal perception. Let's keep ours and respect others.

Next time simply leave in the middle of the conversation. They will learn quickly their limits in engaging you.
This suggestion is good, otherwise they will have endless conflicts with all other non Muslim countries in the world.
Agree 100%. They had to adapt and even redefine their view of Islam in other to achieve this reformation and integration. Since if all of them go by the religion and follow it word by word then it's impossible to achieve this integration or accepting the authority/laws of the country they live in(much less being nationalistic/putting the country first) .
This applies to other religions as well to a lesser extent, it's not always practical/realistic to follow everything word by word in their holy books.
So it's a tricky situation.

Makes more sense than Moses, Christ and Mo's birthplace. If anyone of these hustlers wanted to spread their true religion they should have born in India or China
Ahahahaha....... That made me laugh. :D

Wearing a Burqa is a women's decision. she does not wish to have guys look at her face and develop feelings for her. Let her do so
Epic. :enjoy:

I'm not because, for several reasons, I'm stuck here.

But believe me, the moment I can leave, I'm seeing myself out. I'll probably just go to Pakistan, or back to the Middle East
Hmmmm..... This one is strange. Why are you stuck here? As far as I know it's quite easy to buy a ticket from London to Islamabad/Lahore etc. You don't even need a visa since it's your home country and I'm sure getting a visa for Damascus doest require any magic or much effort.
So I don't see why you are stuck here. If you REALLY wanted you can travel anytime you wish. I'm sure you are not under 15, so you are free to travel alone and make your own decisions.
Agree 100%. They had to adapt and even redefine their view of Islam in other to achieve this reformation and integration. Since if all of them go by the religion and follow it word by word then it's impossible to achieve this integration or accepting the authority/laws of the country they live in(much less being nationalistic/putting the country first) .
This applies to other religions as well to a lesser extent, it's not always practical/realistic to follow everything word by word in their holy books.
So it's a tricky situation.

Ahahahaha....... That made me laugh. :D

Epic. :enjoy:

Hmmmm..... This one is strange. Why are you stuck here? As far as I know it's quite easy to buy a ticket from London to Islamabad/Lahore etc. You don't even need a visa since it's your home country and I'm sure getting a visa for Damascus doest require any magic or much effort.
So I don't see why you are stuck here. If you REALLY wanted you can travel anytime you wish. I'm sure you are not under 15, so you are free to travel alone and make your own decisions.
My family's here, I need to take care of them. I'm also studying here and since they invested in that, I should probably wait until my education is done.

exactly it's your "opinion" and not the truth . if your opinion is that your opinion is the truth , then others will refute and provide counter arguments

Nobody's been able to, I doubt you could do it either. Want to try? Go ahead and attempt to refute my earlier post which presents my reasons.
1. Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) and Eve's descendants got busy with monkeys.
Regardless, this isn't possible today, so why would it be possible back then?
How does this even work given the long line of descent from monkeys to apes, then to other humans, then to us? If we assume that is true, does that mean other Apes descended from monkeys also descended from Adam and Eve?

2. Monkeys evolved into humanoid creatures, but they were thick as bricks and the current humans alive today are descendants of Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) and Eve, who were created by Allah and did not evolve from monkeys. Hence why we are so smart as compared to other animals on the planet.
Then how do you explain similarities in DNA? The similarities in muscles and anatomy between humans and other primates? Similarities between prehistoric hominins like the Australopithecus? Or the very fact that other humans such as Homo Neanderthals, Homo Habilis, Homo Ergaster, all existed?
My family's here, I need to take care of them. I'm also studying here and since they invested in that, I should probably wait until my education is done.
Means your virtue/faith and religion is not strong enough for you to leave a Kafir immoral country like Britain for a muslim country/region which matches your religious beliefs, culture and way of life. You shouldn't put material things like wealth above your faith/religion NO?
Who says you can't move with your family in Pakistan, Syria, KSA, Iran and live there together? As a pious Muslim surely Islam and virtue should be your priority not the western education your parents invested in.
So it;s not too late, you can still travel back home anytime you wish, you are an adult and can make decisions yourself.
@dsr478 @

I think you should go to Xinjiang before you talked about so much.
For the naming issue, i have to say there are limitation of naming Children after a religious figure. No matter Chinese non-muslim or Chinese muslim. That is the law everyone should abide by.
As for the Quran, could you even think about its feasibility ?How to take away their Quran's? Send the policemen to search every corners of the muslim people's house door by door ? Plus delete any Quran electronic documents stored in the computers or cellphones ?
It seems that you tend to believe any news no matter how ridiculous it is about muslim being oppressed or abused and doubt anything negative about muslim people.

I think that law is opressive... certainly overly instrusive into the liberty of the individual.

I have a question, what is Pakistani view about communism? Are this ideology banned? In my country, Communism is banned.

If not, can a communist person preach his ideology freely in your country? Make a gathering, found a political party and enter the election in Pakistan?

And what's your personal view about communism? What if you son become a communist? Will you allow him? Can your daughter marry an Atheist? if it's me, I really don't care about them. But due to my country law that ban communism, I won't allow my son to become a Communist, although I don't care if my daughter will marry an Atheist or theist persons. So what about you?
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Means your virtue/faith and religion is not strong enough for you to leave a Kafir immoral country like Britain for a muslim country/region which matches your religious beliefs, culture and way of life. You shouldn't put material things like wealth above your faith/religion NO?
Who says you can't move with your family in Pakistan, Syria, KSA, Iran and live there together? As a pious Muslim surely Islam and virtue should be your priority not the western education your parents invested in.
So it;s not too late, you can still travel back home anytime you wish, you are an adult and can make decisions yourself.
My family won't come with me, so I'm stuck here to look after them.

Then how do you explain similarities in DNA? The similarities in muscles and anatomy between humans and other primates? Similarities between prehistoric hominins like the Australopithecus? Or the very fact that other humans such as Homo Neanderthals, Homo Habilis, Homo Ergaster, all existed?

We have genetic similarities with flies and bananas too you know.

Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) and Eve would be considered the first intelligent humans. Allah had to intervene and create people as smart as us. Not implausible since humans are unique, no animal shares our intelligence even remotely.

Other humanoids or less intelligent humans could have evolved from apes though.
Your family depend on you to live? They don't have any job to live on their own?

My mother is here, she needs me to look after her.

Father isn't here to do that, and everyone else is busy with their own lives.
A non Muslim man can't marry a Muslim women, men tend to dominate the family scene. This situation makes it quite possible the kids will end up as non Muslim, if the father wills it since he has the power in this situation.

However, a Muslim man can marry a non Muslim women, because he can ensure the kids will become Muslim. However, even in this case, the religion of the women must be similar to that of Islam, so only Jewish and Christian women can be married.

Your government are forcing people to accept their beliefs. You are banning people in Xinjiang from naming their kids Muhammad, and taking away their Quran's.

That's oppression and completely unjustified.
I remember I told you once that the name of Mehmet in Uygher is Muhammad. And Chinese goverment never take away Quran from Muslim. Don't spread fake news.

It's special design cloth of the ancient Arabian women to avoid fierce sunshine, longtime before they turned to Muslim.

My mother is here, she needs me to look after her.

Father isn't here to do that, and everyone else is busy with their own lives.
You are a good son. But I still don't think Islam is superior than any other religion.

I have a question, what is Pakistani view about communism? Are this ideology banned? In my country, Communism is banned.

If not, can a communist person preach his ideology freely in your country? Make a gathering, found a political party and enter the election in Pakistan?

And what's your personal view about communism? What if you son become a communist? Will you allow him? Can your daughter marry an Atheist? if it's me, I really don't care about them. But due to my country law that ban communism, I won't allow my son to become a Communist, although I don't care if my daughter will marry an Atheist or theist persons. So what about you?
You don't have to be a cummunist to be an Chinese citizen. I'm not a communist. It's upon on personal will, no one force you unless you want to go political.

Agree 100%. They had to adapt and even redefine their view of Islam in other to achieve this reformation and integration. Since if all of them go by the religion and follow it word by word then it's impossible to achieve this integration or accepting the authority/laws of the country they live in(much less being nationalistic/putting the country first) .
This applies to other religions as well to a lesser extent, it's not always practical/realistic to follow everything word by word in their holy books.
So it's a tricky situation.

Ahahahaha....... That made me laugh. :D

Epic. :enjoy:

Hmmmm..... This one is strange. Why are you stuck here? As far as I know it's quite easy to buy a ticket from London to Islamabad/Lahore etc. You don't even need a visa since it's your home country and I'm sure getting a visa for Damascus doest require any magic or much effort.
So I don't see why you are stuck here. If you REALLY wanted you can travel anytime you wish. I'm sure you are not under 15, so you are free to travel alone and make your own decisions.
Islam has the tendency to take the regime in the country they live if they are in numbers. Cause nearly all the secular laws are are against Islam doctrine. You don't expect to integrate Muslim, its mission impossible.

There is also good one with Islam:
1. Bitches will be stoned if she is having affairs
2. Can have four wifes
3.promiscuous behaviors are forbidden

If it doesn't need to change your sur name to be a Muslim, it will be more acceptable in China. Right now Christianity is more popular in China for three reasons:
1. I can marry any man or woman that I love
2. I don't need to dress Hijab if I were a woman
3. I don't have to change my sur name
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