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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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I never try to hide what I have in mind, I'm very straightforward.
We have genetic similarities with flies and bananas too you know.
True but compared to other primates, the similarities are far more stark. Outside of genetics, the morphology and anatomy is strikingly similar as well.

Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) and Eve would be considered the first intelligent humans. Allah had to intervene and create people as smart as us. Not implausible since humans are unique, no animal shares our intelligence even remotely.

Other humanoids or less intelligent humans could have evolved from apes though.
Recent studies indicated that Neanderthals were pretty close to intelligence of modern humans though.
@dsr478 which post are you talking about , can you plz quote me with that post . Btw we all evolved from a single celled organism . so every organism weather in land or sea is related to each other .
Some of your people clearly do.

Tell that to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Not exactly, Islam is the fastest growing religion across the planet, especially Salafi Islam.

You've never been to the Gulf have you?
You mean "Islam is the most hated religion because of salafi Islam"?
I dislike Islam frankly, no need hide me real attitude.

The religion has huge problem, the bigger problem is that Muslim don't know it, can't accept it and can't change these. Had been kicked out of WeChat Group set by a foreign Muslim, just because I talk about problem in Islam. And I read some Quran, know horrible ordinance of Quran, and be told that the Quran can't be changed by their god, I know Quran is soul of Islam and Muslim, all these decide what Muslim will do and think.

These is saying: Islam is walking regime, the more Muslim stick to Quran, the More radical they will be.

As a Chinese Muslim, if them more care about his Muslim identity than a Chinese Identity, I don't see he as Chinese, same to Muslim group, In fact, in China, these group exist.

As a Country, why we can live in a country peacefully, because we have a common social identity, but not isolated, first we are Chinese, prior to religion, that's it. If see muslim or other religion identity first ahead ot national identity, war must break out in furture, unless one has to compromise: Chinese or Muslim in China.

Why Muslim be disliked by others, do you introspect? western propaganda is one reason, but not root. Between USA and Islam, I had liked Islam more, but now, not, as least USA lead the world in technology and culture, they do many positive activity to the world, push the human forward, but what about Muslim?(More is that, I read the Quran, don't tell me let Imam explain, let them **** off, most of them are shit, need these parasite teach me how to think and read?) you just want change the world, but whether you think to change yourself first? but not always complainting.

Radical Muslim make big trouble to them world, so what about moderate Muslim do? not just don't support, speak loudly, oppose them, change the improper ordinance of Quran, dare you? if you can't, you are protecting the radical Muslim because of political correctness to Moderate Muslim from Non Muslim.

In China, Hui wasting too much money in Mosque and want get more benefit and power in Government, these low value group should be hit and changed, we don't need Foreign Muslim here teach me how to do, we Chinese are not stupid, can understand Quran, Ethnic Han has desert outdated tradition but keep good ones, so we walk forward. In China, Muslim must be Chinese in orientation, no compromise, if don't want leave out or be root out, for chinese, the compromise will bring huge disaster to descendant in the long term, no matter riot in short term.

By the way, Faith is not equal with religious Faith, Religion also have good and evil religion, Chinese Faith you kind really can understand?
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I dislike Islam frankly, no need hide me real attitude.

The religion has huge problem, the bigger problem is that Muslim don't know it, can't accept it and can't change these. Had been kicked out of WeChat Group set by a foreign Muslim, just because I talk about problem in Islam. And I read some Quran, know horrible ordinance of Quran, and be told that the Quran can't be changed by their god, I know Quran is soul of Islam and Muslim, all these decide what Muslim will do and think.

These is saying: Islam is walking regime, the more Muslim stick to Quran, the More radical they will be.

As a Chinese Muslim, if them more care about his Muslim identity than a Chinese Identity, I don't see he as Chinese, same to Muslim group, In fact, in China, these group exist.

As a Country, why we can live in a country peacefully, because we have a common social identity, but not isolated, first we are Chinese, prior to religion, that's it. If see muslim or other religion identity first ahead ot national identity, war must break out in furture, unless one has to compromise: Chinese or Muslim in China.

Why Muslim be disliked by others, do you introspect? western propaganda is one reason, but not root. Between USA and Islam, I had liked Islam more, but now, not, as least USA lead the world in technology and culture, they do many positive activity to the world, push the human forward, but what about Muslim?(More is that, I read the Quran, don't tell me let Imam explain, let them **** off, most of them are shit, need these parasite teach me how to think and read?) you just want change the world, but whether you think to change yourself first? but not always complainting.

Radical Muslim make big trouble to them world, so what about moderate Muslim do? not just don't support, speak loudly, oppose them, change the improper ordinance of Quran, dare you? if you can't, you are protecting the radical Muslim because of political correctness to Moderate Muslim from Non Muslim.

In China, Hui wasting too much money in Mosque and want get more benefit and power in Government, these low value group should be hit and changed, we don't need Foreign Muslim here teach me how to do, we Chinese are not stupid, can understand Quran, Ethnic Han has desert outdated tradition but keep good ones, so we walk forward. In China, Muslim must be Chinese in orientation, no compromise, if don't want leave out or be root out, for chinese, the compromise will bring huge disaster to descendant in the long term, no matter riot in short term.

By the way, Faith is not equal with religious Faith, Religion also have good and evil religion, Chinese Faith you kind really can understand?

Well, good for you :D
At least you waking up :D

Indeed Han has dropped outdated traditions and keep the good one, that’s how we move forward!
Religion is outdated in this time. It can’t no longer to unify people.
After all, we all is human and part of this planet ecosystem.
The world in different era now. We should go science and tech to build more advanced civilization for better mankind and China should lead this world :china:
Why Muslim be disliked by others, do you introspect? western propaganda is one reason, but not root. Between USA and Islam, I had liked Islam more, but now, not, as least USA lead the world in technology and culture, they do many positive activity to the world, push the human forward, but what about Muslim?(More is that, I read the Quran, don't tell me let Imam explain, let them **** off, most of them are shit, need these parasite teach me how to think and read?) you just want change the world, but whether you think to change yourself first? but not always complainting.

lol, don't worry - you have only recently become best buddies with the white man. You'll learn. Other Chinese who know their own history and the history of the WASP already know. There is nobody more ruthless, more efficient, more ambitious and more unforgiving in their pursuit of domination than the WASP.
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Well, good for you :D
At least you waking up :D

Indeed Han has dropped outdated traditions and keep the good one, that’s how we move forward!
Religion is outdated in this time. It can’t no longer to unify people.
After all, we all is human and part of this planet ecosystem.
The world in different era now. We should go science and tech to build more advanced civilization for better mankind and China should lead this world :china:
Every religion has its value of existence, let's not bring it too far.

But the Islam doctrine is somehow against traditional Chinese culture. It's a big sin for Chinese Han to discard your forefather's sur name.
Regardless, this isn't possible today, so why would it be possible back then?
How does this even work given the long line of descent from monkeys to apes, then to other humans, then to us? If we assume that is true, does that mean other Apes descended from monkeys also descended from Adam and Eve?

Then how do you explain similarities in DNA? The similarities in muscles and anatomy between humans and other primates? Similarities between prehistoric hominins like the Australopithecus? Or the very fact that other humans such as Homo Neanderthals, Homo Habilis, Homo Ergaster, all existed?

The post that you are quoting actually says a lot... It may not enlighten anyone about origin of humans, but nevertheless, says a lot of other things... It is for able minds to infer the meanings...
lol, don't worry - you have only recently become best buddies with the white man. You'll learn. Other Chinese who know their own history and the history of the WASP already know. There is nobody more ruthless, more efficient, more ambitious and more unforgiving in their pursuit of domination than the WASP.
Yes, I will learn, what about islam world? can them change theirself and drop some outdated tradition, erase outdated and improper doctrine of Quran?

I had not been a man who is against Islam, even there are huge western propaganda, but after reading Quran, I can't feel any respect from it, as a Non Muslim, more than that, the 1400 year's old book can't be changed, very ridiculous, and need poor educated Imam to interpreted.

We Chinese always introspect and changing ourself to make ourself be better, what about Muslim? I can be friend with anyone, if they respect me. Even with Muslim, we can sit together, I eating pork, they eat halal food, but don't talk bad word on pork, don't see us as Kafirs under the table and let me know, don't intervene in my family, even maybe my wife is muslim.
Yes, I will learn, what about islam world? can them change theirself and drop some outdated tradition, erase outdated and improper doctrine of Quran?

I had not been a man who is against Islam, even there are huge western propaganda, but after reading Quran, I can't feel any respect from it, as a Non Muslim, more than that, the 1400 year's old book can't be changed, very ridiculous, and need poor educated Imam to interpreted.

We Chinese always introspect and changing ourself to make ourself be better, what about Muslim? I can be friend with anyone, if they respect me. Even with Muslim, we can sit together, I eating pork, they eat halal food, but don't talk bad word on pork, don't see us as Kafirs under the table and let me know, don't intervene in my family, even maybe my wife is muslim.
The very purpose of the religion is to spread and control. We Chinese Han shall stick to our own profound culture and value that our ancestors found out through the thousands years of history.

For me, place religious belief beyond national identification is totally unacceptable.
Yes, I will learn, what about islam world? can them change theirself and drop some outdated tradition, erase outdated and improper doctrine of Quran?

I had not been a man who is against Islam, even there are huge western propaganda, but after reading Quran, I can't feel any respect from it, as a Non Muslim, more than that, the 1400 year's old book can't be changed, very ridiculous, and need poor educated Imam to interpreted.

We Chinese always introspect and changing ourself to make ourself be better, what about Muslim? I can be friend with anyone, if they respect me. Even with Muslim, we can sit together, I eating pork, they eat halal food, but don't talk bad word on pork, don't see us as Kafirs under the table and let me know, don't intervene in my family, even maybe my wife is muslim.

You are welcome to your opinion.

Kafir - this term is someone who is non-muslim, not a term for an enemy.


The term “kafir” refers to someone who is not Muslim—someone who does not believe in the guidance the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came with.

There are different types of non-Muslims:

(1) Those who merely do not believe;
(2) Those who reject belief;
(3) Those who dislike belief and believers;
(4) Those who actively oppose and fight belief and believers.

The verses about enmity to disbelievers refer to this last category.

As Muslims we are not supposed to call people kafir because it is a term that creates a notion of "us and them".
The very purpose of the religion is to spread and control. We Chinese Han shall stick to our own profound culture and value that our ancestors found out through the thousands years of history.

For me, place religious belief beyond national identification is totally unacceptable.

one's nation is above 1's religion

No nation = no home, hence '国+家'(nation home)

Unless u can rely on 'god' to give u a home.
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