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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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Yes it is. It's an unjustified, narrow minded view that you're exerting upon others because you don't like the way Burqas look.

No Its because of public decency . I would not want to see someone rolling naked more than someone rolling as ninja.
It probably has nothing to do with Islam. I am sure human beings wore clothes long before the birth of Islam and I am also sure Islam approves wearing clothes and even rewards wearing clothes (maybe in a way to punish those who run around naked). I think it is unwise to glorify everything Prophet did. He also performed every basic human functionalities, too, such as bowel movement, and probably performed very well. But let's not venture into divinification of such basics.

Salafis don't glorify everything about him, we are more reasonable and view him as a human being, with flaws like any other human being. We just view him as being superior to the rest of us since God chose him to preach the message, but that's it. He's only perfect in terms of religious knowledge. He can make mistakes in other things. Only Sufis and others like them view him as some magical being who is made of light.

No Its because of public decency . I would not want to see someone rolling naked more than someone rolling as ninja.

Wearing a Burqa is a women's decision. It's not indecent as she is covering up, she does not wish to have guys look at her face and develop feelings for her. Let her do so, or are you really so narrow minded that you demand the right to see her face?

What's next, will you ban the Hijab since you demand the right to see a women's hair?
Do you really think Muslims in the war torn middle east and South Asia live a better life than Muslims in China? China takes care of her Muslim populations pretty well. They actually enjoy more benefits than the majority of the Chinese population. If you guys like to find the Muslims who really suffer, turn your eyes to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.... the Muslims who suffer the most are those in Muslim countries who live with constant fighting, bombing ,starvation and epidemic diseases, homeless refugees get drowned in the sea and herded like animals into the camps. In China , we take care of every citizen's well being regardless of their ethnic or religious background.
Salafis don't glorify everything about him, we are more reasonable and view him as a human being, with flaws like any other human being. We just view him as being superior to the rest of us since God chose him to preach the message, but that's it. He's only perfect in terms of religious knowledge. He can make mistakes in other things. Only Sufis and others like them view him as some magical being who is made of light.
Yes, in that light, we may suspect that his wives wore burqas for a practical purpose at that time and for a good reason, which may not be practical or reasonable anymore now. Things change. In another word, the decision of wearing burqa then may be human, instead of being religious.
they can avoid public places. I am only OK with banning it in public places, not in private places.

So you'd rather these people never left the house?

That's pretty odd.
Wearing a Burqa is a women's decision. It's not indecent as she is covering up, she does not wish to have guys look at her face and develop feelings for her. Let her do so, or are you really so narrow minded that you demand the right to see her face?

What's next, will you ban the Hijab since you demand the right to see a women's hair?
If it is your solid reason why some laws about how people should wear or dress.
No offense, i am not able to accept such solidity.
Yes, in that light, we may suspect that his wives wore burqas for a practical purpose at that time and for a good reason, which may not be practical or reasonable anymore now. Things change. In another word, the decision of wearing burqa then may be human, instead of being religious.

The reason for wearing Burqas was so other men didn't look at their faces and develop feelings for them. That reason hasn't been nullified today.

An example of a clothing rule that no longer applies is wearing trousers above your ankles. Back in the day, trousers going below your ankles was a sign of pride and showing off, so Islam banned it. Since it no longer has that connotation, many view it as permissible in modern times.

Moving Naked is her decision as well. It does not change the fact.

Thats different, that's an actual example of indecency.
The reason for wearing Burqas was so other men didn't look at their faces and develop feelings for them.

There are more holes in this argument than swiss cheese. They can choose to stay at home or die as well to ensure "other men didn't look at their faces and develop feelings for them." . What an absolute sick and primitive thing to say , much less believe.
So you'd rather these people never left the house?

That's pretty odd.
no, they are also ok in their backyard, their own farm, etc. Again, if they don't want to socialize with other people, they should avoid running into them, shouldn't they?
Do you really think Muslims in the war torn middle east and South Asia live a better life than Muslims in China? China takes care of her Muslim populations pretty well. They actually enjoy more benefits than the majority of the Chinese population. If you guys like to find the Muslims who really suffer, turn your eyes to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.... the Muslims who suffer the most are those in Muslim countries who live with constant fighting, bombing ,starvation and epidemic diseases, homeless refugees get drowned in the sea and herded like animals into the camps. In China , we take care of every citizen's well being regardless of their ethnic or religious background.

There are many countries which are better for Muslims than China.

Chinese Muslims are the only type of Muslims who would prefer to live in China, even then, a lot of them would probably want to leave given the current situation.

no, they are also ok in their backyard, their own farm, etc. Again, if they don't want to socialize with other people, they should avoid running into them, shouldn't they?

They still need to go outside to do things, like buy groceries.
Its not you DO NOT get to decide.

What happened to democracy?

Most of them are Non Muslim countries.

Please, I can name many Muslim countries, in fact, I'll do it right now:

Albania, Bosnia, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Malaysia, etc.

I can name more if you wish.
The reason for wearing Burqas was so other men didn't look at their faces and develop feelings for them. That reason hasn't been nullified today.
That is usually applied to nuns. I think Christian nuns use the same practice, too. Even Buddhists use similar approach to protect men practitioners. But using that on a family woman is an overkill now. And it is probably the time for men to take more responsibility in maintaining their own chastity. It is absurd to scorn of a woman who shows her face because some men may imagine her naked body just by seeing that. It is probably the men who should be scorned with such dirty thoughts.
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